Another world is full of happiness.

45 Stories Different Worlds Dessert - Ice Cream Is Justice Isn't It -

Natasha also resumed the dinner party about her seat. Elena seemed to enjoy the series of disturbances between Marco and Natasha, Euhan had a lucid look just that she had been able to do her usual revenge, and Karenarien had a three-way look on her troubled face at the disturbances in front of Elena but was happy.

- Still, Mr. Natasha's not mad anymore, is she? Sounds like the usual, and you don't have to worry because the victim is Marco.

Since he was able to confirm that Natasha was not angry, he focused on his meal and looked forward to his last dessert.

"So that concludes the dinner party. Also, let me tell you about your martial arts tradition. Thank you for today."

"What! Over? What about dessert?"

When I heard Elena's end greeting, the servants began to clean up, but turned Elena in unison with a bewildered look at the words that could also be taken as the screams of Jiji.

"Um, Master Lyoge. What have you done? Something wrong at today's dinner party?

"Yes, no. I'm not dissatisfied, Princess Elena. There's no dessert. It depends on what I think."

"" After ”? I've never heard of anything like that, but in Lord Lyoge's Nihon country, does something“ naughty ”come out at the end of the meal? If you tell me what it is, I'll get it ready."

Answering Elena's query, Jiji enthusiastically shared with Elena information about dessert as far as she knew.

"I see you can eat sweets after meals in Lord Lyoge's country. Nevertheless, it's a treat that I've never seen or heard of, such as" Keiki ”or“ Ashikurium ”. You call them" afterwards. ”Can Master Lyoge make" after ”? I'd like to try it once, but can you make it?

"If Mr. Lyoge can explain what kind of treat" is, you can make it, right?

I'm interested in "Me too.” First of all, I'd like to try what you call a cold treat, Lyoge, the "asaikurium” of a cold treat. Hey, Marco. "

Marco was also nodding when he heard Jiji mutter when he saw a chorus of "I want to eat" happening with momentum from the women. "Sweet lovers are common all over the world," he said.

"Oh, you're so feminine."

"Right. Because of this, I have a chef for Uncle Euhan, so get help! Dear George, may I have it made?

"Okay. If that's what they say, I'll make ice cream with the head chef."

With the cheers of the women on their backs, Jiji headed to the kitchen.


"Hey! Kid there! You're the one Uncle Euhan told me about."

When he heard a message from Uncle Euhan from his servant, the chef looked harsh and glanced at him.

"Oh, it's George I'm here to make dessert after dinner."

"Don't be ridiculous! What can a kid like you do? Go home now!"

Looking at the angry head chef, Karenarien came into the kitchen and started asking the chef for a favor.

"Hey, Chef. Please, would you lend Mr. Lyoge the kitchen?

"No matter how much Karenarien begs you! This is my battlefield. I can't lend it to someone I don't know why."

"Um, Mr. Chef. Well, then, I'll cook something, so judge me by that. If you can't, I'll have all the money you spent on cooking today."

To the chef who continued to refuse, just as Karenarien was in a good state, the suggestion from Jiji was accepted with surprise not only by the Karenarien, the service and the culinary staff around him, but also by the chef, who looked at Jiji with an evil smile and told him that he would accept the suggestion.

"Okay, if you want to say that much, I'll give it a try. I'm going to eat what you call" asaikurium ”. But don't use any of the staff here. It's pathetic, so I'll lend you cookware and ingredients."

"Thank you. I don't need the cooking staff. Then give me milk, raw cream, eggs and honey."

"" Nah, man. "What is that? It's not like that."

When I saw the chef's face, I made sure he wasn't lying. "I have milk, but I don't have any raw cream. If it feels like this, there is no butter," she said, and when she received the ingredients other than the raw cream, she turned to the cooking table. Xuji decided to give up ice cream with raw cream and switch to simple ice cream that could be done with eggs and milk.

"Mix the yolks and honey, stir while adding the warmed milk, and when thickened, add the meringue-shaped egg whites and stir further. Later we'll chill this with weak [ice] attribute magic, if we stir it even more! Done!"

"Mr. Lyoge. What is this," Aoikurium ”?

The chef and Karenarien stared with amazement at the milk that gradually solidified, and heard the voice of the completion of the two fearful "Is it complete?" When he snorted at Karenarien, he handed him a spoon from the ball.

"Be careful because it's cold"

I was listening to his advice, but when Karenarien put ice cream in her mouth, she screamed "I have to" for too much cold. Seeing as if he apologized for the screaming, his gaze was nailed to the chef. Karenarien was also eating ice cream in tears when she saw the chef to be caught.

"Ri, chef?

"Karenarien. I've been a cook for 30 years, but I've never seen or heard of such delicious food. I wonder what I've been up to?

Seeing the chief chef in tears with emotion, he posed as a gut when he was sure of the victory.

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