Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 577: The strong and majestic

It turned out that the old man deliberately did not kill them, just to wait for Ye Shengtian to appear. Their mission this time was to kill Ye Shengtian, so when more than 100 top-quality immortal artifacts appeared, they were all restless and did not show up immediately.

Now that Ye Shengtian finally appeared, it was time for them to show up.

The old man was in high spirits, as if he immediately saw the scene where Ye Shengtian was beaten to death by them, and he was also proud of seeing the other three. In their eyes, Ye Shengtian in front of them is not a person, but a corpse. They don't think that Ye Shengtian can escape from the palms of the four of them.

All four have the strength of the eighth-order main god, the top powerhouse of the gods, and are invincible.

Ye Shengtian looked at the four people with smug expressions on their faces, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually spread, "There are three more people who will die. If there are any more, come out directly, so as to save the deity to find them one by one."

"Jie Jie..." The ugly old woman among the four laughed strangely, very harsh, but he laughed happily, but the smile on her face was disgusting, "Young people know that I love to play tricks, I don't know what will happen, this seat will let you die in your sobriety."

"Old lady, what are you talking about with him, and killing him directly, is it possible that you have made a big fuss and fell in love with this handsome boy?"

Another old man was dissatisfied.

"Humph! I like to torture and kill Jun Boy."

The old woman sneered.

The old woman was also beautiful when she was young, but it was a pity that she was deceived by a handsome man, so she became like this, and the man who had the heart was beheaded by him, so she now has the hardest and most ruthless heart.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's do it together."

The middle-aged man who had been silent for a long time roared into the sky.





The four of them shot one after another, and the four sword qi straddled the ancient and modern, and came from the space. As soon as the four of them made a shot, it was the ultimate move. These four sword qi carried a chilling murderous aura, woo woo, even the space was trembling, as if they knew the fate that was about to be destroyed.

Cover the sky!

Ye Shengtian stood still, and as soon as his hand to cover the sky came out, the world was invincible. The four sword qi were firmly grasped in the palm of his hand. As soon as the four tyrannical sword qi were caught in the palm of Ye Shengtian's palm, they rushed left and right, wanting to go out, but it was a pity that Ye Shengtian's palm was so easy to break.


Ye Shengtian swallowed the mana in the palm of his hand, and the four sword qi turned into nothingness, as if it had never appeared.

"Invincible Divine Fist, Divine Fist Invincible." The old man before played "Invincible Divine Fist" again, this time it was even more terrifying. In one breath, he had already punched a thousand punches. The fists were heavy, and more than a thousand energy storms roared towards Ye Shengtian.

And the others did not rest, and they all played their strongest killing moves.

The old woman waved millions of sword qi in the air. These millions of sword qi were all black. These millions of black sword qi formed the appearance of a person. I saw this person's body was black, and even his eyes were full. He couldn't see any of his expressions at all.

The old man is practicing the supreme secrets of the devil world. This black man is a devil **** in the devil world. His strength is extremely terrifying, and it is rumored that he will come into contact with the legendary realm.

I saw that this Demon God had a body as high as 1,000 meters and was extremely powerful. When he saw Ye Shengtian in his eyes, he immediately turned from curiosity to contempt.

The sword energy emitted by the other old man is simple and unpretentious, but its power is very strong, changeable and continuous.

And the middle-aged man was the most domineering and waved tens of millions of sword lights at once, and organized into countless stegosaurus rushing towards Ye Shengtian.

The moves of the four are different, but they are all ultimate moves, and they are powerful. Even if the Zhoushan old man has improved his realm, they are not their opponents.

"Huh! It's a little bit capable, but from the moment the deity appears, you are destined to fall. This is something that no one can change. This is fate. No one can change fate, and no one can control fate."

Ye Shengtian first punched, and the violent mana directly pierced through the body of the demon god, bang, black gas flowed out from the body of the demon god, and then there was a loud noise, and the body of the demon **** exploded, turning into boundless black energy .

These black gas are strongly corrosive, and even if the fourth-order main **** touches a little, they will die.

The black air spreads in all directions, and the speed is extremely fast. If you let him spread like this, not to mention that Phoenix City will be destroyed forever, even these main gods will not escape death.


Ye Shengtian's right hand turned into a huge palm, and a tyrannical suction force was emitted from the palm of his hand. I saw that there were countless vortexes in the palm of his hand. The suction force was emitted from the vortex, and the boundless black energy was immediately sucked into the vortex.

In the blink of an eye, the boundless black energy absorbed all the light, and the sky returned to normal.

For the thousands of energy storms that came over, Ye Shengtian directly punched, and a tyrannical white energy spurted out from the fist, directly smashing these energy storms until it reached the front of the old man. Sora jumped to avoid the punch.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! !

The spiritual thoughts of the six main gods and powerhouses were not avoided in time, and were directly destroyed. It is also considered that they are unlucky, it is not good to hide where, they have to hide behind this old man.

"Strong, too strong, it is simply invincible in the world, we should hide away, so as not to bring disaster to Chiyu, although this is only one of our spiritual thoughts, but once it is destroyed, it will also cause us huge losses."

"Yes, for our safety, it's better to hide away."


Those spiritual senses saw them fighting, and they had threatened their safety, so they retreated one after another until they retreated to a distance they thought was safe.

Bang bang bang bang bang. . . . . .

Ye Shengtian faced these middle-aged dragons without even looking at them.

As for the sword move of the other old man, Ye Shengtian was even more simple. He opened his **** mouth and took a breath, and all the sword energy entered his belly. As soon as these sword qi entered his belly, no matter how fierce and powerful they were, they would be completely swallowed up by the holy energy in Ye Shengtian's body in the blink of an eye, and not even a scum would be left behind.

"What? This man is so fierce."

The old woman was shocked when she saw Ye Shengtian's understated moves and broke their ultimate move.

"Great, really great, it seems that we met an opponent today."

"It seems that he has always maintained his strength before, and now is his real strength, not the ninth-order master **** powerhouse, or the eighth-order master god's peak."

"Yes, it seems that we have to make this move, or we may be killed by him and fall here."

Now the four of them are no longer complacent before, but have all changed into serious colors. Although they fought against Ye Shengtian for less than two rounds, they knew that Ye Shengtian was extremely powerful. None of the four of them would be his opponent, and there was no possibility of winning together.

The four of them knew very well that they had reached the point of exhaustion and had to burn their lives. They still have many earth-shattering big moves, but they know that even if they use them, they will have no effect at all.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ! !

The four of them immediately burned their lifespan, and their realm even improved again, reaching the peak of the eighth-order main god. As for the previous old man, he did not improve any further, because he used divine light to bless to the eighth-order main god. Can't be raised any more.

Even if the realm is temporarily upgraded to the ninth-order main god, it requires inestimable energy. Unless they burn all their remaining lives, it is impossible to upgrade to the ninth-order main god.

Although the realm of the old man has not improved, but his breath is more tyrannical, even more tyrannical than before.

Now the realm of the four is all the peak of the eighth-order main gods, and now they are the real peaks of the gods. But their cost is very high, each of them burns more than 1.5 million years of life.

Don't see that they are the powerhouses of the eighth-order main gods, and their lives are very long, but they are not immortal, and they cherish life very much. Some old antiques will fall because they cannot break through because their lifespan is up, and the same is true of those ninth-order master gods. Each of them has lived for a long time, and there is not much life left, so they are all To sit in the gate of life and death.

Hundreds of thousands of hours, for them, are just a snap of their fingers.

As soon as the realm of the four reached the peak of the eighth-order main god, they all glared at Ye Shengtian. If it wasn't for Ye Shengtian, they wouldn't have to burn their lives. Burning now has a lifespan of 1.5 million years, so the possibility of their fall is greatly increased.

"If I don't kill you today, I swear I will not be a human being."

"It has cost us so much If you don't kill this time, the realm of this seat will never be improved for the rest of your life."

"Yes, he has become a barrier in our hearts. If we want to break through in the future, we must break this barrier."

"Kill! We are all destined to break through the legendary realm. Even fate can't stop us. People stop killing people, and gods stop killing gods."


The four of them played their strongest ultimate move again, and it was suddenly dark and dark. The sky was filled with a terrifying breath. The sky was full of ultimate moves. The army below was also affected by this place, and quickly separated, and looked there with panicked eyes. , everyone showed a terrifying look.

And those powerhouses in many cities around Phoenix City were trembling at this time, even the powerhouses of the main gods.

The many powers of the Baiyu Royal Family are also trembling at the same time. They know that this time the Baiyu Royal Family has gone into a frenzy, and they have thoroughly demonstrated their hegemony to the world. At this time, they both hoped that Ye Shengtian would be victorious and severely attack the spirit of the Baiyu Dynasty, and they also hoped that the Baiyu Dynasty would be victorious, so that innocent people would not be involved.

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