Deep in the cave, a group of scientists heard the alarm as if they hadn't.

The movements on the hands did not stop at all, and they were still busy.

At this time, a man dressed in black walked out from the small door on the side, he frowned and said to himself: "How can there be other creatures in this Antarctica?" "

In his mind, no creature should be able to come to Antarctica and break into his base."

Even if there is, it can only be a zombie, but how did the zombie come from?

At this time, Li Yu walked in and said, "There are no other creatures, only two humans. Seeing

Li Yu, the man in black was shocked.

He didn't expect it to be two humans.

Looking at the appearance of the two, it seemed that they came in without much effort.

"How did you get in?"

"That door is made of outer space meteorites and cold iron, and there are so many deadly mechanisms, unless...

"You're an SS psychic?"

"That's not right! No way! There are only four of them in this world, and they all have records, and you are not at all.

"Who the hell are you?" How do you know about this place? The

man in black poured out countless questions.

Li Yu did not answer his question, but passed him and continued to walk towards the laboratory.

Li Yu looked at the man who was about to do it to himself and said, "You can't hurt me, don't bother anything, I'll just borrow the experimental products you have here to use it."

"It's not going to do anything to you."

"Of course, if you provoke my displeasure, I don't know if I will have other thoughts about you."

The hand of the man in black was taken out of his pocket.

Because he noticed that the experimental iron table on the side had begun to melt, it was an iron table, but an ice table.

Li Yu turned around at this time and said: "Next, you lead the way, I don't know the place, then I may come by feeling, I don't know if you can live here." The

man in black understood the meaning of Li Yu's words, nodded in agreement, and then walked towards Li Yu inside.

A few minutes later, the three arrived at a room full of artificial bodies.

"Adults, you can choose for yourself, everything here can be regarded as basically completed."

Li Yu shook his head and said, "What I want is not these, if I were developed by you before, she would be a mutilated product for you." When

Li Yu said so, he knew which one Li Yu wanted.

That was their first research product, the Zero.

It was a product with a defective gene that couldn't be implanted in thinking.

She is like a computer, unable to learn by herself, unable to think, and has no room for growth.

But she is the most obedient, because she can only be passively indoctrinated, so you only need to instill in her absolute obedience to your orders to control her.

Although it was a defective product, they did not give up their research on the Zero machine.

Because they want to raise her to be someone who can only kill.

Did he already have that chip?

Or does he have the ability to give that machine zero access to his own mind?

The man in black looked at Li Yu and thought in his heart.

"My lord, come here with me."

The man in black took Li Yu and continued to walk towards the depths.

Soon came to a transparent vessel, the man in black pointed and said: "Sir, this is the zero machine you need."

Li Yu was still a little surprised when he looked at the other researchers around him, surprised that they didn't react at all when they passed by.

These people are also pitiful, and they have given up other desires for that crazy research.

What a scientific maniac!

But Li Yu did not intervene, after all, these were all chosen by themselves.

Li Yu looked at the petri dish in front of him, and the vessel was directly shattered with a wave of his hand.

"That's right, it's her!"

Then that body floated out.

Li Yu took out the chip exchanged in the system and directly punched it into the brain of Machine Zero.

Machine Zero's eyes opened, looked at Li Yu and said in a stiff tone: "Lord: Master!

Li Yu was very satisfied with this.

Then you looked at Susu on the side and said, "Susu next you began to squeeze out Chen Yuran's soul and get Chen Yuran's soul out."

"Then this body will be completely yours."

Susu nodded in agreement and began to attack Chen Yuran's soul.

Chen Yuran has been oppressed by Susu's soul, so she falls into a deep sleep many times, which will suddenly be attacked by Susu's soul, she knows Susu's intentions, but she doesn't want to leave her body, but under Susu's continuous oppression, she was finally squeezed out alive.

Seeing Chen Yuran's soul come out, Li Yu directly wrapped Chen Yuran's soul with his spiritual power to let her continue to fuse with this Zero machine.

Chen Yuran realized that there was no danger and began to cooperate with the fusion.

After a moment of fusion, Chen Yuran moved his new body.

A little incredulous said: "This dwelling... It's actually a new body! At

the moment, she did not realize that something was wrong, although she had lost her original body, she had a new body.

She moved her hands and feet stiffly.

Chen Yuran's activity was almost over, looking at Li Yu with a smile on his face, he immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you master for the gifted body." Susu

on the side finally got his body as he wished, and his heart was also very excited and happy.

Then he quickly thanked him: "Thank you master!" The

man in black on the side froze directly when he saw Li Yu's operation.

The tone was excited, and he said incredulously: "Da.... Adult, what method did you use to get this, we have experimented countless times without success.

"The chip just punched in can't make her self-aware?"

Not only him, but the originally indifferent researchers around noticed this scene at night, and then they all stopped their work and looked at Li Yu with hot eyes, wanting to know from Li Yu what was going on.

Originally, it was not that they did not notice Li Yu's arrival, but that Li Yu at that time did not arouse their interest.

But now seeing the Zero experimental subject, he actually has human wisdom in Li Yu's hands!

That's when they put down their work.

At this time, in their eyes, what Li Yu did was consciousness transmission, such a method they have studied for many years, and this project does not know how many people have been sent.

And now Li Yu actually transmits consciousness, if they get the method from Li Yu, this means that they can live forever. Can be stronger.

At that time, they can transfer their consciousness to those powerful monsters, which can constantly evolve and have no end of life unless they are killed.

That's why they put down what they were doing and stopped to observe Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at everyone and said, "My methods are not something that you sciences can explain.

"I said it, and you won't understand."

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