Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 222: Milk companion

Last week, when the boss came back, he still only brought back 50 tons of red dates, but he promised that this batch of red dates would not be out of stock, and one batch would arrive within 15 days at most. After all, counting the time difference in another world, a batch of red dates mature every 12 days.

These red dates were in full bloom under Qian Lina's arrangement, but before that, their VIP customers Jinlanzhihua once again started a carnival about red dates.

Just like Zhou Kun's first grape delivery more than a month ago, a group of old ladies lined up in the cold wind to pick up the goods according to the information recorded on Huang Fang's list.

At the same time, there is also a group of people similar to the Jinlan flowers, running in the cold wind for the red dates of Kunyang.

"You said Kunyang can't sell fruit well? Now it's selling red dates again." At the door of Kunyang Fruit Industry, a kind of wholesalers are lining up to pick up the goods.

"As long as the quality is good, the dry goods are fine. Last time we lined up here to get the kiwis. Who knew that this was a problem for Kunyang. Now people actually have to queue up to pick up the goods. Isn't this a toss?"

"You can earn tens of thousands of toss for a long time. Who won't you change? You want to toss about what you are doing here? But it's okay to arrange it on the spot. After all, the inventory is hanging on the wall. Selling a little is a little, like us This kind of old mobile phone can't be played on, and the salesman under his hand is not at ease. It is better to queue up honestly. It is not bad if you can get it."

"This is the more I live, the more I go back. It is really boring to be taught by Kun Yang at such an age."

"What's the matter? Everyone is a colleague. It's not a bad thing to talk about the trend of the copper city fruit industry. We still have a lot of money for tea."

"I think your BMW was cut out."

"What do you think Kunyang will sell this batch of red dates this time? There are so many tricks to play with red dates. When I see it, I will definitely release a lot of new products related to red dates."

"I think you are just eating radish. You are so concerned about what you do, the dates are all sold out? I won't tell you anymore, it's mine."

"which unit are you in?"

"Hongchang Fruit and Vegetable Company."

"A company is limited to 2,000 catties, how much do you buy?"

"Just buy 2000 Jin." Suspect: Ancient Decoding

"Okay, the money goes directly to this account, and then go to the finance room to get the bill of lading, next!"

Kun Yang used this primitive trading method to keep the bottom line of the challenger wholesalers. In the end, they found that they had no bottom line in front of Kun Yang. Was the 2000 jin of red dates not easy to sell, or the money was not good?

Just as various wholesalers had guessed, Kunyang soon put a batch of jujube products on the market, one of which was jujube juice.

"Why do you sell red date juice instead of red date beef? Will anyone buy pure red date juice?"

"This red date juice is nothing more than a product I use for fishing."


"The market for red jujube cattle is good, but the barriers to entry in the product industry are relatively high. It may be difficult to squeeze into the product industry for a while."

"Would you not buy a factory? Don't you do this often?"

Qian Lina rolled her eyes to Zhou Kun and said, “Do you think it’s so easy to buy a factory? There are two local enterprises in Copper City, and each is supported by the government. This is part of the vegetable basket project. Do you think I can squeeze people to death casually? Have you watched too many TV series?"

"Then what are you going to do?" According to Zhou Kun's understanding of Qian Lina, she must have something to follow.

"They said I was fishing, wait a minute to see which one gets the bait first."

Soon Zhou Kun knew what Qian Lina meant by fishing. Several major online food bloggers have begun to struggle with Kun Yuan's jujube juice, and have started to test the various ways of eating jujube juice.

Soon the wonderful way of eating and unique taste made Kun Yuan's jujube juice hot.

However, among the many ways to eat red date juice, there is one way that has been recognized by most people, that is, red date juice with beef.

In the supermarket, housewife Wang Huijuan is looking for a target on the shelf. There is already a box of cows in her shopping cart.

Finally she found Kun Yuan's red jujube juice on the shelf of juice.

Her son is now at a critical time of development, but the child always does not like to drink pure cows. Golego and other cow companions buy them at home in a can, but soon the child gets tired of eating, so he tricks the child into drinking cow every day A compulsory course at home every day. An unscientific gentleman training manual

But just before the meal, the son actually offered to drink the cow, and called for the red jujube cow.

"Mom, today I drank the red jujube cow made by Wang Xiaohao's mother at school. It tastes much better than that of Gao Lego. Mom, are you trying to make it for me?"

Is this the sun coming out from the west? Actually begging for a cow? So she hurriedly fired and boiled the red dates, but the red date cow son who had made the red date cow stopped drinking after a sip.

"Mom, I didn't drink this taste before, and this one is too awful."

Wang Huijuan was very upset by her son’s outspokenness, but she could only call Wang Xiaohao’s mother for the sake of her child: “Hey, are you Wang Xiaohao’s mother? I’m Dong Ziwei’s mother. After taking a sip of the red jujube cow that Wang Xiaohao brought, and coming back to beg me for a drink, I want to ask you how this red jujube cow is made?

"It turned out to be for this. You can't use the red date juice stewed at home for this red date beef. I learned a recipe on the Internet and made it directly with Kunyuan red date juice. I have seen the ingredients for this red date juice. There are no additives. It’s convenient and delicious to make. You can try it."

"It turned out to be like I don't know how much I have taken to take a drink for our children. Thank you Wang Xiaohao's mother."

"It's all for the children, everyone is the same."

After the two mothers exchanged parenting experiences for a while, Wang Huijuan rushed to the supermarket after dinner.

When the dark red jujube juice was poured into the slightly added cow, the pure white cow began to change its color, and the rich jujube scent came over, which really evoked a bit of food.

"Son, try to see if it tastes like this."

When her son returned to the room contentedly holding the cow, Wang Huijuan breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also very curious, is there any difference in the cow made with Kunyuan red jujube juice?

So she went back to the kitchen, poured out the remaining red dates in the bottom of the pot and tasted it. The rich and mellow red dates scent permeated her mouth, without the sourness of red dates, and it was not too sweet and sweet. The scent of jujube and the scent of cows blend together, creating a unique feeling, which makes people think that red dates and cows should be born together.


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