Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 997: Murder on the Western Express

Two days later, Bian Lin and Benma Pictures and Tang Long cooperated again, and they were discussing the shooting of Die Hard. The news came.

With a dumb smile, Sun Peng didn't say much.

Back then, because of the investment size of "Mission Impossible", the little conflict between Sun Peng and the other party, because of the continuous showing of goodwill in the past few years, in fact, it has long since disappeared.

Of course, Sun Peng also knows the reason for the good news of Benma Pictures.

If Sun Peng is just an ordinary screenwriter, or even a top senior screenwriter in the circle, as one of the domestic film giants, Benma Pictures has no need to please him in this way. The most important thing is the script under the name of Lao Bai. In addition to the high domestic box office, it can also enter the international market smoothly!

For the Chinese film giants, this is the most important.

Especially seeing that Lotus Pictures not only made a lot of money with "Bourne Identity" and "The Matrix", but also further expanded its distribution channels in Europe and the United States. The company's logo has also become more and more in the eyes of overseas audiences. When I get more familiar, it would be strange if Benma Pictures is not in a hurry!

In this time period, there are not many screenwriters who can write such scripts in China!

Or even if it is possible to write such a script, there is only one screenwriter who can be like Laobai, picture books and music, and famous enough to attract audiences as a screenwriter...

For Sun Peng, in fact, "compounding" with Benma Pictures is only good.

Let’s not say that the other party is also a top domestic giant. The relationship has been stale. It is really no good. Just say that Sun Peng has a lot of big investment scripts. It is still necessary to re-establish cooperation.

And people who have suffered a loss will definitely be more concerned, right?

So even if he knew that Bian Lin had found a galloping horse, and even pulled Tang Long, he was almost the original cast of "The Impossible Mission", Sun Peng still calmly told the second sister that they would Just start the negotiation!

As for himself...

"What? Are you going to take the Western Express?"

After hearing Sun Peng's words that day, Zheng Jia suddenly widened his eyes: "Didn't you just come back from the United States? Why are you going out again? And still take the Western Express... it will take several days to go there. ?!"


After touching his nose, Sun Peng was really embarrassed.

His wife has a big belly, even if his mother-in-law is taking care of him every day, it is indeed a bit unreasonable for him to run outside this time. But when he thought of the novel he had finished editing, Sun Peng could only say: "Jia Jia, I actually don’t want to go, but... you also know that I’m writing a mystery novel now, and the story happened. On the Western Express, but I have never taken it before. Everything can only be imagined..."

"Murder on the Western Express" is the name of Sun Peng's next book.

Of course, you know it at first glance, adapted from the famous mystery novel "Murder on the Orient Express" on earth. It's just that in this world and this era, there has long been no Orient Express, but there is a Western Express that departs from China and arrives in Europe after a long journey!

In addition to freight, it mainly focuses on passenger transportation for sightseeing.

After all, although this passenger train is very slow, several times slower than the plane, and because it is a tourist route, the price is also very expensive, but it passes through more than a dozen countries along the way, and the various customs along the way make People are obsessed. So Sun Peng made this decision last year, but the extremely sought-after ticket has allowed him to take shape until now...

"Murder on the Orient Express" is one of Sun Peng's favorite mystery novels in his previous life, second only to the Sherlock Holmes series. After hesitating for a long time before, Sun Peng finally chose this detective novel as another theme after his martial arts novel and wizard novel.

Of course, Sun Peng also checked the Internet for a long time before making the decision.

I have to say that in both worlds, mystery novels are one of the most popular types of novels. Perhaps this world does not have the familiar classics on earth, but at the end of the 19th century, Sherlock Holmes also appeared. Many famous masterpieces have also emerged over the past 100 years!

When there is nothing to do, Sun Peng is too addicted.

I have to say that the reasoning writers in this world are very powerful. Basically, there are also types on the earth, and the degree of excitement is not worse than those classics in Sun Peng's memory. So Sun Peng had already planned to give up this genre. When he chose another one, he suddenly discovered that the words in Murder on the Orient Express were fairly new!

Sun Peng has never seen a similar subject for collective murder in a confined space.

In other words, even if there is, it is definitely not well-known, because Sun Peng checked it out by himself and asked his assistant Liu Chang to check it again for him. It was certain that no well-known work was of this type, and there was no similar information on the Internet.

In this case……

When Sun Peng discovered that something like Western Express actually existed, the content of the next book was so easily settled. Although the background of the novel was brought to China from Europe, the stories, characters, etc. in the novel had to be re-adapted, but Sun Peng, who was not satisfied with simply copying, at least enjoyed it...

Pulled away.

When Sun Peng said it was related to his new book, Zheng Jia stopped talking. But after a while, Zheng Jia said suddenly, "Then that... or I will go with you?"

"Huh? What?"

After listening to his wife’s words, Sun Peng was shocked, and hurriedly waved his hand desperately: “You can spare me! If you let them know that I’m taking you on the train for a few days and nights, don’t give me directly. Torn it? Don't do it, you can honestly raise the baby at home!"

The term they refer to a wide range.

Needless to say, Lao Zhangren and mother-in-law, especially Lao Zheng, who is definitely the master who dared to smash Sun Peng with a teacup; As for the relatives of Sun Peng, maybe the younger ones are not much, but the uncle and Sister-in-law and they will definitely scold him bloody...


About to understand this point, Zheng Jia pursed his mouth and smiled: "Then I won't toss you, but... you have to come back as soon as possible after you arrive!"

"Don't worry, it will be fine!"

With his arms around Zheng Jia's thick waist, Sun Peng nodded and said, "Take a train and then fly back. It takes more than ten days at most! And during this time, my news is raging, and it happened that I too You can go out to avoid the wind..."

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