“Chapter 271: At the Basement of the Palace”

A few days later, with Ever almost recovered back to normal.

Ever, Akane, Mumuruu, the usual group and I went to check out the basement.

– …As you said. It’s almost empty.

Before she was reduced to her shield status, Ever had released a magical plant that feeds on human lifeforce to keep my classmates in a slumber.

– Long time no see.

– What are you doing here? (Takaya)

Out of my 30 classmates, only 2 remained here.

Harukawa Akito and Shunichi Suetsugu.

They both had lost a lot of weight, but they had enough energy to answer my questions.

– Lots of pretty girls. Lucky you, huh.

Akito has never looked less intimidating. There’s not an ounce of fighting spirit left in him.

– You probably want to know what happened. You won’t find your answer here. When we woke up, it was just the two of us. (Akito)

– I can’t imagine escaping would be a better idea. We’re surrounded by the Sage’s Forest, not a playground. (Takaya)

Should we leave them on their own to get eaten by the magical beasts in the forest? What should we do?

– Grandmaster.

– What is it?

– Can we release these two?

Akito and Shunichi couldn’t believe my words.

– Ha…Hahaha… Are you sure about that, Nagami? We’re not very fond of you. Who knows what we’d be capable of doing to get revenge? (Shunichi)

– If you have the need to say that then you likely don’t have the guts to do it. Besides, I won’t be setting you free.

With that, I handed them two metal shackles.

– You two will look in the forest for the others who escaped. The Grandmaster doesn’t feel like doing it, and I’m too busy.

– Are you sure about this? (Akito)

– Suetsugu’s birdbrain aside, I take it you remember the faces of everyone. It’s faster this way.

Instead of having them rotting here to death, I can use them for my own benefit.

– If you fail, or if you betray me, needles will pop out of those shackles.

– So are we your slaves?

– Yes.

– How blunt. You’ve changed, Nagami.

– I think so too.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to survive in this world.

– Feel free to use any of the rooms in this palace. They’re all cursed with ghosts, though. Whether you prefer that or this prison basement is up to you.

– …You heard him. What do we do? (Akito)

– “What do we do”? Do you see the people around him?

Glaring at me, Shunichi put the collar around his neck.

– I’m glad you understand your position, dogs. (Ever)

– Tch… Enjoy your words for now. (Shunichi)

– If you have the energy to threaten us, then get moving.

It must be humiliating for the guy who used to bully everyone to be treated as a dog.

Both Akito and Shunichi left the palace in search of the rest of my classmates.

With this, one of my worries has subsided.

Leaving the rest of the hassle to ever, we went back to Bay Road.

– And now we only have one more issue. Akane-san, do you think that kid will give up and go back home?

– My guess is no.

The problem arrived at Searat right after we finished repairing Ever.

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