
Hyeonjun suddenly felt cold and moved his hands to adjust his cloak. However, there was no strength in his body, so his hands only flinched.

As he shuddered, something suddenly covered his body carefully. Hyeonjun moved his hand to grab it.


Hyunjoon’s eyes widened. I could see a light shining from a dark corner of my vision. Hyunjoon blinked for a moment. It was out of focus, so I couldn’t distinguish things.

“hehehehe, are you out of your mind?”


Hyeon-joon tried to say something, but his voice didn’t come out and his mouth went blank.

Gunther carefully raised Hyeon-jun and brought the canteen to his mouth and poured the water very little by little. Hyeonjun drank it frantically and quenched his parched throat.

Gunther carefully laid Hyeon-jun down again, and Hyeon-jun opened his mouth and barely muttered.

“Is there anyone dead…”

“hehehehe, there is no one worse off than you.”

“I’m glad…”

Hyeonjun felt his eyes blur again. I just can’t keep my eyes open. As Hyeon-jun kept blinking his eyes, Gunther said.

“Grow some more.”

“okay… .”

Hyeon-jun blacked out again.

Hyeon-joon struggled to open his eyes, feeling his body shake irregularly. Hyeon-joon raised his hand and stirred it in front of his eyes without realizing it.

“Jun, are you out of your mind?”

“… okay.”

When one of the mercenaries saw Hyeon-jun moving and said, the other mercenaries also turned to Hyeon-jun.

“Whoa… suck!”

Hyeonjun took a deep breath and gave strength to stand up at once. Then, feeling dizzy as if he had been hit on the head, he closed his eyes again and remained still.

“…is everyone okay?”

“You are the worst.”

“Then everything will be fine.”

“I think the guy whose head was broken by the hammer is in better condition than you?”

“Don’t be mean.”

Hyeonjun made water with magic, drank it, and exhaled again.

“How crazy have I been?”

“It’s only been a day. There are limits to being tough.”

When Hyeon-jun’s dizziness subsided a little, he opened his eyes and looked around inside the carriage. It must have made a space for him by covering the wagon with a cloth. Looking at the other guys, some have bandages on their limbs or shoulders, but none are seriously injured. Hyeon-jun removed the cloth and jumped up by pushing one of the shoulders.

“Well, the patient jumps up, huh?”

The guy who grabbed his shoulder grumbled, but Hyeon-joon held his hand tightly so he wouldn’t fall. Hyunjoon looked around. Hyeonjun nodded his head after checking the guy on the other wagon, the guy walking because there were no seats, and even Gunther and Lahansen on the horse. No one died.


“Oh, are you awake?”

At Hyeon-jun’s words, Gunther and La Hansen looked back and approached.

“Nice job. No one died.”

“It is not what you are saying. When I first saw you, I thought you were already dead.”

Hyunjoon nodded and said.

“I thought I was dead too.”

“Crazy man, if you die, everyone here will collapse.”

“But I couldn’t help it this time.”

Gunther sighed and shook his head. La Hansen looked at Hyeon-jun silently for a while and then said.

“How was Sir Jerdu?”

“He was too precious to kill.”


Hyeon-jun smiled and reached out to ruffle La Hansen’s hair.

“do not do that.”

Lahansen swatted away that hand and distanced himself a little. Hyeonjun laughed a little and said to Gunter.

“How am I alive?”

“There was a potion in the camp and in the knight’s pouch. I wrote all of the knight’s things to you, and there are still a few things I found at the campsite.”

“Um, yes.”

Hyeonjun sat down on the carriage. There is no strength in the body. Hyeon-joon rummaged through the luggage in the carriage and found a sausage, biting his jaw and saying.

“Did the soldiers attack first?”

“hehehehe, yes. I killed him because he attacked first.”

“To kill 20 regular soldiers with 15 people, it would be embarrassing to even call them mercenaries.”

“hahahahaha! What would the man who killed the knight alone say?”

Hyeonjun and Gunther looked at each other and smiled. It’s only been a month since we had this conversation, but it feels like half a year already.

“I’m sure the loot was well taken care of, right?”

“Yes. Thanks to you, everyone is well armed.”

Only then did Hyeon-jun examine the armaments of the mercenaries sitting in the wagon. They all take off their helmets, but are well armed with plate armor. Hyunjoon smiled and said.

“If anyone sees it, they’ll think I’m a deserter. So, what about my armor?”

“It’s in front.”

At that, Hyeon-jun jumped up and jumped off the carriage. Hyeon-joon, who was staggering because his body had not yet recovered, regained his balance and quickly climbed onto the carriage in front of him. Everyone reached out to him and greeted him by slapping his arms and thighs. At that greeting, Hyeonjun patted them on the shoulder with his fist and looked at the full plate armor placed inside in awe.


The armor that Hyeon-jun had hit and cast magic on had a few dents here and there, but it was shiny and looked like new. Hyeon-jun walked over the moving carriage as if possessed and picked it up.

“It’s amazing.”

“I am more amazed by you.”

Gunther, who had followed the carriage in front, shook his head and said. A guy who came back from the dead looks at his armor first rather than his body, isn’t he a complete madman? Hyeonjun took a close look at his armor and picked up the helmet. And looking at it from the front in silence, he said.

“What about Yerdu?”

“La Hansen buried it well.”


Still can’t believe that he killed Jerdu. Did he really kill the faithful knight who wore this armor and sent cold eyes through the slit of his helmet with his own hands? Hyunjoon tried to retrace his memory. I remember how I killed Jerdu, but I couldn’t picture the situation in my head. It’s because I didn’t have a clue, so I couldn’t see properly and moved.

‘Did Shosanna ever imagine?’

Would he have dared to imagine that she would knock down a knight with her skill and kill him with the sword she gifted? Hyunjoon couldn’t believe it, so he laughed. It seems like he went through all sorts of hardships to learn swordsmanship, but in the end, he won thanks to Shosanna.

“La Hansen, help me put on the armor.”

“… I get it.”

At Hyeonjun’s words, the carriage stopped. Hyeon-jun doesn’t mind, but La Hansen can’t put armor on Hyeon-jun on the swaying wagon.

La Hansen skillfully began to put armor on Hyeon-jun. And it got stuck right away.


“It fits the body of a knight, so of course it doesn’t fit.”

Lahansen clicked his tongue and shook his head. Compared to Yerdu, Hyeon-jun was taller and had a slightly slimmer body. The breastplate could be worn just barely, and a fold that covered the abdomen connected to it and a tasset that covered the thigh connected to the fold could also be worn. And none of the rest could be worn.

“Damn it!”

The helmet was also made considering the length of the neck and the size of the head, not to mention the limbs. Oh, but the gauntlet and the sabaton covering the feet could be worn.

“Be satisfied with that. Isn’t it enough to be able to wear it?”

Although La Hansen admonished him like an adult, Hyeon-jun couldn’t hide his obsession as he glared at the remaining armor he hadn’t worn yet. You have to wear all of that to really have full plate armor. It can’t be like this!

“You can’t even use magic if you can’t wear it in one set.”

The magic granted to the full plate armor can be properly activated only when all parts are present. Magic defense and healing can be activated with a single piece of armor, but explosive movements, which can be said to be the true value of a knight’s full plate armor, are meaningless unless worn as a complete set.

Even if Hyeon-jun activates magic now, all he can do is move his hands and feet vigorously, and bend and straighten his waist strongly. And it’s designed to move at the same time as the other armor, so if you cast magic without arm and leg armor, you’ll roll on the floor.

“Think of it as having only magic defense and healing magic.”


Hyeonjun screamed and grabbed his head, but if he couldn’t, he couldn’t. I know that too, but I just can’t stand it.

“It’s stupid to think of wearing another knight’s full plate armor in the first place.”

Hearing La Hansen’s stinging advice, Hyeon-jun collapsed helplessly. All the mercenaries looked at it with their tongues licking their tongues. Their armor does not have to match the body shape perfectly like full plate armor to be worn. There were twenty pieces of armor, so I was able to wear the one that suited me without any shortage.

“Your breastplate was smashed, but just be grateful and put it on.”

Hyeonjun closed his eyes at the words of a mercenary. Nice armor, but giving it up when it could be better! Is there a way, no way?

“Yes! If you resize in the next town…!”

“Don’t be silly. You can bend it a little, but you can’t stretch it. And how can the blacksmith in the village touch the enchanted plate armor?”

“Why do you keep saying no!”

“Isn’t that because it doesn’t work? Did you really go crazy?”

Hyun-joon, like a 10-year-old kid who discovered a 12-step combination robot in the toy section, lay on the floor screaming and screaming, but La Hansen calmly faced the reality with the resoluteness of a professional housewife. Hyeon-jun, who struggled ugly, eventually came to his senses and lowered his head at La Hansen’s brutal injection of reality.

“To think that a guy like this beat Sir Jerdu… .”

“I’m going to sell everything that has turned out like this.”

In fact, it wasn’t that he had come to his senses, but that he had slightly tasted it and became more docile.

From noble mtl dot com

“Care your mind. What will you do with your armor if I sell it?”

In the end, Hyeon-jun was barely able to come to his senses after La Hansen accepted all of his bullsh*t.

“Okay, wear it first and make a new one later… . If you become a knight, won’t you give me at least one piece of armor?”

“Don’t pretend to be cool now. I’m embarrassed.”

Gunter sighed and said. The other mercenaries are also turning their heads and whispering.

“For now, the person who fits the body should wear the remaining parts.”

Only the limbs and helmet remain, but that alone is an excellent piece of armor. Basically, some armors have excellent performance, and the enchantment granted to them will greatly increase their ability to sustain combat. Of course, since the current mana of the armor is low, you will have to recharge mana as soon as Hyeon-jun and the magic tools are full.

At Hyeonjun’s words, the mercenaries rushed at once and tried to grab the remaining armor. Gunther also rushed in and got his hands on a vamp brace, but there’s no way that taller Gunther could wear something Hyun-jun couldn’t wear. In the end, those who knew that the armor didn’t fit their bodies licked their lips and put it down, and the mercenaries who calmed down their excitement began to try on the armor in turn.

“Whoa… that fits perfectly. I’m sorry, but I’ll keep this armor.”

“Sit down and look.”


“Take it off, you asshole.”

However, in the end, there was no one who fit the body, so he was stuck in the corner of the carriage. Although Yerdu is shorter than Hyeonjun, he is taller by the standards of people in this world. In addition, as a knight, he trained his body to the limit. There was no way there was anyone here who could wear such Yerdu’s armor.

“The knight’s full plate armor has become a nuisance… .”

Everyone turned their heads as they heard Lahansen murmur in vain. Everyone attempted a mental victory, rationalizing in their heads that they didn’t need to wear the armor.

I already took the sturdy plate armor from the soldiers’ armor. Although the limbs are not plate armor, they are well protected by chain mail, and the helmet has also been changed to a good one. Hey, look at this gauntlet. It feels very good on the hand.

“Ah, I want to wear full plate armor!”

“shut up!”

However, the moment Hyeon-jun honestly revealed his desire, everyone was stabbed in the middle and shouted. There is no warrior who does not want to wear such fine armor! At once, the mercenaries rushed at Hyeon-jun, grabbed his arms and legs, and tore off his armor.

“Bastard! You’re wearing this! Take it off!”

“No! My armor! Let go, you bastards!”

“Ah! I really hit you!”


“Tsk tsk…”

Only La Hansen, who knew full well that he would not be able to wear it as a knight’s squire, clicked his tongue when he saw it. Alone among the nerdy adults, he shook his head like an adult.

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