Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1592: Set a small goal first

220 million in North America, 190 million in Europe, 60 million in Japan and South Korea, and 80 million in the corner markets such as Australia and Southeast Asia, totaling 550 million.

This is the box office estimate for the Forbidden City and Lotus after careful calculations.

There will be fluctuations up and down, but certainly not much.

This achievement is not a new record for Laobai. After all, the previous little wizards and little wizards have already reached it, and several cartoons produced by Kaboka performed even better. But even if laobai is used to success, it is still very proud to be able to win more than 500 million US dollars in the global market.

What's more, there is a crazy Chinese mainland!

The local box office of 4.5 billion Hua Xia coins has begun to approach 700 million U.S. dollars, if it can reach 5 billion or even 5.5 billion...

"Mr. Laobai, what do you think the box office of "Inception" is about to reach 1.3 billion US dollars? This is exactly the same as your judgment at the premiere!"

"It's very simple, because this is a good movie."

Supporting a somewhat exhausted body, Sun Peng smiled and said, "Fortunately, while I was able to write a good script, I also seemed to have the ability to judge it...Of course, the 1.3 billion US dollars back then were just me. An arbitrary estimate of "Inception" did not expect to achieve such a level."

The eyes fluttering all around showed that Sun Peng was impatient at this time.

He always didn't like to be interviewed. He didn't want to lose face in front of reporters earlier. After all, the works were copied. Any difficult question can embarrass him. As for now, after so many years of hard work, Sun Peng can finally deal with all the problems calmly, but...

Who can keep repeating the same words all the time?

Just one movie, from China to the United States, from Beijing to Los Angeles, after answering exactly the same questions several times, Sun Peng was really upset. What he admired most right now is really not the big brothers like Liang Ren and Chen Feifei. After all, when they are in their position, ordinary reporters basically have no chance to interview them. Sun Peng now admires those young celebrities, especially those who rely on topicality to maintain traffic. He feels that it is not easy for them!

It’s not easy to be a traffic star!

At least for the so-called "what do you think?" or "how are you feeling now?", Sun Peng is really annoying, especially after flying for more than ten hours, he has no patience.

Regrettably, he still has to greet others with a smile.

At this moment, a female reporter suddenly stood up and asked: "Mr. Laobai, we found that in the past three years and the next three years of film plans, you have less and less cooperation with Hollywood, and with China Film Company. With more and more collaborations, does this show that you are starting to want to abandon Hollywood after achieving great success?"


After listening to the other party's words, Sun Peng's face instantly sank.

With a sound of "Om", the surrounding reporters rushed first, and then quickly calmed down, all staring at Sun Peng with slightly squinted eyes, waiting excitedly for his answer.

This question is too sharp.

In fact, not only this female reporter, but other reporters have a feeling that Laobai has less cooperation with Hollywood. For example, this year, from the third part of Little Wizard at the beginning of the year, to the two sci-fi masterpieces of this summer vacation, and then to the end of the year...No, it should be "The Martian" and "Kung Fu Panda" at the beginning of next year to be precise. The work of China Film Company!

Going forward, there is the third part of Little Mage.

In the future, there will be a "Tomorrow's War" to be released in the summer vacation next year... Oh, by the way, there will be an "Iron Man" that will be earlier.

This number is much smaller than before.

So after "Inception" was released and the box office was scoured around the world, there was an unhappy voice in Hollywood. Some people think that Laobai is able to break into today's huge reputation with the help of Hollywood funds, talents and technology, but after success, Laobai has gradually become alienated from Hollywood.

Not completely abandoned, but it is indeed alienating.

It's just that when the female reporter asked this question, she didn't say alienation, but used the word abandon, which immediately made everyone's eyes widened, waiting for Laobai's answer.

Under everyone's gaze, Sun Peng's eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath and said lightly: "The answer to this question is also very simple, because once my home is in China, the communication with China is easier. In addition to Kapoca, Haggs, and Hymens, Huaxia Company trusted me more... But even so, I never thought about giving up the cooperation with Hollywood!"

When talking about this, Sun Peng paused for a moment, and then looked straight at the female reporter who asked the question: "As for this...Miss, I don't know why you said I want to abandon Hollywood! In fact! , Just last year and this year, I have reached a lot of new film cooperation with them, such as "Museum Wonderful Night", such as "Tomorrow", of course, the Avengers series and so on! I believe anyone has a little common sense No one would say the word abandon!"


After Sun Peng's voice fell, there was a burst of laughter around him.

The female reporter's face was instantly pale, just like Sun Peng who heard her question just now. Then she immediately raised her face, as if she wanted to continue questioning, but at this moment, Liu Chang raised her right hand faster than her: "Next, please ask this gentleman... Excuse me, please be quiet. ,May I?"

The female reporter closed her mouth angrily, while the male reporter who was spotted stood on tiptoe in excitement: "Mr. Laobai, may I ask when "Inception" is about to reap 1.3 billion US dollars at the box office, do you think "The End" What level can "Zheer 2" reach? Is it also 1.3 billion US dollars?"


With a slight frown, Sun Peng really hesitated.

If you talk about the box office performance on Earth alone, "Terminator 2" is undoubtedly better than "Inception". Although the former's global box office is only 500 million US dollars, while the latter is more than 800 million, but don't forget, one of them was released in 1991, and the other was in 2010!

It has been twenty years before and after, and considering that these two decades are also the twenty years in which Hollywood’s influence has soared, the box office of 500 million US dollars is undoubtedly more convincing than the more than 800 million in 20 years.


In twenty years, the gap caused is not only the box office, but also the concept of the movie!

Even if "Terminator 2" is repackaged with the technology of this era, Sun Peng does not mean that he has no worries at all. So after pondering for a moment, she smiled slightly and said: "If you can reproduce the results of Inception, I think it's a bit too arrogant, so set a small goal first and win one billion..."

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