Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 250: Seedless Longan

"Boss, you are back!" For Zhou Kun's return, Xiao Cai was most delighted. During the week when the boss was away, no one knew what Xiao Cai experienced.

Before the boss was there, it was not obvious, but after the boss left, Xiao Cai realized his importance. Whenever there is a disagreement between Sister Na and Mengru, there is no check and balance of the boss, the spark between the two It seems that the meeting room will be burned down at any time.

Although the boss seemed useless, it was their essential lubricant for Kun Yang. It was only the week that Zhou Kun left, and Kun Yang had more overtime work than a month before Zhou Kun was there.

Although there are no problems with the company's operations, Xiao Cai always feels that without the relaxed and happy atmosphere before, it seems that the work is a lot boring.

"Xiao Cai, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to raise my salary?"

"No, boss, have you brought back the water chestnuts that Sister Na wants? Now the water chestnuts in our company are in short supply."

"There is no water chestnut, but I brought back Kunyang's new products for the next season."

"No water chestnuts? Boss, you should ask for more blessings!"

In Xiao Cai’s opinion, nothing can match the position of water chestnuts in Qian Lina’s heart. After all, so many restaurants are waiting for Kunyang water chestnuts. If the fruit retrieved this time does not meet this standard, I am afraid it is very Sad.

"Don't worry, you will come to the meeting room together later."

"Boss, don't"

"What are you afraid of, I don't want to eat people."

"You don't eat people. The ones inside are those two." Xiao Cai made an exaggerated gesture toward the meeting room.

"Zhou Kun, you are back, and it happens that Xiao Cai is also here, so let's meet together for a recent meeting."

In Zhou Kun's gloating eyes, Xiao Cai finally failed to escape the fate of the meeting.

In the conference room, Zheng Mengru and Qian Lina had been waiting inside for a long time. They were sitting on the facade of the conference room the first time they knew that Zhou Kun came back from the outside, preparing to discuss the recent sales focus of Kunyang.

"Zhou Kun, water chestnuts--"

Zhou Kun interrupted Qian Lina's topic at once: "The water chestnuts are temporarily absent, and it will take a week at the earliest."

After all, I had planed so many water chestnuts before, and it would take a year or two at the earliest for another batch to grow in the Dragon Valley.

"Then you notified us of the meeting, did you find a new fruit?"

"This time I found a good thing, longan!"

Zhou Kun Xianbao took out the dried longan, one portion is dried longan meat and the other is fresh longan.

"Everyone, taste it first." Zhou Kun distributed the sample to Xiao Cai next to him for the first time.

Qian Lina looked at the dried longan in front of her. Not only was she not outstanding, it was not even as big as it is on the market, but with the previous experience, Qian Lina would not deny this longan as soon as she came up.

After she peeled off the fresh longan shell, she already approved this batch of longans, because this batch of longans had no cores.

In fact, it does not mean that there is no core at all, but the core of this longan is very small, not even as big as a watermelon seed. When peeled from the bottom, the core is dug out along with the husk, and the rest is longan meat. .

Although the overall size of the longan is not large, the fleshy thickness inside is much better than the average longan.

With a mouthful of dried longan meat, Qian Lina was impressed by the sweetness and juicy and full taste of the flesh. This batch of dried longans will surely sell for a good price.

Zheng Mengru is different from Qian Lina. She first tasted dried longan meat. When the small humble longan meat is in the mouth, the sweet and chewy dried longan meat exudes a special roasted flavor. With the unique fragrance of longan, it forms a bittersweet taste like caramel and a faint sweetness like cinnamon.

"The taste of this longan is really special. It seems to be different from the dried longan on the market." While speaking, Zheng Mengru threw another dried longan into his mouth.

After speaking, the two exchanged longans in their hands, and then they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Zhou Kun, did this longan meat add something special when it was dried? Why does it have a peculiar fragrance?"

Zhou Kun can never tell them that this batch of dried longan meat was dried by a group of giant dragons. The special smell you smell may be the drool left by the giant dragon. In short, Zhou Kun has made up his mind except for the fresh Longan, this dried longan meat will not be eaten if he is killed.

"It's the problem of the toasted wood. A wood similar to cinnamon is added to it, and the smell is left after smoking." Zhou Kun now opens his eyes and talks nonsense. Don't even hit the draft.

"This dried longan is so delicious, the boss, I feel that I am going to get fat again." Xiao Cai kept eating dried longan one after another, making Zhou Kun feel a little guilty.

"You are fat by drinking milk tea. What does it have to do with dried longan."

Oh, I thought the boss was good before I lost it. It must be her illusion.

"Zhou Kun, whether the fresh longan or dried longan you brought back this time are of good quality, the next step is the issue of pricing."

"It's okay to say that fresh longans ~ Although it has the characteristics of seedlessness and good taste, it is still a normal fruit after all, which is a pity." In Qian Lina's view, if this batch of fresh longans is all If they can be made into dried longan meat, it is more valuable, so she would say it is a pity.

"The taste of this batch of dried longan meat is so special, we have to give it a special name, so that it can have a selling point when it is promoted later."

"Or is it called dried musk longan?"


If Zhou Kun came to see this dried longan, it should be called longan dried longan, but if the three women in front of him knew the truth about the dried longan, I'm afraid they could kill him.

Finally, after some discussion, the price of this fresh longan was set at 55 yuan a catty, and the price of dried longan was set at 600 yuan a catty.

"This batch of dried longan may be listed later and sold directly as a New Year gift box, what do you think?" Zheng Mengru suddenly proposed.

Their development in Kunyang has not limited to selling fruits. Kunyuan Juice Factory and Xufeng Bread Factory have produced many fruit-related non-staple foods. It is completely feasible to make gift boxes during the New Year to seize the New Year’s goods market.

The few people who were already ready to pack up and leave because of Zheng Mengru's proposal sat down again.

"The previous batch of instant chestnuts, strawberry jam, and the dried musk longan this time, so that we can already have a lot of things in Kunyang." Qian Lina's words clearly agree with the Zheng Mengru gift box. proposal.

"How much money are we going to make for a gift box?" Xiao Cai's words made Qian Lina and Zheng Mengru smile. It's the Chinese New Year, and everyone's year-end bonus should be lost.

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