Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 182: Xufeng Bread Factory

   Although the sales of sugar-hearted strawberries have been very smooth, new problems have followed one after another. With the gradual improvement of strawberry maturity in the greenhouse, the sugar-heartedness of strawberries has become more and more serious, so the following scenes have appeared.

   "This is the overripe strawberry picked from the greenhouse today, let's try it." Qian Lina put a pot of bright red strawberries in front of a few people.

Xiao Cai originally thought it would be a good thing to ask himself to try it. After all, their company’s strawberries are superb. The price of a box of 9 yuan is very scary. Apart from the fact that she had eaten it when she picked it last time, Xiao Cai did not face the high price. Willing to buy it outside.


   Zheng Mengru frowned after taking a bite, obviously the taste of this strawberry is really terrifying.

"I thought that the candy-hearted strawberry had only the center of the candy-heart. I didn't expect that the whole strawberry is actually the candy-heart. Because our strawberries were on the market early, all the strawberries were picked before they were completely converted into candy-heart. Only now have the sugar-hearted strawberries, but as the strawberries in the strawberry garden mature in large quantities, many fully-ripe strawberries were picked from the greenhouse yesterday. Not only are they easy to rot, but because they are too sweet and greasy, they are obviously not Suitable for continued sales."

   There was a short silence in the conference room. Other companies would worry that their products were not sweet enough, and only their company would actually discuss countermeasures because of the strawberry too shabby.

   Zhou Kun had previous experience with melons, so he obviously had to calm down a lot.

   The honeydew melons that were too sweet before have also been sold. The problem of over-sweet strawberries should not be a big problem. At the beginning, the honeydew melon was mixed with water to make juice, which made countless Xiangyan diners crazy.

   Talking about how sweet strawberries can be? Originally Zhou Kun thought that he had the previous honeydew melon and the sweet and sour fruit like strawberry was not a big problem.

   But Zhou Kun regretted it after taking a bite of strawberry.

   Eating this strawberry feels like eating strawberry-flavored white sugar. The sweetness directly makes Zhou Kun feel bitter.

   Xiao Cai looked at Zhou Kun with some sympathy, and silently handed him the mineral water in the meeting room.

   "We can only pick them first, and pick them when the strawberries are ripe." Zheng Mengru proposed such a solution.

"I have arranged for Lao Liu to work overtime at the site. In short, they are now picking raw strawberries in large quantities, but as the strawberries mature, many strawberries are already ripe before picking and packaging. What should I do with these strawberries? The topic we will discuss in today’s meeting."

Obviously Qian Lina thought of this too, but many strawberries are too ripe after one night. They can’t be picked 24 hours a day. Moreover, unlike other fruits, strawberries will be rotten in two or three days after being picked. With stocking, the market for high-end strawberries is so big, and large quantities of strawberries are easy to hit the market.

   "Isn't it okay to pull directly to Kun Yuan and make strawberry juice?" Zhou Kun rarely expressed his opinion.

"I have considered this, but the taste of strawberry juice is definitely not as superior as fresh strawberries, and the price of our strawberries is as high as 9 yuan for six. It is hard to say whether six strawberries can squeeze a bottle of strawberry juice, and the price is set at How much is it right? Too high, no consumers will pay, too cheap. I think it will reduce the high-value image of sugar-hearted strawberries in the minds of consumers."

   Hearing what Qian Lina said, Zhou Kun also felt that it seemed inappropriate to make strawberry juice. After all, the value of this batch of strawberries was there, and the juice could not maximize its value.

   "How about making strawberry jam?" Zheng Mengru said suddenly.

   "Jam is the same problem. How much is a jar of jam to sell, if the price is too high, then promotion is a problem."

   Seeing Qian Lina, Zheng Mengru and Xiao Cai had a heated discussion, Zhou Kun, who became a background board, fished again and turned on his phone, and started to use his favorite food public account.

Soon an article called "Food in Memory" attracted Zhou Kun's attention. After opening it, Zhou Kun found that all the foods that were popular in Tongcheng's childhood were introduced, including Qilin soda, and Zhou Kun actually found it. I made the bread I like very much.

Speaking of this bread is also strawberry flavor, but the strawberry inside is only a thin layer. Cut a bread in the middle, apply a layer of strawberry jam, and add a layer of cream. This is the best in Zhou Kun’s childhood memories. the taste of.

   After all, the conditions at home were not good at that time. Only when he was sick or had good test results, his mother would buy him a two-yuan bread as a reward.

   "Qian Lina, is our current money enough to buy a bakery?" Zhou Kun suddenly interrupted.

   "Bakery?" Qian Lina was taken aback by Zhou Kun's question.

   "This is Xufeng Bakery." Zhou Kun said, pointing to the phone.

   Qian Lina turned out that Zhou Kun's mobile phone turned out to be the bread they had been eating when they were young: "This Xufeng Bread Factory should be almost dead, after all, they have not seen their bread in the market for many years."

   "We bought this bakery, and the strawberry jam was only sold in bundles but not sold. What do you think?"

   "Tie sale?"

" means that each bread only sells a small pack of strawberry jam. With the taste of our company's strawberry jam, it will surely kill all the jams on the market. Then the delicious bread will have the taste of strawberry jam. , It will definitely achieve good benefits."

   In fact, not only that, Zhou Kun’s biggest dream when he was a child was to eat Xufeng’s strawberry bread every day. If he bought Xufeng by himself, then his naive dream would come true.

   "Xiao Cai, what is the content of strawberries in ordinary strawberry jam?"

   Soon Xiao Cai came to the result: "The soluble solids are around 60%."

"Without the syrup, the strawberry material must not exceed 50%. We calculate it at 50%. Then a pack of gram of strawberry jam requires 4 grams of strawberries. At present, the average weight of our company’s strawberries is 00 grams. The wholesale price is 5 yuan per box of six. The cost of strawberries per pack of strawberry jam is about 40 cents. Adding other costs, one pack of strawberries is already the limit."

"The profit of bread still needs to be considered, but Zhou Kun, you have a good idea. If we can buy Xufeng Bread Factory, we only need to improve the quality of the bread and tie-in our strawberry jam, which will not only eliminate this batch. Disposal of the strawberries, maybe we can make a high-yield plant."

   Once Qian Lina turned on the money-grabbing mode, the efficiency was amazing. Soon Zhou Kun added another Xufeng bakery.

   Zhou Kun did not expect that because of a naive wish when he was a child, the people in Tongcheng soon followed him to eat strawberry bread and felt sick.

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