?The Fuqin woman is the elder sister of the Fuse woman. m--The words of the Fuse woman just now obviously have other meanings. Ye Shengtian nodded and said, "What this elder sister said is that people can't be resurrected after death, and their souls are scattered, and they don't even have the chance to be reincarnated."

Unexpectedly, the woman who played the piano became furious after hearing what Ye Shengtian said, "What do you mean by that?"

It seems that these words were said to Ye Shengtian, but in fact, it is clear here that these words were said to the woman Fusena. Now both of them stopped, and the twelve singing and dancing women also stood aside.

The Fuse woman glanced at the Fuqin woman and said, "He promised you to help you save him, but can you believe what he said? And he also asked us to help him kill people, do you know that this will break our practice? , we will still face the masters face to face in the future."

The woman who played the piano said, "He saved my life back then, but now he is injured. Is it wrong for me to save her?"

The woman who caressed him said, "It's not wrong for you to save him, but have you forgotten the rules of the sect? Once you get rid of the killing ring, if the sect finds out, they will definitely hunt you down."

The Fuqin woman said, "But what if I save him? Who can save him?"

The Fuse woman stood up, walked to the Fuqin woman, and said, "Sister, I told you long ago that he died a long time ago, can't you forget him? And I don't think he is a good person. thing."

"shut up."

The Fuqin woman was furious and immediately shouted.

The two sisters confronted each other like this, and neither of them let the other. Ye Shengtian stood here and watched for a while, and understood a little bit, that elder sister liked a man, but the man died to save her, and now the mysterious man forced them to kill him in exchange for saving the man.

However, the woman's sect is also very special. She doesn't even allow her sect to kill. Once she kills a life, she will be chased and killed by her sect. I don't know which sect it is. Ye Shengtian has never heard of such a sect, and it is very likely that it is the hidden world sect.

The hostility of the two women is getting heavier and heavier, and they are about to start their hands. Ye Shengtian was about to leave with Ye Linger at this moment, and only took three or four steps back. The twelve women took out their long swords and surrounded Ye Shengtian and Ye Linger.

The movement here disturbed the two women, and the woman who played the piano said angrily: "What are you doing? Don't you dare to disobey my order?"

The twelve women looked at each other, and one of them said, "The master has already spoken, and they must be killed. If you dare to disobey the master's order, the master will not let you go."

The woman who played the piano said: "I didn't expect that he would buy you off. No wonder he is so clear about our sisters. It turned out that you all disclosed it. You really deserve to be damned."

The woman said: "Master is also for your own good. Master's great cause is about to be completed. Once successful, Master will control the entire God Realm. Who is Master's opponent?"

The Fuqin woman said angrily, "I'm not ashamed. I hate traitors the most, and today I will kill you personally."

The woman who played the qin played on the guqin for a while, and layers of invisible air waves spread out to the surrounding. The twelve women immediately abandoned Ye Shengtian and Ye Ling'er, but gathered together in a circle, forming a formation to resist together.

Seeing that they actually resisted the attack of her sister's piano sound, the Fuser woman took a breath of the palm, and the Guser fell into her hand and stood upright on the ground. Five fingers strummed it, and the sonic attack also dissipated.

Although the attack of the two women was not against Ye Shengtian, Ye Shengtian's cultivation was too far from theirs, so he took Ye Linger and flew to a low mountain a hundred miles away, watching the fight below.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom . . . . . .

Qin Se and Ming, the power doubled, and after one song was played, thousands of explosions were heard around the twelve women immediately, and those sonic attacks knocked the twelve women into the air.

The two women did not kill them, but fell in front of them and asked, "You walked out of the sect with our sisters. I didn't expect you to betray me, saying, why did you do this?"

A woman said, "We have nothing to say."

The Fuqin woman had been annoyed several times before, but now she never thought that her handmaiden would be bribed as well, and she did not repent, and immediately said, "Okay, I will fulfill you."

The Fuqin woman had murderous intentions. The sect does not allow them to kill people indiscriminately, but once a traitor is discovered, it must be dealt with in the first time.

Just as the woman who played the piano raised her hand, Ye Shengtian stopped him, "Slow."

The Fuqin woman turned her head to look at Ye Shengtian and asked, "What? I deal with traitors, so you have to deal with this?"

Ye Shengtian said: "We don't want to care about your affairs, but we want to know who is the person who asked you to take action?"

As soon as the mysterious person was mentioned, the woman who played the piano immediately refused: "I'm sorry, our sisters don't know, you should ask others."

Ye Shengtian began to wonder more and more in his heart, who is the mysterious person, and why is such a great charm, so that even if they die, they refuse to say who they are. Could it be that this person is a beautiful woman? Perhaps it is as Ye Shengtian guessed before, that is, this person's identity is special, otherwise there would not be so many people who would protect him. If it was the second case, who would it be? Ye Shengtian was puzzled and became more and more puzzled.

And at the moment when the two were talking, the twelve women actually detonated their bodies at the same time. It exploded twelve times in a row, and the space of hundreds of thousands of miles was blown up. Ye Shengtian was blown up and not even the blue smoke was left.

Fortunately, Ye Shengtian was immortal, so there was nothing wrong, but he was injured, and he was seriously injured. The two women were not much better. Because they responded in a hurry, they also suffered serious injuries.

When the dust settled, the figures of the two women gradually appeared. The two women were sitting upright in the void to resist, hurriedly healed their injuries, and they fell down. The pavilion has been destroyed, Qin Se has been buried alive, the two women murmured a few times, and they flew out of the ruins and entered their bodies.

The Fuse woman was surprised: "Sister, how could they become like this?"

Ye Shengtian said: "They must have been forcibly tampered with their memories, otherwise they would not be so loyal."

Seeing that Ye Shengtian was still alive, the Fuqin woman was a little surprised, and said, "I didn't expect your life to be so great, and the power just now could not take your life. Your life is not ordinary."

Ye Shengtian said: "My life has always been so hard, do you still want to kill us now?"

The woman who played the piano said: "Go on, as far as I know, there is a master swordsman in front of him, he has a high-grade divine sword, and it is not the divine sword that is powerful, but his cultivation has reached the divine level. Zun, if you want to save your life from his hands, it will be extremely difficult."

Ye Shengtian knew that the person who made the sword last time must be him. If Ye Ling'er hadn't caught it, he would have been dismembered by his own weak cultivation. However, Ye Shengtian is still a little confused. If he doesn't solve it, Ye Shengtian can't really understand the city of hell. "Is there a strong person in every direction of the city of hell, not just my direction?"

Fuqin woman Yingying walked a few steps and said with Ye Shengtian on her back: "Yes, there are strong people in all directions. The city of **** is special, many strong people enter, they will not choose to go out again, and the person you are looking for, He is only one of them, but you can rest assured that his cultivation is very strong, but he is not invincible. What is really powerful is his sect, and he has the support of some forces in the holy world, so you must Be careful."

As soon as the Fuqin woman finished speaking, the Fuse woman continued: "We don't know his appearance, and as for which sect he belongs to, we actually don't know, but although there are many sects in the God Realm, there is nothing more than that A few, it's not difficult for you to find him, but I hope you remember, young master, don't believe anyone you meet in front of you, because any of them is likely to be the one you're looking for."

For the reminder of the Fuse woman, Ye Shengtian sincerely thanked: "Thank you two girls for the reminder."

The words of the Fuse woman just now reminded Ye Shengtian that the road ahead is unpredictable, and the people who meet in front of you can't believe it. It is not difficult to be deceived. For example, the Caolu layman he met before is very likely to be the mysterious person, and Ye Shengtian was a little suspicious of these two women, but Ye Shengtian immediately ruled it out.

At this time, the Fuse woman took the Fuqin woman's arm and said softly, "Sister, let's go back to the sect, focus on cultivation, and try to follow the master to the holy world as soon as possible."

The Fuqin woman hummed.

"Sir, farewell."

The two women flew away. Ye Shengtian didn't expect this ending. He thought it would be a fight, but at the end, they returned to the sect. But to let Ye Shengtian kill these two beauties with his own hands, Ye Shengtian really can't do it.

Looking at the direction where the two women left~www.readwn.com~ Ye Shengtian sighed and said, "Let's go too, I must solve the mystery here, and what kind of enemy did this **** city meet? It will be like this.”

Ye Shengtian is not a stupid person, the city of **** itself is a big mystery. It appears once in a thousand years, so where are you hiding in these thousand years? Why is it a thousand years? It is very likely that this is man-made control. Who controls it? Could it be the people of the Holy Realm, that is, the force of the Holy Realm that supports the mysterious man.

In fact, what the woman who fussed said was quite right. The real power in the realm of the gods is only those forces that dominate the realm of the gods. Ye Shengtian investigates slowly, and he can definitely find out some clues.

Ye Shengtian and Ye Linger also left here, and there is a more powerful enemy ahead to face. The cultivation of God Venerable is the most powerful that Ye Shengtian has encountered today, the powerhouse standing at the highest peak in the God Realm.

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