“Chapter 306: Residues”

After that, I continued fishing for more explosive stones until our food bait ran out.

It would’ve been faster to just go get them by hand, but that wasn’t an option with the number of dark jerks around.

– This is what we got today. 5 stones, different sizes. (Takaya)

– That was a bit cruel, having them eat their own flesh.

– It’s called payback.

We decided to return to the base to organize our materials.

It feels like the smell in here gets worse with each day. And now we had to deal with the stones, which smelled like a mixture of gasoline and a construction site smell.

I asked Mira to try out one of the stones. The explosions were just as violent as the other ones.

– It looks like they’re a mixture of digested…things. Rocks, metals, microorganisms in the soil, and other things.

I decided to name it “Whale Gunpowder”. To the beast, it’s just excrement, but for us, it’s our ticket out of here.

– What’s your plan?

– I’m still unsure about the details, but my idea is to escape through the third stomach. Obviously, it’s too dangerous right now.

– Right. We’d get wiped immediately.

– Which is why we need to decimate their numbers. To zero, if possible, but I doubt we’ll be able to.

– And how will we do that?

– We’re going to force the whale to expel the dark jerks from the third stomach so that we can go through.

Of course, the dark jerks can come back, so we need to be ready for a one-way trip.

– And for that, we’ll need this whale gunpowder.

– But you said we didn’t have enough yet.

– Correct. We’ll need way more to create a huge explosion that can make the whale believe it’s being attacked.

It might take us one, or even two months to gather this much gunpowder, but it’s the only way I can think of. We need to go big on this.

– I need your help with this. Please.

Especially without Mira’s ability, igniting the stones will be near impossible.

– Please give me another chance to see Ralph. (Takaya)

– Come on, don’t say it like that… (Deko)

– I guess we have to. (Mira)

– Are you sure about this? (Deko)

– I don’t care. It was my decision to choose you over Ralph ten years ago. I want to fix things. (Mira)

– Thank you. (Takaya)

– Save your gratitude for when we get out. I want to meet Ralph too. (Deko)

I’m determined to blow up the insides of this whale in order to escape.

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