“Chapter 283: Deep in the Bottom”

Even though we’re protected by Ralph’s magic, I still held my breath out of habit.

According to my estimates, the Unbreakable should be 1000 meters deep.

The only way to get that deep is with magic, and who better than Ralph?

– How are we doing?

– Clear so far. Not that many magical beasts around here anyways, only sharks, but they’re too scared of me. Do you want to swim with them?

– I’ll pass on that. Let’s keep going.

The deeper we went, the darker and more dangerous it got.

If the kraken is something to go from, there must be other dangerous beasts around.

– Takaya, lower your head.

– Did you see something?

– Nothing big. But this is a needlefish. They’re not from here.

Why is a needlefish in the waters near Bay Road?

Something must be happening in the ecosystem.

– What do you want to do? We can go back just to be safe. (Takaya)

– No, I’d rather get this over with as soon as possible. Besides, you’ve already paid me.

Ralph stared into the unknown depths.

– If there’s a monster down there, it’s my calling to obliterate it!

The blood of a true adventurer

If he wants to keep going, I have no choice but to trust him.

– I’m all warmed up. Hang on tight, we’re picking up the speed.

– Alrigh-WOAH!?


With a sense of anxiety lingering in me, we were about to reach the 1000 meters mark.

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