“Chapter 291: Defensive Battle”

The barrier was cracking. In several places. It could break at any moment.

– Ralph, how many dark jerks?

– A lot.

– I can tell.

Not just dark jerks. I’ve never seen so many magical beasts waiting for the barrier to break.

– What about the isle whale? I can still hear it.

– From what I can tell, it’s still quite far away.

I know I have a tendency to be the center of problems in this world, but this is too much of a coincidence. How come a magical beast that appears every hundreds or thousands of years awoke from its slumber and is coming towards us?

Things are happening at the worst times possible. As if someone is orchestrating it.

Am I being watched?

– I’ll go lower their numbers as much as I can. You get some potions ready.

– Got it. Take this. It’s the leftover ink. It’s not much but you never know when it’ll come in handy.

– It’s more than enough.

I’ll take cover in Diine’s guest room. It’s further reinforced in case the barrier gives in.


– I’ll be back in a second. (Ralph)

– Okay. Don’t die.

– No way those dark idiots kill me. Besides, the isle whale owes me a chit-chat.

A nameless sword made from various rare ores, Ralph took out his sword and jumped into action.

The ink mixed with the blood of the beasts. Every enemy in the vicinity rushed towards Ralph.

– I should get going too.

I’d be lying if I said I’m not worried, but I gotta leave it to him.

I made my way to the guest room to do the only thing I can do now. Make more potions for Ralph.

He said he had plenty of time to spare, but I’d like to get this done as soon as possible.

Also, what do I do with the plastic?

It’s deteriorating. I don’t know if I can use it as material.

– …It’s gotten quiet all of a sudden.

The lightning bolts had decreased considerably. I take it Ralph is doing good.

“A… A…”

– Hm?

I heard a voice echoing somewhere below the floor.

– !?

My first instinct was to run away.

Not because I was scared, but to inform Ralph.

These vibrations are coming from below the temple.

And it wasn’t an earthquake caused by undersea volcanic activity.



My cries were easily drowned out by the giant whale that should’ve been far away.

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