Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 212: Oranges on the market

"Come on! I'm coming for oranges!" The teacher disbanded and released a group of bear children. They rushed into the orange garden. In fact, oranges are not the key to the children, but the key to picking oranges by themselves is the key.

Seeing the children swarming into the orange orchard, the teacher said helplessly: "I don't know what the school thinks. Didn't the orange picking activity canceled years ago?"

"Before, it was mainly because we were afraid that it would be unsafe for children to climb up and down. Our class is now in fifth grade, so there should be no problem."

"Teacher Lin, you can watch for a while, and I'll be right back." Teacher Ma from Class 52 said with a pale face.

"Teacher Ma, your motion sickness is not good? How about picking an orange and smelling the orange peel, it is not bad for motion sickness."

"It's okay. I got better after getting off the car. I went to buy a bottle of water on the side. It was really uncomfortable in my stomach."

"Okay, go and come back quickly. Teacher Liu and I will help you watch it for a while."

After that, Teacher Ma left in a hurry, leaving Teacher Lin and Teacher Liu to watch the children.

For teachers, social practice is also a rare time for them to relax. Several teachers gather to chat and gossip.

"Finally it's Friday, and I can have a good rest tomorrow." In fact, the teachers look forward to the weekend more than the children. The high-intensity work every day is a bit overwhelming.

"I have to prepare materials for special teachers when I go back this week. It seems that I will work overtime this weekend."

"Dong Jiahao—you get me down from the tree—" The last second was still shouting at the child, and the next second Teacher Lin continued as if nothing had happened: "Really, when I was a student, I thought about being a teacher. Every year Winter and summer vacations are indispensable. Now it’s fine. I have to learn how to write documents for meetings every day, when I don’t have a sky."

"That's right, the key is that it's too tiring to take care of children. Just the naughty people in our class. Now the children are no better than before. They can't be beaten or controlled. It's really hard."

At this moment, Teacher Lin ran to several children: "Mr. Lin, this is the orange I just picked. I will give you the biggest and best oranges."

"Really? Thank you."

After the students ran away, Teacher Liu from the class next door smiled and said, "A few of your classmates are good. This orange looks delicious."

The orange in Teacher Lin's hand is big, but basically the whole orange is waxy yellow, and it looks like a ripe orange.

"Children are all ghosts and ghosts nowadays, not like we were when we were young. But don't talk about our class, your classmates are also here."

As Teacher Lin motioned to Teacher Liu to look to the right, the two children were running towards here with drinks in their hands: "Mr. Liu, the weather is too hot. Send a bottle of drinks to quench your thirst."

"Thank you so much." Although the teachers say that they are sycophants, they are still very happy to be liked by the children.

Seeing the children joking and running away, Teacher Lin suddenly said with emotion: "They are still the happiest age!"

"Who said no!"

When they went back, each of the children carried a schoolbag of oranges. Although many of the skins were still green, the taste was still very good.

The entire bus in Class 52 was filled with the scent of oranges. Teacher Ma had a bad face when she thought of going back to the bus, but after getting on the bus, she found that the smell of oil in the bus disappeared. It is replaced by a rich orange peel fragrance.

Originally, she was a little worried that she would get motion sickness again, but until she returned to school, Teacher Ma did not experience motion sickness, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Children in other grades of the school looked forward to this social practice, but later they discovered that the long-awaited orange picking session had actually been cancelled.

This group of fifth-grade children became the only ones who picked oranges. What is even more annoying is that one of them also wrote the plot into a composition, which was later selected by the school radio station to read it aloud.

"Oranges are very big, and after peeling, they reveal orange-red flesh, and the air is full of the fresh scent of oranges..." This kind of public execution was too cruel to other children. Many children went back that day and clamored to eat oranges.

There are also many people who are clamoring for oranges like the children. At least most of the merchants who do fruit wholesale in Copper City are eagerly looking forward to Kunyang's oranges.

"Xiao Cai, I heard that your company has listed a batch of oranges?" There was a batch of oranges in the Kunyang Ecological Park. Fruit wholesalers can know so quickly, it is the blessing of these children who go to society to practice.

"At present, our company's oranges are not yet on the market. You can pay attention to our company's latest push for the specific arrival time." Xiao Cai's answer is quite official, which means nothing.

"But the last time this ecological park had a group of children went on an autumn tour, all the oranges can be picked, why haven't they started selling?"

The wholesalers finally learned to behave and underestimated the value of Kunyang fruit once and twice, making their faces hurt. If they don’t understand the value of Kunyang Fruit then they might as well go home. Forget selling sweet potatoes.

"I don't know this, you should wait and see."

The answer Xiao Cai got here is ambiguous. Lao Zhu and other wholesalers can’t wait. Boss Zhou begs you to do business well. Isn’t it good to sell fruit to earn money?

Now even elementary school students have eaten Kunyang oranges, and they are not sold in the market. This is to make their wholesalers sad.

It didn't take long for Kunyang to send the latest news that Kunyang's new Liuxiang orange was officially on sale, and they were caught off guard again.

"Lao Zhu, you said what this is called? I called in the morning and said that it was not on the shelves. In the afternoon, the oranges were on sale. You said it was annoying but not annoying."

"Lao Lu, you are so angry. Could it be that you didn't grab the oranges?" Lao Zhu's expression was calm. He just grabbed 5,000 boxes of oranges. This time Kunyang finally shipped them in large quantities.

"I didn't pay attention. The large orders were all sold out. I only got 500 boxes. The mass market for oranges is such a big fruit. 500 boxes are gone for a wave. That's enough!"

"Hey, that's because you didn't prepare. Just like me, I directly arranged a salesperson to stare at Kunyang's company. 5000 boxes of oranges. This is the first batch. I'm fully booked for the second batch."

"Lao Zhu, we have known each other for so long, so please make a discussion and give me a batch of goods."

"Brothers clearly settle accounts, add 20 to a box."

"The wholesale price is only 40 yuan a box."

"Why, too expensive? The watermelon tomatoes and lemons have not made you remember?" Lao Zhu's words made Lao Lu fall into painful memories.

"Fine, let's try a 1000 box of water first!"

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