Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 170: Upgraded wine

"Boss Guo, wait a moment." After the Chamber of Commerce meeting, Lao Ni grabbed Guo Wei for the first time.

"What's the matter? You said."

"Well, didn't you have a lot of contact with Boss Zhou before, do you think he can find new sources of goods in the future?"

"Lao Ni, I think when you just had a meeting, didn't you trust Boss Zhou?"

"One yard goes to one yard, mainly because I want to hear your opinion." Guo Wei understands that Lao Ni is actually betting that Zhou Kun can find a source of flower-scented grapefruit.

"As far as I know, the grapes and red dates from the boss of Zhou before can reach the quality of black jade watermelon, but there are not many external sales, so it is not known." As for the pomegranate matter, Guo Wei said nothing.

"Then you said let's discuss with Boss Zhou, how about packing this red date?" Lao Ni immediately got excited when he heard that there were red dates in Zhou Kun's place. After all, if he couldn't get the Huaxiang grapefruit, he couldn't keep up with this batch. For the crispy persimmons, it is also a better choice to get some red dates to restore the decline.

"You don't need to think about this red date. Basically, as soon as it came out, it was contracted by a bunch of old ladies from Boss Zhou."

"A group of their old ladies can only make a few money. It's better to let us upside down and sell it several times after changing hands."

"What you think is so useless. The key is to ask boss Zhou to nod and agree to sell to you. After all, his goods are not available to anyone. We didn't rely on the name of the Chamber of Commerce. With last week’s boss’s Huaxiang grapefruit and black jade watermelon, I think this old Jia and the others are asking for trouble, and annoyed Qian Lina at that time. Do you think that a careful woman can spare them both?"

"So you said, should we ventilate this matter with Qian Lina and boss Zhou?"

"Okay, if you want me to say, you call now."

"Really want to fight?" In fact, Lao Ni said that these were also impulsive. He didn't expect that Guo Wei would really ask him to contact Qian Lina and Zhou Kun. After all, he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce. It would not be nice if Jia Fei and the others knew about it afterwards.

How could Guo Wei not understand Lao Ni’s thoughts, so he persuaded: "Why don’t you fight? Lao Jia and the others are already innocent and righteous. If we don’t deal with them, I’m afraid the Chamber of Commerce has fallen out with Kunyang. It’s no good. It’s better to sing the white face and the red face. Isn’t it good for us to be good? Even if Jia Fei knows it, it doesn’t matter. At that time, they might have to wait for Zhou’s boss’s goods to arrive. It’s up to the two of us to help them speak nicely in order to save a little bit."

Although Lao Ni hesitated, he finally accepted Guo Wei's words and dialed Zhou Kun's number.

"Boss Zhou, you can see that this flower-scented pomelo is almost sold. It’s just that the lemons seem to have not sold very well recently. Jia Fei and the others are going to come in contact with a batch of crispy persimmons from the local country. See if there is anything new on your side. Can the fruits on the market go through the channels of our Chamber of Commerce?"

Lao Ni's remarks were very polite, but he also told Zhou Kun indirectly that Jia Fei and the others chose the crispy persimmons from their home country. If Kunyang couldn't produce any more powerful fruits, the Chamber of Commerce would be hard to explain. .

Zhou Kun also understood that the Chamber of Commerce had done a great deal in selling floral grapefruit and black jade. Therefore, he was going to talk to Lao Ni about the topaz lemon.

"Boss Ni, the new round of fruits hasn’t got a clue for the time being, but things on this lemon have turned around. Didn’t you get a lot of lemons from me last time? If you believe me, you are here for this batch of lemons. Hold it in your hand for a period of time, and the price will go up in about 20 days at most."

Lao Ni originally wanted to ask Zhou Kun about the fruit of the next quarter, but he didn't expect to get the news about topaz.

After hanging up the phone, Guo Wei cared on the side: "How is it? Did Mr. Zhou talk about what fruits will be launched next quarter?"

"I didn't mention the fruit matter in the next quarter, but boss Zhou told me that he asked me to hold this batch of lemons in my hand for a while."

"Did he tell you why?"

"He didn't say this. Boss Guo, what do we do now?"

"Since Boss Zhou has already let out the wind, then we naturally listen to him. After all, even if this lemon is sold now, it will not make a lot of money. The big deal will be another 20 days. If you count the storage fee or something, a lemon can be used at most. The extra cost of seven or eight cents, we can still bear this risk. Since we choose to believe in Boss Zhou, then we will follow him to the end." Guo Wei seems to be more decisive in this respect, and Lao Ni is a little surprised. Looking at him, don't know what to plan.

On Ji Jiayan's side, after recommending Zhou Kun's lemon juice, Hu Di soon came to Copper City.

After finding a local agency and returning a batch of lemons, Hu Di originally planned to leave Copper City and return to the United States.

But at this moment, he was invited by Ji Jiayan.

"Hu Di, why do you want me to do my best as a landlord when you come to Copper City? Come to my house for two meals and leave after two days. After all, the teacher is not in such a hurry. If you fly again, you will be able to return to the United States with that batch of lemons."

So Hu Di came to Jinlan Mingju, and the old ladies saw a foreigner waiting at the door after class, which was very strange.

Soon, Ji Jiayan came out of the cooking classroom and saw his fellow door at a glance.

"Hu Di—here."

"De Leon, it's been a long time since I saw you."

The two embraced warmly, and the old ladies knew that they were Ji Jiayan's friends.

"Huang Fang, I just saw your grandson with a foreigner at the door of the cooking classroom. It seems that the foreigner is your grandson's classmate abroad."

"What? There is this kind of thing?" When I heard that my grandson's classmates from abroad actually came to Jinlan Mingju, but Ji Jiayan didn't tell myself that it is rare for foreign classmates to come home, how could he not show our country? What about human enthusiasm?

"Hello? Jia Yan, where are you?"

"Grandma, a friend of mine came to see me from abroad, and I'm with him."

"A friend from abroad is here. You didn't even bring someone back for dinner. Bring your classmates to the house. Grandma will prepare a Chinese meal for him."

"All right, but grandma, they foreigners don't eat those river fish and shrimps. You can get them some simple ribs and stew with less bones."

When I heard that the foreigner had so many taboos, Huang Fang was sorrowful, but then she thought, aren’t these two people at the gate of the Jinlan’s famous residence, and if you have anything to ask him, it’s fine. Up?

So Huang Fang rushed to the door of the baking classroom and saw that his grandson was standing with a blond foreigner.

"Jia Yan, is this your classmate?"

"Grandma, why are you here?"

"It's rare for your classmates to come. Grandma wants to greet them well, but you always have to ask them what they have to avoid. Come and you can translate for me and ask him if he wants or can't eat anything?"

"Hu Di, my grandma wants to invite you to my house for dinner today. She wants to ask you what you like or can't eat."

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, Mapo tofu, I want to eat Sixi balls."

The dishes Hu Di said were all made by Ji Jiayan when he was studying abroad. Although they weren't particularly authentic, they also made Hu Di enjoy eating.

The dishes Hu Di said were all spoken in half-hearted Chinese, and Huang Fang unexpectedly understood them.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs and Mapo tofu are okay. It's just that the Sixi meatballs may be too late to make today. Or else, I'll stew you a elbow. What do you think?"

"Zhouzi?" Invincible repeated it again, not understanding what the old lady was talking about.

"It's trotters." Ji Jiayan translated.

Suddenly he saw Hu Di's eyes light up and nodded frantically.

The old lady was happy when she saw it, hey, it seems that this kid has really eaten some Chinese dishes.

"It seems you like Chinese food?"

"Chinese food, delicious!" Hu Di flattered.

Ji Jiayan suddenly discovered that these two people were dancing and dancing. Even if they didn't have themselves, there was no problem in communicating between the two of them.

In the living room, Ji Jiayan and Hu Di were discussing some questions about pastry on the sofa, when Huang Fang suddenly came over with a honeydew melon in his hand and said, "Child, taste this melon."

Originally, Hu Di was very excited waiting for the Chinese food at noon today, waving his hand to indicate that he was not hungry.

But at this time, Ji Jiayan nodded desperately to him. Hu Di thought that maybe the Chinese hospitality complex is in it. He should abide by the rules here when he comes from afar, so he said in awkward Chinese: "Thank you."

After the busy Huang Fang returned to the kitchen, Hu Di put the honeydew aside, but Ji Jiayan seemed to have seen something good. After eating two yuan, he said to Hu Di, "Eat Ah, this melon is not easy. Ordinary people will not give it to my grandma at all."

"What's so delicious about honeydew? When I was making a honeydew dessert with my teacher, I ate honeydew melon for a week before and after. Now I have a headache when I see this."

"I tell you, if you don't eat, you will regret it later."

"What kind of melon we haven't tasted with the teacher, can this thing be comparable to the exquisite melon?" Although Hu Di's mouth was hard, his hand was still very honest and reached out to the melon in the plate.

In the next second, Hu Di only wanted to smoke his own mouth. Why is this honeydew completely different from what he had eaten before?

"De Leon, where did your grandma's honeydew melon come from? If you can use this honeydew melon in baking before, why bother to follow the teacher for two weeks? ."

"It’s not that I don’t want to. This honeydew melon is currently only available to my grandmother. It is a fruit vendor he knows, the young man who bought lemons from him before, and only he has this honeydew, but the output is very high. less."

"Forget it, if you are used to this kind of honeydew, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a mature substitute based on the teacher's picky personality. At that time, we will still have to run both sides of the copper city. It is really too tossing." The teacher in the United States did not know that because of Hu Di’s lazy personality, he missed another high-quality fruit.

The two didn't talk for too long, and Huang Fang's big table was ready.

"Today, a rare friend from Jiayan came from a long way from the United States. Let’s open a bottle of wine. The first batch of grapes made by Xiao Zhou arrived. It should be about the end of the day. Wait a minute, I’ll go to the cellar to get it for you. Here comes a bottle of wine."

Hu Di was very surprised. He originally knew that the conditions in Ji Jiayan's house were good, but he didn't expect that they had a cellar in their home. Of course, this was Hu Di's misunderstanding. The cellar in his impression was not the same as that of Old Lady Huang.

"Although my grandma said to invite you to drink wine, this is just a homemade fruit wine. It may not be the same as the wine you have in mind. So when you wait, you must not show too much shock. If you are old If your wife invites you to drink, you should drink it and don't refuse her kindness."

Ji Jiayan vaccinated with Hu Di in advance, Hu Di said that he still understands this human sophistication.

But when Huang Fang returned with a Sprite bottle in his hand, Hu Di's heart still collapsed. Can this thing really be called wine?

To say that today Hu Di is here, the happiest thing is Ji Gaosheng. After all, since the last time the wine at home was drunk by Xiao Zhou, I have never tasted the wine made at home again. This time it was through Hu Di’s light. Only two sips can be taken by yourself.

As Huang Fang opened the lid of the bottle, there was still a faint gas ejected from the inside. If it weren't for the wrong color inside, it really seemed to be drinking sprite.

Hu Di has no expectations for the wine in Huang Fang’s mouth. He is going to wait to pinch his nose and drink With the "tons, tons, tons" in the glass, pour Huang Fang The wine made by myself soon filled the house with a strong grape fragrance, mixed with a special fragrance, which was refreshing.

"Mom, is this wine made from Xiao Zhou's grapes? No wonder it tastes so fragrant." Ji Gaosheng immediately sent a rainbow fart.

"This year's Xiao Zhou's grapes are really nothing to say. Next year, if there are more, I will buy more. Seeing that the quality of this wine is really extraordinary, Hu, hurry up and taste it."

Speaking, Wang Fang handed the wine in his hand to Hu Di.

Looking at the wine in his hand, Hu Di actually rejected it in his heart. Although the wine exudes a strong grape aroma, looking at the muddy liquid in the cup and the plastic packaging just now made Hu Di a little broken.

So he took a deep breath and drank the liquid in the glass.

Before he could react, a strong grape scent mixed with high sweetness attacked his taste buds. This thing was more like a glass of sweet grape juice, and it didn't taste a little wine until after drinking it.

"How about Xiao Hu, my wine is made well, right?"

"It's delicious." Hu Di stretched the cup forward and motioned for another cup.

Huang Fang was quite generous and continued to fill Hu Di, but he was completely different from the attitude towards the Ji family and his son.

"You both save me a drink. Although there are a lot of brews in the cellar, there are two bottles you can't move. This is me—"

"I know, this is what you want to give Xiao Zhou!" the father and son said in unison.

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