Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1842: Deepen cooperation

"Michael, how are you doing recently?"

After the hug and greeting, Sun Peng looked at Michael with a smile? Pete and the beautiful woman next to him rolled their eyes secretly-how long has it been since I saw him last, and changed a girlfriend? And looking at this appearance and figure, he should be the so-called top supermodel again?

"Haha, it's not good."

Shrugged, Michael? Pete said helplessly: "The box office performance of the new film is mediocre. It is estimated that the final box office was only more than 400 million US dollars, which is too much lower than expected."

After a daze, Sun Peng laughed and said, "...people always have low points."

He didn't expect that Pete would complain about his new film at this time. But it is understandable. After all, if you count this time, Pete’s movie has failed several times... For a star of Pete’s level, if the global box office does not reach the level of 500 million US dollars, it can almost fail. Equal sign.

This figure, even the investment can not be recovered!

Of course, with the subsequent copyright transactions, it does not matter to recover the investment, but only from the box office, Pete must have failed. At least compared with his amazing salary and dividends, this figure will make investors suffer from toothache.

and so……

"The next new film negotiation is difficult!"

Michael? Pete's expression of disappointment made Sun Peng feel a little sympathetic to him.

But after shook his head, Sun Peng quickly discarded the ridiculous idea-sympathizing with Michael? Pete, a Hollywood superstar?

Give me a break!

Do people have sympathy?

What if the movie fails again? Even if the pay of the new film falls, what about the reduction in the dividend ratio? Now I want to ask Pete to play the leading role. At least US$20 million is the starting point, and dividends are indispensable!

Such a big name needs the sympathy of others?

Rather than sympathizing with this guy, Sun Peng is not as sympathetic to the old drama bones who have acted in movies for decades, and still can only play supporting roles, a film that costs $1.8 million.

So seeing Pete’s sad face, as if he still wanted to complain, Sun Peng's eyelids jumped a few times, and he laughed quickly: "Michael, find a place to sit and rest for a while, I'll go to meet the new guests... Yo, Steve is here, let me get out of it first."

After speaking, Sun Peng immediately walked to the gate.

Turning to see Steve who just came in? Lucas, Pete hesitated, and finally shook his head, not following. Today, Laobai is the protagonist. Although he is very familiar with Director Lucas, it is better to leave the stage to the real host.

"Haha, long time no see."

"It's great that you can come, Steve."

It's the same way of embracing greetings, just like Michael? Unlike Pete, Lucas came up and said eagerly: "Sun, when can you go to the crew? The shooting of "Avatar" was a bit unsuccessful, I need your advice!"

"Not so smooth? What do you mean?"

After a daze, Sun Peng was a little confused.

"Avatar" is indeed a legend on earth, but the technology in this world is more advanced, and Sun Peng does not think that Lucas will be worse than the big guy on earth. What will go wrong?

Seeing Sun Peng's surprised look, Lucas smiled and shook his head and said: "There are a few shots that I still feel are not good enough, so I want you to go over and think about it...I'm not very anxious, when will you be free to go? Just one trip."


Looking at Lucas, who said to ask himself to go to the staff, but there was not much urgency on his face, Sun Peng nodded with a smile after pondering for a moment.

Faintly, he guessed a little bit of what the great director thought.

It is estimated that what is wrong with the lens is just an excuse. The other party's real idea should be to let himself go to the crew for a few days, and to give the outside world a lot of attention to the movie "Avatar", and Steve? The impression of Lucas's close cooperation-after all, "Avatar" will not be released next summer, but the publicity has already begun.

Laobai's second collaboration with Director Lucas, the producer certainly does not want to miss this gimmick.

But this is also a good thing for Sun Peng. After all, he can get more shares when the movie box office is high, and don't forget that in that domestic super theme park, "Avatar" is also one of the highlights.

What's the point?

After a few small chats, Sun Peng asked Lucas to go in and talk to other people first. He immediately welcomed the next heavyweight guest-Jack, the president of Stanley Films? Johnson, a Hollywood tycoon who has never cooperated before, but has been "smart" for a long time.

"Welcome, welcome, Mr. Johnson."

"This is my honour, Mr. Sun."

After shaking hands politely, Jack? Johnson smiled and said: "I have always hoped to have the opportunity to have a formal meeting with Mr. Sun, but every time I meet at various awards ceremony and other occasions, it is really regrettable. Wait if I have time. , I hope I can have a good chat with Mr. Sun."

"Hehe, of course."

Nodded, Sun Peng naturally responded with a smile.

If you just look at the other person's expression and tone, he seems to be a very polite good gentleman, but Sun Peng is very clear in his heart that this guy is definitely one of the main forces of black himself. One is Tim? The whistleblowing of Hardaway and others, Sun Peng also knew that Stanley Films had sent him many invitations, but he ignored them.

In this case, Stanley Black himself is also a normal choice.

"Haha, Mr. Johnson came early."

Just as the two men exchanged thoughts, a voice suddenly came from behind.

The two turned their heads to look at it at the same time, and Sun Peng's eyes suddenly lit up. Did Cao Cao Cao Cao arrive? He thought of Tim just now? Hardaway, as a result, the president of Paramount Pictures has arrived!

"Hehe, that old guy can't deal with it, right?"

After the usual hug, looked at Jack who just walked away? Johnson glanced, Tim? Hardaway whispered with a smile.

Although there was a smile on his face, Sun Peng could see a kind of anxiety in the other's eyes.

He just smiled at this and shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I don't plan to have any cooperation with Stanlis Pictures... As for other things, naturally you have to deal with it, right? "

It's easy to win over Stanlis, just write two scripts.

But Sun Peng did not intend to do this, because he felt that if all the five big Hollywood giants became friends, it might not be a good thing. There are friends and enemies, this is the correct operation!

And in Tim? When there was joy in Hardaway’s eyes, Sun Peng continued: "And on the contrary, I plan to deepen cooperation with Paramount, Haggs and Hymens, and release more good movies in the next few years..."

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