"Kill us? What good does killing us do to him, wouldn't those receding divine senses spread the news that Phoenix City has the most powerful artifact?"

The three brothers said.

"Then what does he mean? Is he pitying us? Or despising us?"

"Guessing and guessing, and can't guess a result, it is better to go back to the teacher's door and talk about it."

"Yes, go back to the teacher's door first."

Afterwards, they left the space and returned to the division.

Just as Ye Shengtian thought, the main gods of the Baiyu Dynasty returned to the imperial capital. The news they brought shocked the Baiyu royal family, and at the same time they strictly sealed the news, but there were really few forces who didn't know about this. Even if the news of the local forces is not well-informed, the foreign forces will greatly promote it.

The shock is huge.

The Baiyu Dynasty is now shaking the court and the opposition, and many ministers even doubt the motives of the court's crusade.

Although the Baiyu Dynasty has been questioned by many forces, the Baiyu Dynasty is still as stable as Mount Tai, and no force dares to really turn against the Baiyu Dynasty. Although the Baiyu Dynasty suffered serious losses this time, it lost four top-level main gods at once, but it was not without gains. At least it showed the powerful forces of the royal family to the forces everywhere.

To crusade a small Phoenix City, four top-level main **** powerhouses are dispatched, and there must be a few top-level main **** powerhouses in the imperial capital, so these forces are afraid of only those few.

But looking at Phoenix City again, it was a great prestige, Ye Shengtian once again showed everyone his first-class strength.

The forces around Phoenix City sent congratulations one by one, and some directly went to the table to beg for Phoenix City's protection. Ye Shengtian is naturally willing to accept these powers that are aware of current affairs. If he accepts them, those other powers who sit and watch will follow suit.

Countless beliefs gradually converged from their city to Phoenix City, and only Ye Shengtian benefited. His cultivation level increased sharply. Although it was very slow, it was much faster than his own ascetic cultivation.

After three months of calm and tranquility, the weather has gradually become cold, and it has turned into a cold winter.

In three months, Phoenix City has flourished, and the economy is even more prosperous, and many masters have come here. They are all people who are hostile to the Baiyu Dynasty, and some are even wanted like Ye Shengtian. of tyrannical characters.

In this way, there are more than 100 main gods gathered in Phoenix City. Don't look at the increase of only a dozen, but there are many, and some major forces are probably only a dozen main gods.

In the past three months, the Baiyu Royal Family has never come to find fault, and has not issued any imperial edict. It seems that this matter has been forgotten, but Ye Shengtian knows that they will definitely not let him go like this, because The Baiyu Royal Family lost too much last time, and they had to fight again for the sake of face.

Winter in Phoenix is ​​still very beautiful, with large snowflakes falling, the city is white, and children playing in the snow can be seen everywhere.

Ye Shengtian looked at them and couldn't help but think of Huaxia himself when he was young, and he often played with snow and snow sticks. That's right, although he was in kindergarten, he was still very happy. Now in a foreign land, although there are killings and intrigues everywhere, which makes people very tired, but Ye Shengtian feels that this place is more suitable for him.

Moreover, Ye Shengtian's instinctive thinking believes that there is nothing wrong with war, killing, and respecting the strong.

This is true nature.

Amoy the inferior and leave the superior.

Survival of the fittest.

The development of a nation requires war, and peace can indeed make people comfortable.

But peace can destroy a nation.

Because of happiness without thinking, prudence, discipline, fear, prudence, security, and cultivation, it leads to death.

Ye Shengtian remembered very clearly, thinking about why M imperialism was able to be powerful and dominate the world at the beginning, that is, it often provoked wars. Only wars can strengthen national cohesion, and only wars can make the people more patriotic.

It can be said that the M Empire made its fortune today entirely by war.

Peace can only make people happy and give birth to **. Blindly seeking peace is only weakness.

If Ye Shengtian had to choose, he would rather choose war. If there is no war, he would have to provoke a war. Only by provoking a war will others know you and understand you. When they really understand you, they will be afraid of you.

When their fear is extreme, they will naturally turn to you.

Shaking his head, Ye Shengtian got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, and he stroked his right hand to the sky. The snow that was already heavy, fell even more.

Ye Shengtian, who had left here, could still hear the childish voices of those children, "Oh, it's snowing heavily. It's snowing a lot, and there's a lot of snow. It's time to build a snowman and have a snowball fight."

"Yeah, a lot of snow, a lot of snow."

Ye Shengtian sighed with emotion, and then left without looking back.

There are rumors among the people that every time there is a war, there will be a lot of snow. Because blood and snow are homonyms, there is this saying. In fact, what convinced them was the fact that every time there was the most bloodshed, there would be more snow than before, as if the heavens were complaining about their deaths.


The view is gorgeous.

"Wu Ding will fight against Yunni with swords, and go straight to the emperor under the Tianhe River. After the battle, three million jade dragons will fly.

In the distance, only a poem recited by Ye Shengtian remained.

Several children heard the verses recited by Ye Shengtian, stopped playing, and looked at Ye Shengtian at the same time, but what they saw was a stalwart back. After taking two glances, their joyful laughter continued to be heard in the air.

Although the weather became colder, it did not affect them in the slightest. Since the battle three months ago, Ye Shengtian has rewarded everyone, that is, the British soldiers who participated in the war have received substantial rewards.

Not to mention those main gods, they have obtained the coveted cultivation method "Wanjian Jue", and at the same time, there are also elixir rewards. That very hard-headed main **** has been reused by Ye Shengtian to handle the diplomatic affairs of Phoenix City, and he also received ten extra pieces. The reward of the best fairy.

The other main gods looked envious.

They said that they were rude, and they finally managed to persuade a few friends, and they did not get as many top-quality immortal weapons as he did this time.

But they didn't have anything to complain about. It's rare to see someone who makes people so tough and would rather die than be afraid. In general, the main gods cherish life very much, because the cultivation base is hard-won, and most people will choose to surrender when their life is threatened. If they didn't know that Ye Shengtian would leave the customs in time this time, maybe the main **** would surrender.

However, from Ye Shengtian's point of view, surrender is not heinous, and they are not forced to do so. Unless the person's character is really bad, Ye Shengtian will choose to forgive.

Ye Shengtian was slowly driving on the street like this, and before the heavy snow fell on him, it was melted by an invisible force.

Squeak! !

There were not many pedestrians on the street. After Ye Shengtian passed by, he would leave two big footprints and the sound of squeaking on the snow.

All the way back to Xiaoyao Palace. The Xiaoyao Palace was built by Yu Tsingyi, not mortals, but saint-level soldiers. Since it was built for Ye Shengtian and had high remuneration, everyone scrambled to sign up.

Xiaoyao Palace was completed in less than two months, and the construction period was very short, but it was built magnificently, no worse than the palace, and it was completely constructed according to the model of the palace.

I saw a guard of more than 100 people standing at the gate of Xiaoyao Palace, each of whom has god-level strength, and from time to time there are dozens of guards passing by, they are patrol personnel. Xiaoyao Palace is tightly guarded, and there are no organs in it, but there is a formation arranged by Ye Shengtian. If a strong enemy breaks in privately, they will only die.

Although Ye Shengtian faces the world as the God of Free and Easy, everyone will call him "Young Master" when they see him, because this is Ye Shengtian's favorite title.

Ye Shengtian strolled into the conference hall. The people here have already arrived, including Yu Qingyi, Zhoushan old man, Liu Yuyang, Liu Feiyao, Ye Xiang, Feng Ying, Wu Yun and others.

Wu Yun is the second-order main **** who vowed to die that day.


When everyone saw Ye Shengtian, they all stood up and screamed.

Ye Shengtian nodded, and a flying body sat on the throne.

Looking at everyone present, Ye Shengtian's face slowly showed a smile, "Do you think Phoenix City is a little small now? It's a bit crowded?"

Because Ye Shengtian became famous in the first battle, many people came to seek refuge, naturally attracting a lot of talents, and these people lived in Phoenix City, and the population of Phoenix City gradually began to be saturated, and now there are still people moving into Phoenix City.

Of course, there will definitely be a lot of powerful spies among these people.

Everyone knows that, if they have the ability, they can be found out.

Naturally, Ye Shengtian had no interest in these spies, so he let Yu Qingyi deal with them. Yu Qingyi had a lot of experience with them.

As soon as Ye Shengtian said this~www.readwn.com~ Yu Tsingyi and Ye Xiang were the first to understand, while the others were still thinking about what Ye Shengtian meant.

"The population of Phoenix has surged recently, and most of them are foreigners. We will expel them from the city or move them to other cities, so that Phoenix will have a lot of empty space."

Liu Feiyao said.

Liu Feiyao grew up here and doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people. This is related to the education she received since childhood. Ye Shengtian didn't blame her, just smiled and said nothing. Instead, Ye Xiang hit her right arm, don't let her Talking nonsense.

Feng Ying's lips moved, but he still didn't speak.

Ye Shengtian observed each of their reactions, and when he saw Feng Ying's actions, he knew that he had something to say, so he said: "Feng Ying has something to say, just say it directly, here is my own person, there is nothing to worry about."

Seeing Ye Shengtian say this, Feng Ying stood up and said, "Does your son have any plans recently that we need to implement?"

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