The onlookers saw that Dongmen Jade really used the intermediate main artifact to exchange for a broken ring covered with rust, and they all showed incredible expressions. , Dongmen Yu did this, there must be a deep meaning, maybe the broken ring just now was a treasure.

People with these ideas came to the booth to look for something to see, but they quickly shook their heads and left.

Ye Shengtian didn't look like they didn't know the goods. He just took a blue fruit, glanced at it, and nodded, "This blue fruit may have a lifespan of nearly 100,000 years, and its mother tree has at least Three million lifespans, otherwise it would not bear such fruit at all."

As soon as Ye Shengtian finished speaking, the old man's eyes lit up, but it darkened immediately, "These fruits are very rich in spiritual energy. It is very beneficial for people to eat them, but unfortunately they are useless to us."

The meaning of the old man is not difficult to understand. It is useless to him because his cultivation base is already very high, and eating these fruits will not have any effect, so he sells them. In fact, it is not ineffective, but directly eating these fruits, most of the spiritual energy cannot be absorbed, and flows out of the body, and then scattered in the air.

But if these wild fruits and medicinal materials are used to make medicine pills, the effect will be much better, and high-grade medicine pills can be made.

Ye Shengtian has some ideas about these good things, but the price here is indeed a lot higher, I am afraid that some things even the old man doesn't know of any use, "I think it is difficult for you to sell these things, why don't you pack them to me? , but I only want wild fruits and herbs, and I'm not interested in other things."

"Huh? Why do you want these wild fruits? I think your cultivation base should be good, and they shouldn't be of any use to you."

"It's not useful to me, but it doesn't mean it's not useful to others."

Ye Shengtian looked at the five daughters while talking, the old man saw Ye Shengtian looking at the five daughters and immediately knew what Ye Shengtian meant. He thought that he was a romantic boy, no wonder he was reluctant to give up so much money, "I can package it for you, the price is very fair, just Thirty intermediate master artifacts."

Ye Shengtian sees the price as fair, there is sun grass in these fruits. Ningshen Flower, Mountain Sage, Ghost Mushroom, Deadleaf, Grom's Blood, Dreamleaf, Monroe Flower, Mana Thistle, Terro Fruit, Living Root and other herbs with high age.

Ye Shengtian thought it was not high, but the others were frightened. You must know that these medicinal materials and fruits are not one share, some are more, some are less, but they are definitely worth the price, and they are more useful in Ye Shengtian's hands, and they can refine high-grade medicinal pills to improve their cultivation. .

Therefore, Ye Shengtian must buy it.

But Ye Shengtian is not a person who likes to suffer losses, I saw Ye Shengtian stand up and say: "These things are indeed very valuable, but for high-level people, they would not be willing to pay high prices to buy them, you should know one The value of a mid-level main artifact."

"Oh? How many pieces do you make?"

"This son is not an unreasonable person. Twenty-five intermediate master artifacts can be packed now as long as you nod your head."

Hearing Ye Shengtian's words, the old man showed a look of surprise, "Oh? You really have twenty-five intermediate-level main artifacts on you. You must know that if you go back and get them, it won't be the same price later."

Ye Shengtian said: "Since you come to Taobao, you naturally have some valuable things on your body, what do you think?"

The old man looked at Ye Shengtian again unexpectedly, then shook his head and laughed at himself: "It seems that the old man has some misunderstandings, so, if you take out twenty-five intermediate master artifacts, you can take all the flowers and plants. "

buzzing buzzing. . . . . .

Ye Shengtian swayed his big hand gently on his chest, and flew away twenty-five intermediate-level main artifacts. These twenty-five intermediate-level main artifacts did not have great momentum and had been sealed by Ye Shengtian. Most people would think that these twenty-five intermediate-level main artifacts were simply ordinary artifacts, but the old man could see at a glance that these twenty-five weapons were all intermediate-level artifacts, and each of them was a superior artifact.

Ye Shengtian killed so many main gods, and got a lot of intermediate and low-level main artifacts. Usually, he gave them to the people below. Now it's good to buy these things. The old man grabbed an intermediate master artifact and glanced at it, "It's an intermediate master artifact, but your divine power has been sealed by you, and I have never seen this seal before, it is extremely powerful, it seems that little brother is not an ordinary person. "

Ye Shengtian waved his sleeve, and a burst of mana shot out, and all the intermediate master artifacts were immediately unsealed by him. As soon as the lockdown was lifted, these mid-level master artifacts spread a powerful momentum, forcing everyone not to retreat. And this old man is also a simple person. With a wave of his sleeves, all these intermediate master artifacts were sucked into his sleeves.

Ye Shengtian put the things into the Qiankun ring, and said to me Dongmenyu: "Master Dongmen, let's move forward."

Dongmen Yu naturally said yes.

"Wait." The two of them were about to turn around and leave, but the old men suddenly stopped the two of them. It was very strange, "Is there anything else?"

Ye Shengtian said lightly.

The old man said, "Since you need these fruits, don't you want to know where they come from?"

Ye Shengtian said, "Will you tell me?"

"Of course, as long as you can afford it."

"How many?"

"As long as you can get a top-level main artifact, I'll tell you the place. You need to know where it is, but there are many such treasures, and the price is absolutely worth it."

"Yes. Where?"

"So, you agreed?"


"Well, these are obtained in the forest of death, but where it is extremely dangerous, I have only gone in a few times, and I have not dared to go deep inside. If you want to go in, you'd better bring more people."

"You don't have to worry about it. Take it."

Ye Shengtian threw him a top-level main artifact, which was the weapon of an ancestor of the Baiyu Dynasty, and Ye Shengtian also kept it on him. As soon as Ye Shengtian left, the old man hurriedly packed up the booth and left. He had earned so many main artifacts today, and someone would definitely kill him, so he would not be able to appear here in the future.

"Where is the forest of death?"

Ye Shengtian asked Dongmenyu.

Dongmen Yudao said: "Death Forest is in the extreme south of God's Domain, and it is extremely dangerous inside, even the ninth-order main gods dare not enter easily. It is said that it is very mysterious and gloomy. It is surrounded by fog all day, and few people go in. I can still come out alive. The old man just now may be lucky."

"His cultivation is not bad. He should not have entered the center after entering. Since this place is so mysterious, I am interested in going in and have a look. I wonder if Brother Dongmen has this interest?"

"With Brother Ye here, my life will definitely be fine. By the way, Brother Ye, did you find something about the ring just now?"

"Yes, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be the supreme artifact, but it should be damaged. If you want to completely repair it, you must constantly input the vindictive repair, which will take a lot of master gods and time."

"What? The supreme artifact? So, didn't I make a lot of money."

"Not bad. You really made a lot of money. After you go back, I can help you repair it, but you owe me a huge favor."

"It's easy to say, easy to say. Brother Ye, if you have any orders in the future, it's naturally my duty to Dongmen Jade."

"Go, look forward, don't look back, someone is sneaking behind us."

Ye Shengtian felt that someone was following them sneakily behind them, so they went to a remote place without a trace, and then disappeared to the side, and the two people they followed appeared in the place where they were invisible.

These two people are middle-aged people, with good cultivation, and have the strength of a median god. As soon as they got here, they couldn't find Ye Shengtian and others, and they were very puzzled, "Where are they? No, they should have come here just now. No, did they find us?"

"Yes, I just found you."

Ye Shengtian, Dongmenyu and others came out. Looking at the two middle-aged people, Dongmenyu asked, "Who are you? Why are you following us? If you don't tell the truth, I will cut you into eight pieces."

"We saw that you were able to come up with the intermediate master artifact, so we followed over to take a look. We have no malicious intentions."

Two middle-aged people.

"There's a lot of nonsense. It seems that you don't want to live anymore. In that case, I'll give you a ride."

"Ah, no, we want to **** your main artifact."

"Oh? To **** the main artifact? You deserve it. If I didn't guess wrong, you should be the people of the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the world."

The eyes of the two middle-aged men flickered, and they shook their heads and said, "What is the number one chamber of commerce in the world, our brothers don't know each other at all, please let the two of us go, we will no longer dare to follow them~www.readwn. com~ Ye Shengtian turned around and left without saying a word. When Dongmen Yu saw Ye Shengtian leaving, he naturally followed. When the two saw them leaving, they both thought they were lucky enough to save two lives, but when they were fortunate, they suddenly said The white light lased over, pierced through their bodies, and the two fell down at one end.

"The No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the world is really not easy to find our whereabouts so quickly. It seems that your subordinates have their people."

"I'll check this out."

This matter is nothing to Ye Shengtian, but it is a huge blow to Dongmenyu. You must know that the ghost is in his hands, but now he has been inserted as a traitor by others, where is his face?

This matter will not end so easily, or it will be a **** storm.

After that, the two continued to hang out, but they also bought a lot of things. Just as they continued to walk, Ye Shengtian discovered that someone was following them again, but Ye Shengtian did not expose them, but came to another street.

The street is having a good show right now.

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