Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1828: Hello, dad!


In the large living room of Sun Peng's house, whether Lin Lin, Sun Ya, or Zheng Jia, they all laughed loudly, especially Lin Lin, who was lying on the sofa laughing wildly while hammering the cushion of the sofa with her right hand. As if I was about to laugh.

With a black line in his forehead, Sun Peng couldn't help but angrily said: "Okay, with such an exaggerated smile, you all scared the children...cough cough, shut up!"

When I saw that the girls next to me were indeed a little frightened, they all looked at their mothers and aunts dumbfounded, Lin Lin and others barely closed their mouths, but...

The babbling laughter made Sun Peng even more depressed.


Sun Peng was particularly unhappy when he thought of the actress named Han Zhu... He actually said that he grew up reading his own picture books and novels, especially at the dinner party after the awards ceremony, and he looked like a little fan. , I ran over to sign, take a group photo, and said that I have been a fan of books and movies since I was a child...


Count all over the world, how many book fans and movie fans are there, including Hollywood, including Michael? Pete and Steve? Lucas, do you guys lack you, a book fan and a movie fan?

I have liked my book fans and movie fans since I was a child, but my buddies don't want it!

Thinking of this, Sun Peng subconsciously touched his own belly, with a sad look on his face-is it because of his body fat? Or is the eye wrinkles deepened? Or do you have white hair on your head?

"Okay, people respect you as an old man too!"

At this moment, Lin Lin patted Sun Peng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't want to think about it. When you debuted and wrote a book, that Han Zhu should also be a primary school student, isn't it just looking at your books and picture books? The big one... 吭哧! 吭哧!"


Sun Peng was speechless when he saw his cousin laugh again with a strange face.

A long sigh, but depressed!

Before I knew it, I was also a senior in the entertainment industry. And not only was it a round older than those little guys who had just debuted a few days ago, but also the bonus of the halo of Lao Bai, which made Sun Peng the most prestigious senior in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Although the age is not too big, but so many factors add up to be fun.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Peng clearly discovered a possibility, that is, Han Zhu regarded him as an "old-timer" in the circle!

So when I touched my slightly raised belly again, Sun Peng felt a little depressed...

Fortunately, Zheng Jia didn't give him too long depression, so he quickly got up and said, "I'm almost ready for lunch, my dears, get up and have dinner... Sun Wenyao, the time you spent playing with your mobile phone is over. Hurry up to wash your hands and eat! And you Mengmeng, follow your sister to wash your hands!"

Seeing Zheng Jia directing five children in the middle of the room, Sun Yale said: "Look at Jia Jia, you really deserve to be the chairman, this posture...tsk."

"Haha, what does this have to do with her being the chairman?"

Glancing at the second sister, Sun Peng said angrily: "Moreover, these girls are making trouble in the house, which makes people's head hurt... Well, as long as they are there, I don't want to do anything this day. Up!"

Seeing the four little darlings who followed Sun Wenyao like a swarm, lining up to wash their hands, Sun Peng had a real headache, not just talking.

As the New Year approached, everyone started to rest.

As a result, every morning, Sun Ya and Lin Lin, who live nearby, visit with their babies, and then let the children play together—not only the children are happy, but even the adults are also happy. As long as the children don’t fight, they don’t need parents. It’s so relaxing.

But in this way, Sun Peng's head became bigger.

Two demon kings in the family are not enough. The second sister Sun Ya has a bunch of twins, and the cousin has a little princess. A total of five children are making trouble together. Think about that scene...

"Hee hee, just be thankful for you!"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Lin Lin couldn't help but happily said: "These are still five girls. If there are five boys, wouldn't it make you jump off the building?!"


After thinking about that scene, Sun Peng was shocked, and then couldn't help but shiver!

But speaking of the five girls, he couldn’t help but talk about a commonplace topic: "Sister, do you think our old grandson’s family really doesn’t have the genes for having boys? Including Yunyun from the older sister’s family. Inside, these are six girls...Haha, every time I think of the uncle’s mentality, I can’t help but want to have fun."

"Cut, don't always look at the problem in the same light as before."

Sun Ya naturally sneered at this, and said with disdain: "My dad has already looked away. If you add a man to the old grandson's house, he will definitely be very happy, but if not, the old man will be happy every day... Stop talking nonsense, hurry up. go for meal!"

"Haha, let's go."

After smiling, Sun Peng did not speak, and stood up directly.

In addition to Chen Changfeng who did not come because of an event, Lin Lin took the little baby in the family, as well as the second sister Sun Ya and her twins, as well as the four members of Sun Peng's family. A total of nine people formed a table. Fortunately, the dining room at home is large enough, not to mention nine people, even twenty people can sit down, and it doesn't appear crowded.

But the five little girls ate together, even if Sun Wenyao is already an older child, but the other four are really upset!

Anyway, with the exception of Sun Wenyao who does not need to be supervised and can eat by himself, the other four little guys happen to be in charge of one for each adult, and Sun Peng is assigned to his second child, Sun Wenxiu.

But unlike the three women, Sun Peng’s attitude is...

"Baby, daddy won't feed!"

Looking at the second child with a persistent look, Sun Peng and Yan Yue said: "Xiuxiu is already an older child. She will go to kindergarten after this summer. Is it okay to eat by yourself?"

"No, I want Dad to feed!"

"Baby, I put the dishes in your bowl, can you eat it yourself with a spoon?"

"No, I want Dad to feed!"


The two-year-old little girl was very stubborn. After a while, Sun Peng was miserable, and in the end she could only look at Zheng Jia with helpless eyes.

This little girl is not afraid of Sun Peng, she is afraid of her mother.

After glancing at the two of them, Zheng Jia just smiled and continued to eat while watching one of the twins.

Obviously, she wanted Sun Peng to solve the problem by herself.

After his eyelids jumped wildly for a few times, Sun Peng could only continue to look at his little ancestor: "Xiuxiu, if you eat by yourself, dad will be angry..."

"No, I want Dad to feed!"

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