Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1704: get together

The song "Summer" is really good, and Liu Chang fell in love with it as soon as he heard it.

"Find a famous artist and play it, it's another classic!"

When meeting Sun Peng, Liu Chang was quite excited and said: "It's a pity that it's a bit shorter. It's a bit inappropriate when the single is released... Well, it's more suitable as a movie episode or something. But which movie is it used for? Inside, I’m afraid I’ll have to think about it, or I’ll spoil such good music in vain!"


Looking at Liu Chang, a look of surprise flashed in Sun Peng's eyes.

This agent of my own is quite knowledgeable!

"Summer" was originally a tune from "Summer of Kikujiro". It is definitely appropriate to continue to use it in the movie. But after thinking about it for a while, Sun Peng still shook his head and said, "Forget it, this is a whim during vacation. Yaoyao has something to play, so there is no need to use it for anyone. Let's see fate in the future."

How to deal with this kind of short tune is really troublesome.

So Sun Peng didn't want to waste time on this trivial matter, and asked directly: "Sister Chang, are all the people here today?"

"Don't worry, it's all here."

After smiling, Liu Chang nodded and said, "In addition to the six heroes, Nick Ferry, the director of SHIELD, Caster Lee, and Rocky’s Rogers? Jordan are also here. In addition, According to your request, two deputy directors, a Chinese and an American, will also participate in this meeting. Of course, there are more than a dozen directors of various departments of the crew, and Sima Gang, the producer of our film. More than twenty people were all here."

"that's OK."

Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng nodded relaxedly.

For a long time to come, he did not intend to focus on "Avengers", after all, there is still a long time before the schedule of "Avengers", and there is still plenty of time.

In addition, there are a lot of preparations for the movie, such as the design of the aerospace mothership and fighter planes, as well as the determination of the image of the villains and the production of props. It is also very troublesome; in addition, there are the advance design of special effects, the actor's speculation on each role, etc. , It also takes time.

It stands to reason that these all require the director to take the lead.

But what made the producer very helpless was that Sun Peng didn’t want to go to the United States so early. He hoped that through a gathering, everyone could understand what kind of movie it was, and then divide everyone’s tasks. Go down, come to yourself when in doubt.

These people's work is "piece counting" rather than "timing", so there is no impact on cost.


Seeing Sun Peng's take for granted, Liu Chang opened her mouth to say something, but after thinking about it for a while, she closed her mouth again.

If it is an ordinary film director, of course it is impossible to be so headstrong.

But for Lao Bai, owning Steve? The privileges like Lucas are a matter of course. Whether the Forbidden City, Lotus, or even Paramount can only cooperate, it is impossible to be dissatisfied with it. In other words, even if you have dissatisfaction, you can only bury it in your heart.

This is true for movie giants, and the actors and crew members are no exception.

In fact, "The Avengers" is a rare opportunity for them. They can add a lot of color to their career. No one can offend the old white who has the power of life and death because of these trivial things...

"My boss, finally has a big name."

After thinking of this, Liu Chang didn't know whether he should be happy or worried.

Sun Peng has always been a very modest person. No matter how famous he is, how strong his agent is in the confrontation between film companies, publishing houses and music companies, he himself has always been a very peaceful person. Except for occasional tough attitudes during filming, requiring others to follow their own ideas, there are very few inspiring crews like this one who ask the crew to arrange according to their own ideas...

"Sister Chang, here it is."

"Oh, good."

As he was thinking about it, Liu Chang suddenly heard the sound of the bodyguard in front of him, and he quickly looked outside, and he arrived at the headquarters of Lotus Pictures.

Just seeing the pile of reporters at the gate, Liu Chang's brows couldn't help but frown: "What's the matter? Why are so many reporters here?"

After staying in the entertainment industry for a long time, Liu Chang has developed a pair of fiery eyes, and he can see the difference between reporters and ordinary people at a glance. However, seeing reporters No. 30 and 40 at the gate of Lotus Pictures, Liu Chang quickly reacted: “It seems that the news that the actors gathered at the Lotus headquarters has been leaked.”

The gathering of the members of the Avengers is naturally a big event in the entertainment industry!

Not only because of the box office success of "Iron Man" and the explosion of "Captain China" in China, but also because this movie has brought together major domestic brands such as Chen Changfeng, Lang Chen, Lin Lin, and Lao Bai's personal appearance!

Of course, investments totaling more than 200 million US dollars are also an attractive gimmick.

So after thinking about it for a while, Liu Chang said, "Xiaolu, don't stop at the gate, go directly into the underground garage, and we will go up from the garage elevator."

"Okay, Sister Chang."

The driver and bodyguard are also the masters of Lotus who have been to Lotus many times. They are very familiar with driving and quickly drove to the entrance of the underground garage. While the reporters were all staring at the gate, Sun Peng and the others had quietly entered the building of Lotus Pictures...


Just as Sun Peng arrived at Lotus Pictures and was going upstairs, news about various celebrities on the Internet began to spread, and it quickly became a hot topic now.

"Hollywood star Tony? Hoth left the "Iron Man 2" crew, arrived in Beijing yesterday, and appeared at Lotus Pictures headquarters this morning!"

"Jerif, the actor of Thor? Hans, and Tariq, the actor of the Hulk? Horsman, appeared at the headquarters of the Lotus Pictures at the same time, only ten minutes before and after Tony?

"Hawkeye and Black Widow appeared in the same car, and the CEO of Lotus Pictures personally greeted them."

"The new superstar Lang Chen rushed to Lotus Pictures. He should be partying with the heroes of the Avengers series!"


In addition to the media in the entertainment industry, those who are always following the Avengers series also reacted quickly. For example, Lao Baichu Yiye Zhiqiu quickly sent out a Weibo: "It must be the preparatory meeting for the Avengers. , And only Bai Da’s movie can bring so many stars to Lotus Pictures at the same time. "Avengers" is finally about to start? Oh my god, I am really looking forward to it!"

Yiye Zhiqiu's inference quickly became the mainstream speculation on the Internet.

"The Avengers", is it finally coming?

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