“Chapter 265: Distinction Between Right Or Wrong 6”

Shiori and me. Facing each other.

I never thought I’d be standing here.

Even in another world, it’s always my classmates chasing me down to torture me.

But those ties will end today.

I will make sure of it.

– I know what you’re trying to do. You’re aiming for my heart, right? (Shiori)

– If you can do that with my powers, it means I can do it too. Instead, I will delete your abilities.

– What a coincidence. I was just thinking the exact same thing.

One of us will delete the other’s abilities first.

To do so, I need my fingertips to reach her body where it’s closest to the heart. Either her chest or her back.

However, the same could be said for her.

Whoever touches the other one first wins.

– I need you guys to make a path for me.

– I will help to the best I can. She won’t lay a finger on you. (Selfia)

– Count us in. (Epitro/Arueetel)

It would’ve been reassuring to have Ralph here, but I can trust in the thundercloud crew and Letty.

I put my hands on my chest.

It’s beating steadily.

I’m calm. We can do this.

I have mountains of work to do at Searat.

– …Nagami-kun, I don’t like that face… Let me fix it for you.

Ignoring Shiori’s words, I ran forward.

Further, and further.

– Thank you for coming to me. (Shiori)

All kinds of magic circles were surrounding Shiori.

Fire from the volcano, water and ice from the sea, earth and wind from the forest, lightning from the clouds, and light and darkness.

A storm of countless attacks was coming my way.


Selfia’s desperation was tangible, but as experienced as she is, I’m sure she’s been through situations like this before.

However, their goal was to help me get to Shiori.

Meaning that Selfia didn’t care about her own safety



A red beam akin to a laser burnt the entirety of Selfia’s arm.

Thankfully, she avoided a lethal hit.


I’m 10 steps away from Shiori.

About 10 meters that feel eternal.

With each step, my friends get blasted with all sorts of explosions.

But they don’t falter.


Five steps left. Almost there.

– I can’t… I’m sorry…

– Arueetel!

– I know you can do it. Just like you saved Ravi and Septe.

Arueetel was blown away by Shiori’s tentacle arm.

– Succubus, take care of Arueetel please! We’ll do the rest. (Epitro)

– Understood.

Letty, who had also sustained a lot of damage helping us, retreated to the backline to help Arueetel.

Two of us left, and only 5 steps.

– Epitro, Ralph! (Selfia)

– Time for the play to start! (Epitro)

His powers must be similar to Roar’s. The person next to me was supposed to be Epitro, but it looked like the image of Ralph.

Still, Shiori’s tentacles proved to be too much for him.

I had 3 steps left, and Epitro’s sword broke.

– Only one left. (Shiori)

Selfia readied her bow with her only usable arm.

– Takaya, how is my sister doing?

– As always, busy bullying the guild’s president.

– I see. I should pay her a visit.

Using her mouth as a replacement for her arm, Selfia shot her very last arrow to intercept the tentacle coming my way.

Even at her limit, she tried to make a path for me.

– No more pests. (Shiori)

Two steps left.

– Ahh, finally, just the two of us. Welcome back, dear. Let’s live a happy life together.

One step left. Just a little more.


I stretched out my hand as far as I could.

In the corner of my eye I could see a tentacle about to reach me.

– You deserve some punishment. (Shiori)

But nothing touched me.


Two divine wolves with glistening silver fur jumped to my rescue.

Ignoring my astonishment, the two of them bit the tentacle.

Zero steps left.

My fingertips reached for Shiori’s chest.

– That’s a shame.

But just before I could touch her, a thin tentacle came out of her throat and wrapped around my neck.

– You two should be dead already. Not that it matters. I’m always one step ahead.

Shiori sent the wolves flying as if they were simple ants.

I was so close.

But Shiori caught me.

– Let’s get rid of that ability of yours first. We can pledge our love later.

She’s not putting enough strength on her grip to completely asphyxiate me. She just wants to see me suffer.

– D-Do you really… love me that much?

– Yes. And I’ll say it as many times as I have to. I love you. I can only think about you.

– I see…

I gave in.

With this, the battle was decided.

The winner was:

– I had to double-check if you actually loved me. You’ve been making weird faces all this time.

– Huh!? What’s going on!?

It was too late for Shiori. She just noticed the change in her body.

My smile was proof of our victory.

– Your tree is gone, Shiori-chan.

It was Roar who came out of Shiori’s shadow.

He restored my abilities once, and now he shattered the rest of Shiori’s.

– We win.

– Na…ga…mi…kun…

The winner was: Us.


Author’s note: This battle has taken a bit long, but it should be almost over now.

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