Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1376: political

Huaxia in this world has reached a critical moment.

Gdp surpassed the original world hegemon, the United States, and is still widening the distance. Although the speed of development has slowed down, and even occasionally is lower than that of the United States, because of its large size, every year will make this already huge economy stronger.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible thing.

Because the population of Huaxia exceeds the combined population of Europe and North America, thousands of universities produce countless talents every year, and the huge economic output also allows it to have abundant funds to promote the rapid development of science and technology. Therefore, after the total economic volume has caught up, China's scientific and technological strength has continued to explode, constantly approaching the established powers of Europe and the United States.

Military technology is the most obvious example.

The most advanced five-generation fighters, with an average of one nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in five years, and the Long Arrow series of long-range missiles, and so on. Although each level is a bit worse than that of the Americans, it is much stronger than China on earth. Too much. At least counting the number of aircraft carriers, China has already reached half of that of Americans, and it is still under continuous construction.

This situation undoubtedly demonstrated China's ambitions.

Because the aircraft carrier is not a defensive weapon, if you have no ambitions, why do you build so many of these things? So naturally, China has become the enemy of most of the world just like China on earth.

In fact, this situation has already happened since China's gdp approached the United States.

Because the white people who have ruled the world for hundreds of years cannot accept a country of yellow race to become the number one in the world! This has nothing to do with ideology or national interests, but a natural and irreconcilable contradiction.

So whether it was on the surface or in the dark, the siege and interception against China began. After experiencing the initial coercion, China gradually began to resist—starting from Southeast Asia in the traditional sphere of influence, and gradually burned the war to Japan, South Korea, Central Asia, and West Asia.

Year by year, little by little, expanding China's influence!

This is an invisible war, and on the surface, everyone is still hello and me, and ordinary people can see nothing.

After all, they are all superpowers on the earth, and no one lacks atomic bombs, and fighting is unrealistic.

After regaining Southeast Asia and starting to compete with the United States in other parts of Asia, China began to turn its attention to its neighbor in the north, the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union in this world is far less powerful than the big brother on earth.

After surviving for decades under the squeeze of Europe and China, the Soviets finally couldn't stand it and began to slowly seek change. And it happens that China has a need in this regard. Everyone hit it off and accelerated the pace of border negotiations, and at the same time began to prepare to increase exchanges.

The Soviet Union needs China's capital and some technology, while China needs more allies, or at least friends who hold a neutral position.

China will send a delegation to participate in the Soviet Union’s Victory Day in the Patriotic War this year.

"To be precise, it is to visit Soda Front Station next year!"

Speaking of the last time, Mr. Chen smiled and said: “So in addition to the economic circles, the delegation also includes representatives from the military, science and technology, and cultural circles. As the most outstanding figure in the Chinese cultural field, we, like the Soviets, also I hope that Teacher Lao Bai can go there in person. After all, the three songs you wrote are now widely sung in the Soviet Union, and...I just heard that, the Soviets seem to be very interested in using them in red Go to the parade!"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

After listening to the other party's words, Sun Peng's eyes opened up instantly!

"No, it's not a joke!"

Shaking his head, Mr. Chen said sternly: "Although it is only a rumor at the moment, but... when we got the news, the Soviets were discussing this issue!"

"Ay Ya I gi!"

Looking at the other person's expression is not just talking casually, Sun Peng is not calm now!

It is undeniable that he wrote these songs back then and gave them to Xie Liuna? In Utkin’s time, there was a real illusion that the Soviets would use them in military parades. If that is the case, it can be said that Sun Peng's feelings will be greatly satisfied.

Then after a little understanding, Sun Peng knew that this was impossible!

For a country, on a sacred occasion like a military parade, who would use a song written by a foreigner? That's about the face of the country!

So after understanding it, Sun Peng completely gave up this illusion.

That's not all nonsense.

But now listening to this guy, is it really possible? !

Seeing Sun Peng's stunned expression of surprise, Mr. Chen's eyelids jumped wildly, and the corners of his mouth grinned and said with a dry smile: "Lao Bai teacher, we just heard that... ahem, of course, if you If we maintain a good relationship with the Soviet Union, maybe this kind of opportunity will really be greater."

"Oh, is it so?"

After listening to what the other party said this time, Sun Peng really began to think about it seriously.

If it is really about interests, in fact, the population of more than 100 million people in the Soviet Union is really not in the eyes of Sun Peng, and a Japanese market will destroy them. But when he thought of the Soviet-style military parade with "Katyusha" and "Holy War", Sun Peng felt itchy again.

This is feelings!

But watching him seriously ponder, Mr. Chen next to him is a little guilty.

Consider using it in the military parade?

This news is absolutely true. After all, someone in the Soviet Union really proposed this, but no one knows the final result. Moreover, judging from his years of diplomatic work experience, the chance of success in the end is very small, at most it will not exceed...

Ahem, no more than one percent!

However, this kind of big truth certainly cannot be told directly to Lao Bai, after all, he is still responsible for persuading Lao Bai to join the delegation and stay in Moscow for a week.

So seeing the other party seems to be a little excited, Mr. Chen hit the railroad while it was hot: "Lao Bai, this time our delegation will also meet the leaders of the Soviet Union. Based on the influence of your three songs, it will definitely be..."

"Meeting? You mean with their leader?"

When he heard this, there was a spirit of excitement, and Sun Peng woke up from his fantasy.

After being interrupted by the other party, the surname Chen did not look displeased. Instead, he said with joy: "Haha, of course! A world-renowned artist like you, Teacher Lao Bai, they will naturally meet you... …In fact, we insist on asking you to go because of this."


After listening to what the other party said this time, Sun Peng's expression gradually cooled down, and his brows frowned: "If this is the case, I am sorry, I think I can't go anymore! I'm just an ordinary person, relying on writing some words , Just make a movie to live, don’t want to have anything to do with politics..."


Alas, five chapters have been deleted from the manuscript, and today they have been revised for a long time, so let's fool this story.

I won’t write this paragraph, so please skip these chapters.

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