Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1786: Had a good time

The first day that the sixth book of the two series went on sale, it set an amazing record.

Huaxia sold 21 million and the United States sold 11 million!

Anyway, when the news was announced, both the media and netizens became lively, and quickly set off a global carnival!

"Thirty-two million copies, is this a brand new record?"

After seeing the news on the Internet, Zhao Zhihuo, who returned home, couldn’t help but sighed at the table: “I checked it out on purpose. The previous record was 17 million copies. It was the reasoning of a French writer. The novel...Lao Bai teacher has nearly doubled the record all at once!"

"Not so many, this time he is two books!"

As the only person in the family who is not an old white iron powder, Lao Zhao's wife said something casually while serving soup to her daughter.

While swallowing a bite of food in her mouth, her daughter curled her lips and said: "It is indeed two books, but now the statistics are only the sales of China and the United States. The data of other countries have not yet come out! Especially Europe and Japan. Waiting for a big country, it will definitely add up... By the way, the sales volume of the little wizard comics in Japan is said to be particularly high, but it is a pity that it will take a while to see the latest updates in China!"

When talking about topics related to Lao Bai, Zhao Zhihuo and his daughter could always find a common language, and said with a smile: "No way, who asked Bai Da to authorize the comics over there?"

On this point, he doesn't know how many times he has thanked his idol.

The older the child, the more disgusted parents are.

This sentence is of course not absolute, but it is also true that some children who have reached adolescence will feel disgusted by their parents' control and nagging, and begin to alienate their parents whom they wished to stick to every day when they were young. Because they find that compared with their parents, friends of the same age have a more common language, and their aesthetics, interests, and concerns are also closer.

The nature of young people makes it difficult for them to pay attention to the mood of their parents.

Only when they are older, or even become parents, will they realize this. Therefore, the sentence of raising a child to know the kindness of parents also has extremely practical significance.

It's just that at that time, even if they are paying attention to their parents, because they have to survive, work, and raise children, they have very little time to give their parents...

What makes Zhao Zhihuo helpless is that his daughter is of this type.

After going to junior high school, the next girl doesn't like staying with her parents much. Zhao Zhihuo wants to accompany her children to watch a movie or go shopping for clothes. She is reluctant to go with her classmates and friends.

For a while, Zhao Zhihuo was particularly anxious, always feeling that his daughter seemed to be drifting away.

Until one day, he suddenly found that he had found a common language with his daughter, that was Lao Bai's works-novels, music, animation, and of course movies!

This discovery made Zhao Zhihuo overjoyed!

Although with the increase of age, the pressure of Zhao Zhihuo's life is increasing, especially the increase in the number of times his parents go to the hospital, and the busyness after being promoted in the company, so that his interest in these things has weakened. His attention is not as much as before, but in order to continue talking with his daughter, Lao Zhao has to insist.

Fortunately, this is what he likes, and it's not too hard...

Pulled away.

Anyway, the old Zhao's family didn't pay much attention to eating, and the father and daughter talked about the sales of old Bai's new book in full swing.

"I've seen it, anyway, it's crazy online today!"

After taking a sip of the love soup that my mother gave herself, the little girl said excitedly: "This broke the French sales record. Domestic fans are so irritable. Anyway, Weibo, Moments and various forums are everywhere. This is for discussion. And those apps, the headlines are almost all about this!"

"Well, it's the same abroad, especially the Americans and French. They are very sour, haha!"

"Dad, do you still watch foreign news?"

"Uh...I saw the porter version."

After the movement in his hand, Zhao Zhihuo smiled a little awkwardly: “Someone on the Internet specializes in carrying foreign news. After the translation, it is put on the forum for others to watch... ahem, but this kind of news is now less and less. !"

Having said this, Zhao Zhihuo sighed and said with some disappointment: "I think when your mother and I were in college, this kind of news was everywhere on the Internet! Not only from the United States, Europe, and Japan. There are also India, Africa and so on, especially when things involving China are hotter, there are all kinds of things!"

"Huh? Really?"

"Hehe, of course it's true!"

Seeing her daughter seemed to be a little unbelievable, her mother also smiled and said: "I still remember that I used to read this kind of news in order to learn English, and then used the text translated by other experts to compare... Now Basically, your generation doesn’t read this kind of news anymore. Unlike us, back then it was like watching how foreigners thought about our China!"

After listening to her mother's words, the little girl suddenly became confused.

The two of them looked at her expression until she was thinking, Zhao Zhihuo and his wife looked at each other and laughed at the same time. In addition to Hollywood and Grammys, which are still dominating the world, how many young people in China today still care about what is happening abroad?

Their eyes seem to stay in the country forever.

Zhao Zhihuo still remembers that when he was studying, he was envious of the green mountains and green waters of other people in Europe and America. There was occasional smog in the country, but now even the capital is controlled very well, and there is not necessarily two smog throughout the year. The weather; back then, it was always said that the per capita income in foreign countries was high, although it is still not as good, but the gap is not that big. As for music, movies or games, as long as it is in the cultural field, it is always Foreign countries are much better than domestic ones...

Some people envy life abroad, and some worry about the country and the people.

Anyway, everyone's eyes are fixed on those developed countries, paying attention to everything about others; at the same time, they are particularly concerned about China in the eyes of others. Whenever there is a little progress, they are cheering and proud.

Thinking about it now, it's just something called national pride at work.

Now, although the skills are still inferior in many fields, the gap is not that big. In more fields, China has evolved from a state of catching up to winning each other, even leading!

Even the top cultural industry is not one-sided.

Especially in the TV series, it is also the first field where Huaxia "beats" rivals such as American, Japanese, and Korean dramas. Even because of the huge investment and exquisite production of Huaxia TV series, it has begun to "counterattack" overseas frequently, gaining a good reputation and reputation. The huge market!

Movies and music that used to be horrible in the past can also win high box offices or sell well abroad.

After laughing, Lao Zhao, who was sitting side by side with his daughter, patted her daughter's head even more, and couldn't help but sighed: "Your generation, but it was a good time..."

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