Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1823: Start

The pricing of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography 3" was released, which caused a lot of discussion.

Even many game media have jumped out and commented on the price of 498. Some people say that it is high, and some who say Teacher Dao Bai is confident. There are many different opinions.

But to say that Sun Peng's favorite is the one on 52game.

"The price of four hundred and ninety-eight may be said to be too high. Domestic games are not eligible. However, in my opinion, this is a bold attempt by the China Game Industry! If it fails, Laobai Studio will certainly Being scolded, even Teacher Lao Bai will be involved, but if it succeeds? There is no doubt that "Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 3" will become another milestone in the history of the development of Chinese games!"

"The price of 498 is not only the confidence of Lao Bai Studio, but also the confidence of Chinese players in domestic games!"

"Even if the producer is Lao Bai Studio, the story and soundtrack of the game are all made by Teacher Lao Bai, but it is still a Chinese game made in China after all. The three hundred domestic games are rare, and now they stand up 499 at a time. At the high position of 18, how many players are willing to pay is crucial!"

"Successful, at least domestic players will slowly accept domestic games at this price; and once "The Legend of the Old White Heroes 3" fails, it means that domestic games will take several years to digest this failure-yes Yes, the games of Lao Bai Studio are undoubtedly the pinnacle of domestic production. I have this confidence in Teacher Lao Bai!"

"In the past ten years, domestic games have made great progress, especially under the leadership of "Never Survival". The national tour on the tt platform has also had many fans overseas, and there are frequent sales of over one million works in China. In the past three years, there have been one or two masterpieces with sales of more than 5 million each year! Although these games are not sold very much abroad, it does not mean that their quality is not enough..."

"Hi, that's a good point!"

Looking at it, Sun Peng slapped his thigh and screamed happily!

And after hearing his cry, just after lunch, Sun Wenyao, who was reading the picture book, rushed over and climbed onto Sun Peng's lap: "Dad, who is right?"


Seeing the cute face of the eldest daughter, Sun Peng stunned for a while and laughed: "It's a person Yaoyao doesn't know, and he's talking about things that Yaoyao doesn't understand now. Are you sure you want to listen? "

"...Don't listen."

Pouting, the little girl hugged Sun Peng's arm and began to shake: "Dad, play with me!"

"Yaoyao, stop shaking, dad is going out soon."

Coming over to let Sun Wenyao get off her father's lap, Zheng Jia took a piece of clothing and handed it to Sun Peng: "Let's put it on... What did you just watch? So excited."

While changing his clothes, Sun Peng smiled and said, “It’s nothing, it’s just a review about China Games. I think it’s pretty good. The quality of our domestic games has really gotten higher and higher in recent years. To be honest, I think There are a few that are not inferior to "Old White Heroes 2", that is, if they are not as famous as me, their sales will be much worse.

"Yo, you know all of this?"

"I'm not a fool, why don't I know?"

Taking a look at his wife Bai Bai, Sun Peng said angrily: "Regardless of "Legend of Old White Heroes 1" or "Legend of Old White Heroes 2," most of the sales are directed at Lao Bai... But this third one will definitely not I will!"

When he said this, Sun Peng's face was full of confidence.

Although the interest in games is getting smaller and smaller, and the time to play games is getting shorter and shorter, as long as a new masterpiece or a game with a good reputation, Sun Peng will not hesitate to buy it and try it. . Even if he only played for half an hour, Sun Peng would have a general impression of those games.

It may be a bit one-sided, but he really has faith in "The Legend of Old White Heroes 3"!

So when he saw this article saying that the price of 498 yuan was a milestone, Sun Peng really couldn't agree anymore.

China’s game industry is really not bad now.

Especially after the release of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds that year, it seemed that a door was suddenly opened, and China's good games sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Maybe there is still a gap with those big companies, but after capital, technology and ideas catch up, it is only a matter of time to make a good game.

However, the quality of the game has improved, but the price cannot rise.

There is no need to say more for overseas players. When people see it as a Huaxia game, they won't give you a chance...This is just like a Huaxia movie. No matter how good it looks, it’s useless. People don’t look at it! Even domestic players have a virtue. When it comes to domestic games, it must be tens of dollars. If you sell more than one hundred, you will be scolded by a bunch of people. If you dare to sell more than two hundred or even three hundred...

Stop teasing, do you think you are Lao Bai?

Even if Lao Bai personally planned, wrote, and scored "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography 3", it was priced at 498, and some people scolded it and said a lot of ridicule on the Internet.

That's why Sun Peng felt that the sentences written in the text were reasonable. The quality of domestic games is really good, but the manufacturers are all cautious and only dare to sell at a shabby price, and there are more and more players playing domestic games. , But when it comes to the price, it always looks "too expensive"...

"In that case, let "The Legend of the Old White Knights 3" start again...Ouch!"

"what happened?"

Hearing Sun Peng's whisper, Zheng Jia, who had already ran aside to play with the child, immediately looked over.


Looking down at his trouser belt, Sun Peng's expression instantly became bitter: "The pants are narrow... shouldn't be! Isn't this suit newly made?"

"Huh? Let me see!"

Hearing what he said, Zheng Jia walked over quickly, and even Sun Wenyao trot over to join in the fun.

Before Zheng Jia could see what was going on, Sun Wenyao stretched out her white and tender little fingers and yelled: "Dad, Daddy, you are fat, you can't even tie your belt!"



Hearing her daughter's cry, Zheng Jia suddenly realized that she couldn't help but sneered, while Sun Peng's face turned dark for an instant, and she could not wait to pick up the little girl and punch her little ass!

What nonsense!

However, during this period of time, there was hardly any exercise, and my belly started rubbing up.

"No way, the pants are really narrow."

After taking a closer look, Zheng Jia said with a smile: "And these pants are really not long after they were made...Forget it, I will find you the clothes you used before you lost weight last time. I should keep them."

Looking at the slightly bulging belly, Sun Peng couldn't help but sighed: "It was less than two hours before the premiere that I found out that I had no clothes to wear. I think this is the only one..."

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