“Chapter 279: New Partner”

We decided on building a branch store for Searat in Raksha’s village.

Raksha’s dad was reluctant, but he eventually agreed to work as partners, rather than competitors, thanks to Rudra’s smooth talk.

Feria was appointed as the manager of the store. She would eventually hand it over to Roar.

– Grandmaster Takaya, I’ve finished my work for the day. What is that?

Raksha leaned over and peeked over my shoulder to my desk.

A white sheet of paper was spread out along with several crumpled papers.

– I was trying to come up with some fascinating idea for a tool, but nothing comes to mind. I need a replacement for Silver.

– Why not a knife like Nebula? You’re used to knives.

– I am, but I’d rather have something a little more… Unique.

I tried my hand with Nebula when Raksha finished making it. It felt very light and easy to maneuver.

Honestly, I wanted to take it for myself.

But it’s Raksha’s property.

Maybe I should just copy my disciple…

How unique can I make my tool? And can I make it the most powerful X ever?

I might have a lot of experience in this world, but I’m only 17. Sometimes my childish side comes out.

– This is something important. It’s fine to take your time.

– Well, I’m not exactly in a rush. Training you comes first. But who knows when I’ll need a new partner.

If the usual pattern is repeated, I’ve spent quite some time without any big troubles. Which means that at any moment now I’ll be involved in an event of catastrophic proportions.

I would like to have a new tool by then.

– Hey, little Grandmaster, and little girl.

Oh no, he’s here.

– What are you doing here?

– Come on, don’t make that face. It’s not a big deal. I’ve had my fix of problems.

Kouya was dressed in his most casual clothes. Usually he looked like a formal vampire, but now he looked like he had just woken up.

– Grandmaster, who might this be?

– Right! It’s the first time we meet. My name is Kouya. Takaya and I come from the same town. By the way… I’m a vampire! Mwahaha!

– Woaah… Don’t take this the wrong way, but after spending some time with the Grandmaster I’ve gotten used to eccentric people being around him, so I’m not actually surprised.

– So she says. What did you want?

– It’s been a while since I did one of these. Just wanted to show you.

Kouya took out one of his comics.

As always, it had a certain adult orientation.

His drawings have become much better too.

– What can I say? I like harems.

– …Yet you’re devoted to Tilchina.

– Reality is reality, my delusions are my delusions. So, what do you think?

– Good, I guess.

– Oh, man. I think it’s time I start publishing and selling these. I might make my dream come true in another world.

– You wanted to become a mangaka?

– Don’t forget I used to be a high school student once. I used to have dreams and aspirations.

That’s true. And now he’s almost immortal.

– So, what were you up to?

I explained the situation to Kouya, who offered me any of the weapons from the warehouse, but I politely refused.

– If it’s as a tool you could use anything. Don’t sweat over it too much.

– Yeah, I guess. Thanks for listening, though.

– That’s what friends are for. To exchange favors!

– I knew it.

– You see, my little friend got pretty beat up during the fight with the Sage of Light. I was thinking MAYBE you could fix it.

It seems that 7th Cycle’s time between transformations has slowed down by several seconds in between.

– Do you have some sort of blueprint for it?

– None, haha. I have no clue who made it.

– There’s some residue stuck in it…

– Probably some trash left from Ernika’s battle. Can you remove it?

– I don’t know… I’d have to dismantle it, which doesn’t seem possible right now.

This isn’t a simple kitchen knife, it’s one of the most powerful weapons in Kouya’s warehouse.

I would need the proper tools and materials.

– This thing really is amazing.

It doesn’t matter how much I see it, a weapon that transforms into other weapons is simply astonishing.


– I think I’ve found a solution to my worries.

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