"Of course there is something, what am I calling you for?" Li Yu said with anger in his tone.

"Your fiancé Ye Fan is my senior brother, and you actually let my senior brother go to the Zhang Group as a security guard."

"This is insulting my senior brother, insulting me, insulting my Li family!"

"I'll leave this to this today, if you don't handle this matter well, don't blame my Li family for attacking your Wu family."

Li Yu said in a firm and angry tone.

"Nope... No, Li Shao, you listen to me, Ye Fan is not my fiancé, and I don't know about his work as a security guard. "

I haven't had contact with him at all, Lee...

"Toot toot.... Toot ....

Wu Mengxin also wanted to explain his relationship with Ye Fan to Li Yu.

But before he finished speaking, he was directly hung up by Li Yu.

"I originally thought that Li Dashao was different from those young people, but I didn't expect it to be so unreasonable." Wu Mengxin sighed helplessly.

Now that he doesn't deal with Ye Fan's matter, he may really have to be troubled by the Li family.

Although the Li family has been very low-key in recent years, this cannot deny his status in the magic capital.

The Li family was able to survive under the combined blows of many families in the past few years, which is not comparable to her family.

If this is against your own family, isn't it as simple as pinching an ant to death?

Thinking of this, Wu Mengxin directly called her grandfather to find a solution.

"Grandpa, it's not good, that Li Dashao said that I was to his senior brother...

"This is a bad thing, this is obviously a good thing! Think about it, Ye Fan has the support of Li Dashao, will his achievements be low in the future?

"You are in a relationship with Ye Fanpan now, isn't this a relationship with Li Jiapan?" So you hurry up now and take Ye Fan to your residence, you two cultivate a good relationship, and then give him a child and firmly trap him.

"What to have a baby?" I don't want to talk to him.

"Grandpa, I'm your granddaughter, do I need to be so cheap?"

"You don't treat me like a human being for your benefit."

"You: Are your wings hard? Dare to speak to me like that.

"I will tell you today that if you don't handle this matter well, there will be no need for your company to continue."

"This company is built by myself, what right do you have to decide it."

"What power, all the money you have to open the company is from me, and I am the largest shareholder of the company."

"Snap, kick....

Wu Mengxin had tears in her eyes, and her face was full of anger and dropped the mobile phone in her hand to the ground.

She clearly knows that her grandfather is patriarchal, and she is not liked at home.

But she thought her grandfather was still towards herself.

So after she received a call from Li Yu, she called her grandfather to tell it.

But what he didn't expect was that his grandfather didn't think about himself, and in turn asked him to take the initiative to find Ye Fan.

At this moment, her feelings for her grandfather are clear, she regards him as a relative, and he treats himself as a tool man.

Or the lowest of the kind.


How can you resist yourself?

Old man Wu also said that everything he has now is given by him, and he has no chips at all.

How else to resist?

Only at the mercy of others?



" "The host's operation successfully made the heroine Wu Mengxin disappointed in family affection, and the reward points were 5500" "The heroine's

disgust for the protagonist Ye Fan turned into hatred, and the protagonist's 1500 luck was transferred to the host."

Li Yu, who was sitting in the car, heard the system's report and smiled on his face.

"It's good that there is a windfall."

Li Yu called Wu Mengxin completely to let her get the protagonist away from the Zhang Group.

Unexpectedly, he actually remembered hating Ye Fan.

Li Yu thought about it seriously and knew the reason.

Wu Mengxin didn't like Ye Fan, Old man Wu liked Ye Fan, and the two had a conflict again, and then Wu Mengxin's feelings for Ye Fan became worse and worse, and finally Ye Fan had many heroes to save the beauty, and commercial help, Wu Mengxin's emotions for Ye Fan gradually changed, and then they came together.

This kind of plot is the standard for Xiaobaiwen.

"But I won't give her such a chance, until it is already hatred, I won't make you better."

"In this case, then you can only hold Wu Mengxin in your hands."

"It looks like the opportunity is about to change."

Thinking of this, Li Yu asked Li Long to call the old man of the Wu family.

Then there's a good show.

"Hey, Aaron, did you call something?" Old man Wu, who was originally still annoyed, saw that it was Li Long's phone and quickly asked softly.

"It's not a big deal, it's that your son-in-law Ye Fan is the senior brother of my family's young master, this is not my family's young master just went down the mountain today and found that his senior brother was working as a security guard."

"My young master is very angry about this, so I called to ask you what's going on?"

Li Long asked with a smile.

Li Long did not say that he wanted to make a move against the Wu family, but just now Wu Mengxin had told him that if this matter was not done well, he would definitely take action against the Wu family.

Old man Wu also did not expect that the Li family would put pressure on themselves so quickly.

"Along, if you tell your young master, I will definitely give him a satisfactory answer to this matter."

"I'll take care of it myself later." Old man Wu said with confidence.

"I believe in Wu Lao's means, but this is ultimately the problem of Ye Fan's marriage to your granddaughter Wu Mengxin."

"I don't know about this thing...

Li Long continued to press.

"Don't worry about this, I will personally take my granddaughter to find Ye Fan later, and this matter will be handled well."

"If it really can't work, then I can only cross her off my Wu family tree, and then arrange my other granddaughter for Ye Fan's little brother." Old man Wu said firmly.

"Then I'll wait for the good news from Elder Wu."

"Elder Wu, I won't talk much, I'll inform the young master first." Li Long hung up the phone after speaking.

"I didn't expect the Li family to value Ye Fan so much, and such a big opportunity must be obtained no matter what."

"What a woman who doesn't know how to be evil."

Old man Wu said with anger.

Although he was threatened by the Li family this time, it was nothing compared to the help of the Li family in the future.

The eldest husband can flex and stretch to achieve great things.

The dissatisfaction in his heart can only be vented to his granddaughter.

"The housekeeper prepared a car to go to Wu Mengxin's unfilial granddaughter's company." Old man Wu said to the butler on the side.


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