Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 278: Misty Rain's Worry

Ye Shengtian added the ingredients that he had already taken out, then took out a jar of seven-point drunkenness, and poured it on the flaming chicken. The fastest and most complete romance novels are all on the Mixed Novel Network. There are no advertisements.)

"Hiss——" After the sound, there was a "bang". It turned out to be some alcohol, which was sprinkled on the burning wood below, causing a bigger fire.

After a few minutes, Ye Shengtian took out the immortal sword and put it aside, waiting for the heat to dissipate before eating.

"Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart. If there is wine and meat, who would foolishly be that ascetic."

"Uh-, Xiang, you can eat that roast chicken later." Ye Shengtian took a few sips in a row, and his whole body felt comfortable. Ye Shengtian had only one word to describe his life, and that was "cool".

Ye Shengtian was drinking wine and eating meat here, while Shangguan Yanyu was in a hurry.

Shangguan Yanyu was a little worried after Ye Shengtian was dispatched by Teacher Ruth, and waited for Ye Shengtian to come back, so she found Teacher Ruth.

"Mr. Ruth, classmate Ye has been in that forest for more than an hour. It hasn't come out yet, is it dangerous?" Shangguan Yanyu asked Mr. Ruth with a worried expression on her face.

If Ye Shengtian knew that Shangguan Yanyu was concerned about his own safety, he would have shouted loudly that his previous efforts were not in vain.

There is a certain reason for paying, and there is a reward.

Teacher Ruth was also worried about Ye Shengtian's safety. She just wanted to make fun of Ye Shengtian for some reason, but she didn't expect that Ye Shengtian not only did not retreat, but walked in with his chest out. Didn't he know there was danger in the forest? Also go in, really childish temper.

It's better now that you don't come out and we're worried here.

"There shouldn't be any danger. With Ye's cultivation, even if he encounters a high-level monster, he will retreat completely." Teacher Ruth said with a guilty conscience.

Teacher Ruth's last sentence is right, Ye Shengtian has a great sword master cultivation base on the bright side, and there should be no danger in this forest. This forest is not big, and there will be no high-level monsters to survive here. The first evolution of Warcraft is to rely on the body to slowly attract aura, but this is very slow. All many Warcraft will choose to hunt other Warcraft, take their magic core, and then absorb the aura inside the magic core. The purified aura in the magic core can play a great role in the evolution of monsters, so monsters will live in places where there are many monsters, such as the forest of monsters.

I don't know how many monsters in the forest of monsters, and it is impossible to calculate with numbers.

"If he is not in danger, why hasn't he come out yet?" Although Shangguan Yanyu believed that Ye Shengtian was fine, she still anxiously asked Teacher Ruth.

"This...this..." Teacher Ruth didn't know how to answer either. She didn't know what Ye Shengtian was doing or how to answer.

"He may still be catching the hurricane rabbits, after all, there are so many to catch, and hurricane rabbits are not so easy to catch."

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the forest was even darker. Not even a ray of moonlight could penetrate. How could Ye Shengtian catch the Blast Rabbit, so Shangguan Yanyu would naturally not believe what Teacher Ruth said.

"Teacher, it's already dark, and it's impossible to catch the Hurricane Rabbit. Let's go and find him." Shangguan Yanyu suggested.


Teacher Ruth is also very anxious. Although Ye Shengtian is not very obedient, he is still a student in his class. Besides, Ye Shengtian is indeed very good. It is normal for some people to be proud of their talents, because they have that kind of capital.

Now that a student has an accident before he reaches the Forest of Warcraft, this training will be cancelled or postponed, and the teacher who leads the team is to blame. Even in death, it is difficult to escape this responsibility.

"Teacher, let's go." Shangguan Yanyu saw that Mr. Ruth agreed to go to Ye Shengtian, her face was happy, and she urged Mrs. Ruth.

Looking at Shangguan Yanyu, Mrs. Ruth knew that another girl had fallen in love, and she didn't know what was so good about Ye Shengtian, so many girls liked it.

"Hey, it's their own business, why should I meddle in my own business. I can't say, others say I'm a good man."

Originally, Mrs. Ruth was going to watch over Shangguan Yanyu and not let Ye Shengtian approach her as soon as she had the chance. People knew that Ye Shengtian was interested in Shangguan Yanyu, and Shangguan Yanyu was not a stupid person. After a brief period of confusion, she would think Clear, what I understand in my heart can no longer be understood.

Ye Shengtian did it so directly, and a few people didn't understand it. Ye Shengtian's behavior is no different from showing his love to Shangguan Yanyu directly.

Now Shangguan Yanyu has expressed concern for Ye Shengtian, and even if he does not enter the palace of love, he is not far away.

"Shangguan classmate, you can't see your fingers in the forest, just the two of us entering, it may be dangerous, let's mobilize everyone to find it." Teacher Ruth stopped Shangguan Yanyu, who had already moved, and said to him.

Shangguan Yanyu also thought about it, the forest is not big, but it would still be very difficult for two people to find it, so she nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Shangguan Yanyu nodded in agreement, Teacher Ruth went to gather everyone, and then told them that a classmate had entered the Warcraft Forest and did not come out, and asked everyone to go in and look for it. Teacher Ruth didn't tell the reason why Ye Shengtian went into the forest. If those classmates knew that Ye Shengtian ordered him to go in to capture the Hurricane Rabbit, then they would have secretly guessed why they sent Ye Shengtian into the forest alone. Because it is obviously impossible to only send Ye Shengtian to catch the Blast Rabbit, there must be a reason for it, and if someone knows that Ye Shengtian is a student of his class, then the problem will be a big one, and his image as a lady must be guaranteed.

Ahem, what Mr. Ruth didn't know was that in the eyes of the students, she was not a lady at all, but instead they talked about her being a tigress. However, this is just a private discussion among the students, and it has not spread to Mr. Ruth's ears. Otherwise, with Mr. Ruth's personality, it will not be able to make a big splash in the When everyone knows that some students may encounter Dangerous, all said to go to find. So everyone divided the labor and made some torches, lit them, and a few people walked in the front with torches in their hands. After entering the forest, they were divided into multiple groups, and they went to find them separately, so that there was a high chance of finding Ye Shengtian.

"Everyone remember, after you find that classmate, send a signal. If there is danger, remember to send a signal." After the group was divided, Mrs. Ruth said to everyone.

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