Another World Sandbox Gamer

Chapter 89: solve a case

He successfully persuaded Prince Snyder to return to the hotel Rennes to get a room on the first floor, dig up the floor late at night, and continue to develop his own "underground labyrinth".

The labyrinth extends in all directions, and it is necessary to complete the road connecting all the important points of Storm City.

Ren is used to working all night and enjoys the process.

I keep digging out paths in different directions like spider webs in the ground, and every time I complete one, I feel extremely satisfied.

Around 2:00 in the morning, I dug all the way to the location of the vine herbal shop in the city.

A new block fell, and a clay pot appeared in front of it.

There is still considerable space behind the clay pot, and there seems to be something else.

Out of curiosity, Ren took out the pot carefully, feeling very heavy.

When I took out the clay pot, I realized that there was a rectangular wooden box behind it.

He thinks it's very strange. It's okay to bury the clay pot. Why bury such a big box in the ground?

This box is more than enough for an adult. What's in it?

Driven by curiosity, he first opened the clay pot and saw the golden light inside through the light of the torch, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Good guy!

The jar is full of gold and silver jewelry and various valuables!

Counting it, not counting the precious jewelry above, there are 180 gold coins and 70 silver coins at the bottom alone!

If you sell those precious jewelry, you will have at least 100 gold coins!

In other words, this jar contains nearly 300 gold coins, which is too scary!

The current location should be the backyard of the vine herbal shop, and the pottery pot should be buried by the owner of the herbal shop.

Is selling herbal medicine so profitable?

and many more! what is this? Ren found a gold ring in the jewelry, which seemed to be engraved with some kind of badge.

He picked it up and looked at it carefully, feeling a little familiar.

"Isn't this the Cervantes family crest?" No wonder it looks familiar, I've seen it on Monica's clothes before!

Why did the Cervantes family emblem appear here?

Does the owner of the herbal shop have a relationship with the Cervantes family?

With doubts, Ren turned to the wooden box, thinking that he wouldn't, right? It wouldn't be what I thought it was in there, would it?

Speaking of which, this area really has a rotten smell, although it is covered with a stronger herbal smell. I didn't pay much attention to it before, after all, under the smell of herbs, the smell of rot seems to be absent.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and carefully opened the wooden box.

The moment I opened it, I was so frightened that I quickly closed it.

Nima! It's really imaginary!

Inside the wooden box were many herbs with a pungent smell. Inside the herbs was a corpse that was half decomposed, and its original appearance could no longer be seen.

Not right! Very wrong!

Putting the corpse in a wooden box and burying it underground in the backyard of the herbal shop is wrong in the first place! It's even worse to have a jar with so much gold and silver jewelry buried next to it! Inside the jar is a gold ring with the Cervantes family crest, which is extremely wrong!

Did you accidentally solve a major case?

Ren's mind quickly turned, first put the wooden box back in place, stared at the jar for a while, put all the gold and silver jewelry inside into the virtual backpack, and put the empty jar back in its original place.

Then he buried it with dirt blocks, blocked the passage, and stepped back several dozen meters.

His heart was beating wildly. He originally thought that nothing had happened. The owner of the herbal shop must be trying to make money and kill himself.

But on second thought, it was someone from the Cervantes family who died. After all, he knew Monica, so it's not good to ignore anything.

Of course, it would be stupid to go straight to the Cervantes family and tell them that your people are buried in the backyard of the vine herbal store.

So through the underground passage, we dug all the way to the Cervantes family mansion.

Arriving here, how to remind the other party is also a problem.

It is not difficult to write a letter and put it in a conspicuous place. Anyway, no one thought that he could dig all the way from the ground, so fast. The problem is that writing a letter is easy to expose handwriting, and you may be exposed when you write anywhere in the future.

Fortunately, I can think of an alternative, so I don't have to expose my handwriting.

The method is to open the manufacturing interface and find the prompt board option.

The prompt board is very easy to do, just a piece of wood.

After completion, confirm through the virtual map and wait for the green dots representing the patrolmen to leave, dig out the corridor floor tile probe, and quickly place the prompt board in front of it, just blocking the road.

Then select the prompt board, and the virtual input interface appears.

Ren entered what he was about to say through his consciousness, watched the words from another world appear on the board, took out the gold ring with the badge from the virtual backpack, threw it next to the prompt board, and then drilled back to the ground as quickly as possible to spread the stone bricks. Go back and lay a few more layers of blocks below.

After completing a series of operations, I said to Monica, I can only do this!

The gold and silver jewelry in the clay pot may belong to your victim. I will help you solve the case. Is it okay to charge a fee?

Quickly leave along the tunnel and go back to dig other new passages.

Not long after Ren left, the patrolmen of the Cervantes family passed by the corridor again, and they looked at each other when they saw the prompt board placed by someone unknown. Incomprehensible. After all, patrols are all over the mansion, who has the ability to sneak in and not be discovered? Isn't it very dangerous to have such a

The patrol leader quickly ordered the soldiers to sound the alarm, reminding the other patrolmen in the mansion to search aggressively. He stepped forward, held a torch to illuminate the prompt board, and read out the common human language written on it: "The backyard of the vine herbal store, dig deep!"

When I saw this sentence, I didn't understand it for the first time.

The next subordinate suddenly saw the gold ring next to the prompt board, and quickly reminded: "Captain, look!"

The patrol captain followed the direction his subordinates pointed, and found that the ring's complexion changed drastically. He hurriedly picked it up and examined it carefully: "Isn't this Madame Jacques's ring? How did it appear here?"

"Captain, didn't Madame Jacques run away with someone and left for more than a month?"

"Shh!" The patrol captain quickly told him to shut up with a serious expression, "What's going on?"

"The backyard of the vine herbal shop, dig deep?" The subordinate looked at the ring, then at the prompt board, and suddenly widened his eyes, "Could it be that Madame Jacques didn't run away with someone, but was killed? Someone deliberately misled us?"

Mrs. Jacques is the fifth wife of Bruce Cervantes. There are no restrictions on nobles marrying wives. Bruce, who already has four wives, fell in love with Jacques half a year ago and married her back home with special love.

A month ago, Mrs. Jacques suddenly "elope" with someone, and she didn't know where she was going. The Cervantes family searched everywhere, but there was no news. Unexpectedly, her belongings suddenly appeared, and I don't know which strong man entered the mansion without a sound, leaving such a prompt board.

In addition to the Cervantes badge, the gold ring has a 5 below it, which represents the fifth lady.

That night, the entire Cervantes family stayed up all night. Bruce rushed to the scene and immediately led a team to surround the vine herbal shop overnight.

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