Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1381: Reprint

June 1st is Children's Day on the earth.

However, because there is no Lidice massacre in this world, although there is also Children’s Day, it is not on June 1st, but on the third Saturday of July. It is a weekend and a summer vacation, which is just right Parents take their children out to play.

On the afternoon of June 1st, with Sun Peng's "card", the crew of "Frequency of Life and Death" cheered at the same time.


After exactly two months of shooting, Sun Peng and hundreds of crew members completed the filming of the movie "Frequency of Life and Death"! And that evening, Sun Peng paid for his own money and held a celebration banquet in a nearby hotel, and took the crew that had worked hard for two months to relax.

His fifth movie is completely finished.

After lunch at noon the next day, the actors and some members of the crew began to evacuate. In the afternoon of the third day, Sun Peng also left the studio with a small group of people and packed shooting equipment and returned to the capital. at home……

"Hurry up, sign first!"

After entering the house, before Sun Peng took a breath and washed away his exhaustion, the second sister could not wait to put a thick stack of documents in front of him: "The publishing house is waiting for printing, so I hurried to sign the words. !"


After a pause, Sun Peng reluctantly took the pen and signed his name on the reprint notice one by one.

"Hey, this year's writers list top, you are determined again!"

Collecting the notices signed by Sun Peng one by one, Sun Ya said happily: "The guy who robbed you of No. 1 in the world last year has dropped a lot this year, and now he has been left far behind by you. ! But there is a guy in the UK who writes horror novels very well this year. It seems that this year’s sales are a bit exaggerated because he published three books in one breath last year..."

Ignoring the second sister's words, Sun Peng scanned the contents of the notice while signing.

There are more than twenty copies in total, all from Seal Press.

Unlike Guanglun Publishing House, which has its headquarters in the capital and is extremely convenient to connect with, Seal Publishing House is far away in Europe, and it is more troublesome to connect with Sun Peng. And because the reprint form must be signed by the person, and the original must be required, so the publishing house must send someone to the capital every time, and then take it back after Sun Peng finishes signing it.

Few writers in the world can enjoy this kind of treatment.

In the past, Sun Peng would still question, thinking that sending someone from Europe to China to fly to China would be unnecessary and that the problem can be solved by express delivery. However, Sun Ya said, "Do you know how much money a reprinted order represents?" Following his words, never entangle these details again...

The highlight of this reprint is of course the Little Mage series.

With the passage of time, the advantages of Little Wizards in the European and American markets have become more and more obvious, especially after the release of the fourth edition, the cumulative sales of the English version have exceeded the 6 million copies of the fourth edition of Little Wizards! Therefore, the number given by Seal Publishing House this time is 5 million copies, plus the first three copies totaling 11 million copies! At the same time, the number of prints of the English version of Little Wizard was only six million.

Sun Peng believes that as time goes by, the gap between the two may increase.

So when signing, his face was a bit unsightly.

Because in Europe and the United States, the little wizard has already formed an absolute advantage over the little wizard, but in China, the home base of the little wizard, the last time the light wheel press printed the notice, the number of the little wizard versus the little wizard It is 9 million to 7.5 million, the gap between them is quite small!

In other words...

"Huaxia people's ability to accept magical culture is obviously stronger than Europeans and Americans' ability to accept wizarding culture!"

With a long sigh, Sun Peng couldn't help feeling a little depressed. No matter what the specific reasons are, whether the Chinese people are more "international" or the Europeans and Americans are more resistant to Chinese culture. In short, the total defeat of the little wizard seems to have heralded the Christmas and New Year films. Box office trends, this will undoubtedly make Sun Peng quite disappointed.

Fortunately, the other figures that followed gave Sun Peng some comfort.

"Murder on the Western Express" and "No Life" each printed 3 million, which is more than magical novels. The picture books that have been selling for a long time seem to be more and more popular with Western children, although they will not be like they were just released. It was selling so hot at the time, but under the impetus of the four cartoons before and after, it now stays on the best-selling list of children's books all year round.

What surprised Sun Peng most was his martial arts novels.

In the past year, the martial arts novels with the laobai name have sold 410,000 sets in Europe, 600,000 sets in North America, and 90,000 sets in English-speaking countries such as Australia!

On average, each novel has a small number, but it makes people extremely surprised!

Moreover, the performance of "The Martian" also made Sun Peng smile-in the United States alone, this book has sold out the first printing and the first printing of 1.5 million copies, this time another printing million! In contrast, although the first print in Huaxia has been sold out, there seems to be no news about the two million copies printed for the first time...

After signing all the reprint forms, Sun Peng looked at the second sister: "Is there anything else? If there are any, please take them out quickly and I will sign them together."

"Haha, no more."

Carefully organize all the documents one by one and put them back in her bag. Sun Ya shook her head and said, "The next batch of documents should be in mid-to-late July. Naturally some of them will need to be signed by you."

Outside of book publishing, all authorized copyright fees are basically settled every six months.

For example, the music sales dividends of Samsara Records and Mujinhua Records, such as the dividends of Sun Peng film copyright, etc., have to wait until July or even August to get the settlement statements of major music companies and film companies. Before that, Sun Yaneng didn't actually do much—compared to other agents, his job was really easy.

So after finishing these words, Sun Ya couldn't help sighing: "Xiaopeng, if you are willing to be an endorsement! Do you know, if you are willing to be creative, the endorsement fee will definitely set an astronomical figure!"

The mobile phone advertisement that Sun Peng did for Niu Yunsheng back then has long become a legend in China's advertising industry!

A song that became a world-class classic "Dreamisposiible" after Chen Feifei's world music was sealed. Niu Yunsheng's 30 million yuan investment became an example of admiration in the advertising circle, plus a Hollywood remake that won over 100 million yuan "Keep Talk" at the US dollar box office is full of publicity!

What's more, Sun Peng's current appeal is no lower than any star.

In fact, the highest price ever received by Sun Ya once reached 300 million Chinese yuan a year, setting an unprecedented record. Unfortunately, no matter how Sun Ya persuades, Sun Peng does not intend to return to the advertising industry, nor does he want to endorse any product.

This time is no exception. Sun Peng lazily shook his head and said: "When I will make movies or games and lose money and lose money, I will follow you to shoot commercials! But now, let me rest first. Two weeks later..."

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