Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 225: Pop blueberries

On the second day, the Internet began to circulate on the Internet about the existence of silly dim sum in Copper City. The dim sum of six yuan is not as good as the school for the children of agricultural workers.

On one side are cabbage buns and unknown soy milk, on the other side are butter bread and red date juice. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a problem.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" In the Copper City Education Bureau, because of this incident, several people in the office were on the cusp.

"We have sent people to conduct a preliminary investigation. The school for the children of agricultural workers did not follow our unified bid, but the Kunyuan Food Company that we contacted privately. It may be that the company received the order at the cost price because of its reputation." The person gave such an explanation.

"Do you still think I'm a fool? Or do you say that so many people who pay attention to this matter outside are all fools?"

There was silence in the office for an instant.

Suddenly the deputy bureau said: "Now what we need most is to explain to the outside world. In fact, there is no problem according to the statement just now. Now we find someone to contact this company, as long as their company can take the initiative to publish a document claiming that it is for the public welfare according to cost Orders, so we can explain it to the top and the outside."

"Now it seems that there is only one way. Contact this company and ask them to stand up and make a statement. As long as this matter subsides, we will pack all the dim sum from several districts in the city to this company. This company that sells steamed buns made him slowly disappear from the public's sight."

When Qian Lina received a call from the Education Bureau, although the other party said very vaguely, Qian Lina still smelled something from it.

Soon Kunyuan Food Factory issued an announcement in which it stated that all the orders this time could barely be accepted at the cost price. It was entirely Kunyuan's starting point for public welfare.

Good news netizens began to calculate the cost of the package provided by Kun Yuan. As a low-profile version of Xufeng Strawberry Bread, the cost of butter bread is still not low, but who would have thought that the cost of Kun Yuan red date juice can be negligibly low.

So with the joint efforts of many parties, this matter was covered up.

"Yooho, today our afternoon snack is cream bread and red date juice!" The child on duty went to carry back the afternoon snack as a strong man. This good news is no less than a shot to make a sleepy child We have vitality.

Say goodbye to the greasy vegetable buns, even without strawberry jam, the fragrant flavor of Xufeng butter bread is exciting for the children.

The head teacher who accompanied the meal watched the children devour one by one, and suddenly felt relieved when he looked at the butter bread in his hand.

And whoever benefits the most in this matter is naturally Zhou Kun's Kunyuan Food Company. First, it was to do charity without making money to take orders for children to provide loving snacks to earn a good reputation, and then to win the snack orders from schools in two districts in the city.

"Unexpectedly, the order doubled after a round turn, and finally returned to our Kun Yuan." The development of the matter exceeded everyone's accident, after all, no one knew that the cause of the matter was just because of the game. The two children in the hall shared a bite of bread.

And now Zhou Kun didn't have the time to share the joy of winning large orders with Qian Lina, because the blueberries he brought back from another world were finally approaching maturity, but there was still a little problem.

"Boss, the blueberry seedling you brought back must be a new variety, otherwise I wonder if the average blueberry grows so big."

Since his main job now is to inspect the crops in the greenhouse, while observing the state of the plants every day, Lao Liu also learned a lot about fruits from the staff of the ecological garden.

To be honest, Lao Liu didn't even know blueberries before, but since he knew that the blueberries that were about to be marketed were grown in the greenhouse he saw, he took a serious and responsible attitude and asked his granddaughter to find many blueberries online. The picture, this thing is small in the picture, how can it become so big after it is really planted?

Zhou Kun is also very embarrassed now. After all, the black and purple fruits with hoarfrost on the branches are each as big as a dollar coin, which is far from the small blueberry in the impression.

"Zhou Kun, are you in the ecological park?" Qian Lina did not see Zhou Kun at the gate of the ecological park for the first time.

"Well, I'm in the blueberry farm, are you here?"

"I'm coming right away."

"Old Liu, should we try it first?" Looking at the huge blueberries in his hand, Zhou Kun was a little worried that too many changes had taken place in this blueberry after it came here, but what he didn't know was that there were indeed large varieties of blueberries in reality. , But the particles are slightly smaller than those in Zhou Kun's hands.

When the blueberry was thrown into the mouth, the firm and elastic peel was finally overwhelmed under the squeeze of the teeth. In an instant, a large amount of juice was ejected from the blueberry accompanied by sweet and sour flavor. The blueberry flavor, detonated like a bomb in his mouth, the juice splashing in the mouth was very enjoyable. Zhou Kun couldn't help but ate a few more.

"Boss, the taste of this fruit called blueberry is really good, no wonder foreigners like it so much." In fact, blueberry is a fruit that has become popular on the market in recent years, and there are already large-scale cultivation and perfect industrial chains abroad.

"Zhou Kun, I didn't expect that the blueberry seedlings you brought back were still large-fruited blueberries." Qian Lina had been exposed to these things a lot, so she decided that this blueberry was a large-fruited blueberry.

In fact, there are many large-fruited blueberries on the market that are selected from a large number of blueberries. Of course, the fruits are slightly larger than ordinary blueberries, but like the blueberries in Zhou Kun's hands, the size of the blueberries is amazing. impossible.

"Taste it, you will like the sweet and sour taste and the rich fruity aroma."

"Ahem-ahem -" Qian Lina took the blueberries and put them in her mouth. She didn't expect the blueberries to be so juicy and choked directly.

After the recovery, Qian Lina said excitedly: "This blueberry is actually so sweet. You must know that the blueberries on the market are either weak or sour. Our blueberries are so sweet and sour and juicy. Zhou Kun, this will It's the next candy strawberry."

"Then you can give it a name."

"Or call it popped blueberry!"

Suddenly Zhou Kun felt a little funny. He seemed to have misled Qian Lina's style of painting, so he held back a smile and said, "This name is good, so let's call it "Blamed Blueberry!"

"Go, let's go back now, call Mengru and Xiao Cai, and have a meeting to decide the price and sales plan of this burst of blueberries."

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