Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 255: Rubber fish

Tang Depeti is very happy with the big fish in his hands. Such a big grass carp is very rare. And he personally watched it fished out of the fish pond. He would definitely guarantee the freshness of the fish, so he must rush back as soon as possible to take the big fish in his hand. Dispose of the fish.

Just before killing the fish, the grass carp was still alive, showing strong vitality, which surprised Tang Depei slightly.

Although the grass carp is spiny, it is rare that the fish in your hand is so big that it is very suitable for making sweet and sour fish. Tang Depei was originally looking forward to the deliciousness of the fish, but as the fire continued to cook, a strong fragrance began to spread from the pot. Obviously the quality of grass carp in Kunyang Ecological Park was very good, just this tangy The umami taste has a feeling of wild fish.

As the cooking time continues to prolong, the whole kitchen is full of the fresh fragrance of fish. Calculating the time, the fish pieces should be almost delicious. At this time, pour the vinegar and finish the pot of sweet and sour fish pieces. But Tang Depei I found the fish in the pot a bit weird.

Regardless of how the fish in the pot was shoveled, Tang Depei always felt unfamiliar. The fish did not become soft, not to mention. He used chopsticks to taste the fish, but found that the fish was too tight.

Originally, Tang Depei thought that the fish had not been cooked thoroughly when he was cooking, but after ten minutes passed, the fish in the pot still did not improve, and the chopsticks were still very difficult to poke it.

This fish is not right.

Tang Depei frowned and came to this conclusion, so he immediately turned off the fire, ready to study the fish.

After finally getting off a piece of fish meat, he found that the fish had a very hard taste and a rubbery feeling in his mouth. This frightened Tang Depei.

Tang Depei believed that the fish must be mixed with some chemicals, otherwise how could it have such a taste. If he hadn't handled the fish himself, he would have thought it was artificial fish.

This big fish totaled 27 catties, so it cost Tang Depei 270 yuan. Isn't this Kunyang Ecological Park a pitfall? So he immediately contacted the reporter of the local life station of Copper City.

"It's like this. When we went to Kunyang Ecological Park during the day, we saw that their staff was pulling a net to clear the fish pond, so I bought a 27-jin large grass carp when I was curious. It was 270 yuan, but when I cooked the fish later, I found that the fish was not boiled at all, like rubber. I suspected that the Kunyang Ecological Park added some chemicals when feeding the fish, which caused the fish to look like Same as rubber."

Because of Tang Depei’s revelations, the reporter was interested. Does the fish taste like rubber? What's the mystery in this.

The reporter went to Kunyang Ecological Park under the guidance of Tang Depei.

"Boss, our reporter is here in the Ecological Park." Old Liu's panicked voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Reporter? What are the reporters doing in our Ecological Park?" Zhou Kun was very surprised. They also received reporters from Kunyang Ecological Park before. At that time, Huaxiang grapefruit became a big news in Copper City. What are the reporters doing now?

"It doesn't seem to be a good thing, boss, you are coming soon, I have notified Manager Qian, and now the head of the park is hosting reporters."

"Are you the person in charge here?" Qian Xi took out her press card the first time she came to Kunyang Ecological Park, and the camera behind was also turned on, which made Qin who has experience in cooperation The principal found something wrong.

Before, reporters from the news station came to their eco-park for interviews, but they were contacted by phone beforehand, and they didn’t come up like this and set up a camera at them.

"I'm the head of the eco-park, what can I do?"

"That's the case. Some residents reported that they bought a 27-jin grass carp in your ecological park, but after taking it home, they did not boil for a long time. The meat is like rubber. He suspects that your ecological park is feeding these grass carps. At that time, what chemicals were added to change the meat quality of grass carp."

"This...I don’t know much about this. Our eco-park mainly sells various fruits. A batch of grass carp is cultivated in this artificial lake, but it is not commercial farming. It was left by the people who contracted the fish pond before. After that, the workers in our eco-park were feeding them, but they did not add anything. Every day they fed some weeds cut in our eco-park."

"Can you take us to the artificial lake? And if possible, we would like to see the feeding process."

"In fact, the fish in the artificial lake are fed by my workers, so I don't know the specific situation very well, or I call someone who knows it."

In fact, the director Qin is in a very embarrassing situation. He doesn't know if he asks three questions about the grass carp in the artificial lake. Now this is obviously not a good thing to show off, so he is planning to find someone to avoid the limelight, so Lao Liu is in this situation. The next was thrown out.

"Old Liu, come to my office, the reporter wants to ask you something."

Lao Liu has never faced a reporter before, so he seems very worried. He is not someone who doesn't know what is good or bad. This reporter is obviously the troublesome person who came to their if he said something wrong. Wouldn't it be troublesome for the boss and them, so Lao Liu seemed very cautious at first.

"Old man, don't be nervous. I just want to find out about the batch of grass carp that was produced in your artificial lake. Have you always been feeding this fish?"

"Yes, the grass carp in this artificial lake was left by the previous merchant. Since our boss took over, I have been responsible for feeding it."

"Then what are you feeding?"

"It's the weeds that our ecological garden removes every day. Grass carp likes to eat this."

Lao Liu’s answer was consistent with his own. The director Qin was obviously relieved to hear this, but this is not the answer Qian Xi wanted. If it is just feeding ordinary weeds, why does this fish have such a taste? What?

"Old man, take me to see your artificial lake."

By the time Zhou Kun and Qian Lina arrived at the ecological park, the reporter had already left, and Qian Lina was very disturbed.

In the evening of the same day, there was a report in the news of the local station of Tongcheng, "Ecological Garden shot 27 catties of big fish that tasted like rubber".

Many citizens are watching it as a strange news, but there are also people who really know the truth about Kunyang Ecological Park.

"What kind of reporter is this? I will report it without investigating it clearly. This is grass carp and not grass carp. This is called crispy meat!" After seeing this news, Lao Jin said to his wife Shen Guifen.

"You tell me what's the use? If you have the ability, you can call the TV station and say."

"Hit it."

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