Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 508: Ascetic out (3000 words)

bump bump! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ahhh! ! !

The light magic and the dark magic collided, and with a bang, countless magic scattered around, and people within a hundred paces, whether it was the Holy See of Light or the people of the Holy See of Darkness, all suffered a certain impact and fell to the ground. Certain internal injuries.

"You guys are here, I'm going to force the old Pope Bright out first."

It was the elder who had an opinion on Lu Sheng before.

I saw him flying in the air, flying straight inward.

"Quick! Stop him!"

Countless bows, arrows and magic were shot at him, but he added a protective magic to himself. Those bows, arrows and magic could not get close to his body at all.


It flew in successfully, but before ten breaths had passed, it flew back upside down. This elder is the primary level of the Law God. Decades ago, he was famous on the mainland. Later, he joined the Dark Holy See, successfully broke through to the **** level, and became an elder in one fell swoop. Now that he was knocked back, it shows that the cultivation base of the shot is much higher than his.


The Dharma God fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and was dying.

Immediately, several dark swordsmen came up and carried him down.

Everyone stopped fighting temporarily, looked here, and knew that there would be OSS coming out, and the main event was next. Killing a few bright knights is not something to be proud of.

Tatata! ! !

There was a sound of footsteps, and Pope Bright came out with six ascetics and three other red-clothed archbishops. The three archbishops, two males and one female, were all middle-aged. There are five old men and one old woman among the six ascetic people. The six people are just like ordinary people, without the slightest momentum.

However, no one dared to underestimate the six people, and being able to follow Pope Guangming out is enough to show that they are not simple.

"Have you seen it? That's the Pope of Light. The six old people behind are the ascetic of the Holy See of Light, and each of them has the strength of a god-level peak." , "The Holy See of Light has a profound background, and it is not only these few ascetic who must have come out, or cultivated in other places, and can't come back."

"Not bad! As long as we hold back for a moment, we can sack them all when the Pope returns."

"Forget it, the Pope is coming back soon."

"Humph! His Excellency the Pope is not there, and he actually wants us to obey Lu Sheng's arrangements. I think when I joined the elder, he was just the person in charge of a small Zilong Empire."

"Don't say it's you, I don't accept it, but this is the Pope's order. Don't say it's you, even those old antiques must obey his orders. Now when he is gaining power, it is better not to offend him."

"You can't offend him, but we won't go first, let him go first, and see what he can do."

"Good idea. But we have to save him in time. After all, he is still a member of our dark church. The loss of a god-level master is a great loss for us."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

At this time, the two god-level masters who were fighting also returned to their respective camps.

The two sides faced each other like this.

"Crazy! Absolutely rampant! He dared to attack the headquarters of the Holy See of Light. Did the Pope of Darkness burn out his brain? Or is there any basis?"

"It should be relied on. The Pope didn't say that it seems that a big man has come down from the demon world."

"It is possible, but if you want to destroy my Holy See of Light, it is impossible. My Holy See of Light has existed for tens of thousands of years. How can it be destroyed by him."

"Not bad! We are nothing in front of those old guys, let alone their existence."

The six ascetics were also constantly communicating with their spiritual thoughts. If outsiders could hear what they said, they would have to be scared to death. The ascetic is the strongest strength of the Holy See of Light, but now in front of the old guys they call, it is nothing.

The six ascetics all have the strength of god-level peak, and the old guy in their mouth is definitely a super god-level master, and there are more than one.

"Didn't the Dark Pope come?"

The Bright Pope looked around and did not see the Dark Pope, but a man in a black robe caught his attention. This man was Lu Sheng.

"His Majesty the Pope, the Dark Pope did not appear, he should be hiding in the dark and peeping." A knight stepped out and replied.

"Didn't come? Pope Guangming muttered and said, "Who are you in charge? "

"Hey, it's me."

It was Lu Sheng who spoke.

"Bold and disrespectful to His Majesty the Pope."

A red-clothed archbishop behind Pope Bright, unable to see it, threw the magic staff in his hand towards Lu Sheng. But don't underestimate this throw, even the top Saint-level masters dare not take it hard. This magic circle is a lower-level artifact, inlaid with a holy-level magic core.

Lu Sheng was floating in midair at this time, and the magic wand whistled towards Lu Sheng, and the time and space shattered everywhere it went. "Bang", everyone heard a sound clearly, and everyone understood very well that it was the real magic wand. It really hit Lu Sheng's abdomen.

Time seemed to stand still, Lu Sheng didn't vomit blood, didn't fly upside down, and didn't fall down. I saw the corner of his mouth hooked, his body vibrated, and a transparent air flow spread out, but the magic wand was broken inch by inch, turned into pieces, and fell to the ground.

"You must be the land elder of the Dark Holy See, right?"

Pope Guangming smiled and greeted Lu Sheng.

"Old fox." The word popped out of everyone's heart. The Dark Holy See has already opened the door and killed so many Bright Knights, but the Bright Pope can still greet Lu Sheng with a smile. I have to say that he has a deep mind and is the old fox among the old foxes.

It is not surprising that Pope Guangming knows Lu Sheng.

The Holy See of Light has been paying attention to the movements of the Holy See of Darkness. Lu Sheng has suddenly sprung up, and the Holy See of Light has naturally spent a lot of time investigating.

"Lu Sheng, come to destroy your people from the Holy See of Light." Lu Sheng said.

What Lu Sheng said was very concise and powerful. On the other hand, he was also very confident that he could destroy the Holy See of Light.

"I'm not ashamed, I will kill you first, and then destroy your dark church." It was an ascetic who spoke.

As he spoke, he had already shot, grabbed the void, and slapped Lu Sheng with a huge palm. This palm was condensed with vindictive energy, and its aura was like a rainbow. Seeing this, Lu Sheng smiled contemptuously. When the palm reached the top of his head, a punch hit the palm.


The huge palm disappeared, and the ascetic snorted, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Come from the other side, return to the other side, the shining light swings, and turns into an indestructible sword! Use the atmosphere as the bow, the brilliance as the arrow, bear the power of my will, and cut through the void!! Left hand "light destroyer" , "Arrow of Vaulted Light" in the right hand, two techniques of light that are named after my name, let's combine them and smash into a brighter radiance one after another! -- Glory to heaven!"

The one who shot was another ascetic, a Dharma god.

A light arrow flew in front of Lu Sheng with a swish sound. Lu Sheng took two big steps, grabbed it with a big hand, and the space shattered, and the light arrow was caught in his hand.

"Humph! What can magic do to me!"


The big hand squeezed hard, and the light arrow shattered.

Lu Sheng is like a **** of war, invincible, and other ascetic people have to take action and be stopped by Pope Guangming in time.

"It's amazing! I didn't even dare to pick up the magic wand just now, but he actually shattered him. I can't match this cultivation base."

"You and I are indeed not his opponents. It was two ascetic who shot just now. You and I go up, and that slap will kill you and me."

The two dark elders were very shocked by Lu Sheng's cultivation, and the spiritual senses were entangled again. They originally thought that Lu Sheng was also a god-level junior master, but they didn't expect that even two god-level peak masters couldn't help him, and this cultivation base was at least god-level peak.

If he has the cultivation of the god-level peak, this is not something they can offend.

"Every ascetic, his cultivation is no longer under mine, and you are not his opponent." Pope Guangming looked at the air. Lu Sheng, who was motionless, whispered to the six ascetics what! He is a super god-level master, is the dark pope crazy? How can you send a super god-level master to take action. "A super god-level shot is no trivial matter. It is simple to move mountains and reclaim the sea. The most important thing is that the holy mountain will definitely be destroyed in this fight.

"No! We are absolutely not opponents, we must wake them up, otherwise once the Dark Pope appears, it will be a slaughter."

"Yes! Wake them up, and only they can deal with them. I believe they won't blame us."

"Wait, I'll go meet him first." Pope Guangming didn't want to wake them up, knowing that once they were awakened, they couldn't stay for long. After destroying the opponent, it will be picked up immediately, so the Holy See of Light will have one less hole card.

Now only Lu Sheng is a super god-level expert, and he still has the confidence to kill him.

[Author's words] [Three thousand words per chapter] Such a powerful update, gold medals, red envelopes, gifts, don't hide your children's shoes. The male group is full, and the second male book group is recruiting: 231147392.

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