Void Yin did not refute Li Yu's words, nodding in agreement.

In this way, the two people shot at each other and eliminated all these pathfinders.

In the fifteenth minute, the virtual body on the side began to be wrapped in a black shadow, and Li Yu knew that this was about to awaken.

Wrapped in this black shadow, Void began to tremble, and Void's cloak and clothing were also torn at this time, and he directly became light.

Li Yu originally wanted to see inside clearly through the black shadow, but Li Yu couldn't see through it with all his strength.

Two or three minutes later, he awakened successfully, and the black shadow that wrapped him disappeared, and only then did Li Yu see everything inside.

Li Yu looked at the white and clean body and called out to the groove.

"How is it a female ???"

"I've always treated you like a man, and now you're telling me you're a woman."

"The women who have come out alone this year like to hide their identities so much?"

At this time, Li Yu also wanted to understand why she was fooled by me so easily, it turned out to be a woman.

Looking at the faint white body, Li Yu also felt like that, mainly because it was too mediocre.

There is not much of a sense of shock.

This also explains why Li Yu did not find out that she was a woman at that time.

Because she is an airport, even the iconic thing is so small, how can you see it, and it is still in this void.

Void Yin opened his eyes at this time and sighed: "I didn't expect to be able to awaken such a powerful force this time.

"Now I also have the power to fight against the S Traverser."

The power of her awakening is space power, and she can directly move in space, but it is not yet known whether she can move each world.

Li Yu looked at her and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that your strength is quite good, but your body is so mediocre... Ha ha. Hearing

Li Yu's words, he was confused for a while, unable to figure out whether Li Yu was praising himself or belittling himself.

But she noticed Li Yu's eyes, and saw that Li Yu had been staring at her, and she lowered her head to look at herself.

Seeing his bare body, his face turned red directly.

With a hint of shyness, he said, "You.. Why didn't you tell me earlier! Just keep watching! Then

he quickly used the power of using space to hide himself in the space and hurriedly changed himself into a set of clothes.

Li Yu looked at her and said, "Did I say something wrong?" Void

Yin did not answer Li Yu's words, but just kept staring at Li Yu.

At this time, Li Yu realized something, that is, whether this woman was the protagonist or the heroine, and then quickly called the system: "System, is this woman the heroine or the protagonist?" "

According to Li Yu's guess, to have this strength and look so beautiful, it is not at all like the template of ordinary people, and the most important thing is to meet yourself.

Such people are at least one horn.

Now I have to determine whether she is the protagonist or the female protagonist, if it is the female protagonist, it means that the male protagonist is also in this world, and he can take this opportunity to brush a wave of rewards.


" "Deduct 20,000 points

" "The detection target is protected by a special force, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, stop in-depth detection."

"The initial test target is 80% likely to be the heroine."

"The probability of being the protagonist is fifteen percent."

"The probability of being a passerby is five percent."


" "A large amount of special spiritual power was detected, and the system began to upgrade automatically, and the upgrade time took thirty days."

"The system goes to sleep during the upgrade, during which the host cannot use the system."

The system replied.

Then, without waiting for Li Yu to ask again, he directly fell into dead silence.

Li Yu was speechless for a while when he heard the prompt of the system, do you need to be so anxious to sleep? Don't know if I'm sleeping with a wave of consumption?

But this is also good news, after all, the previous upgrade was a moment, and now this upgrade takes thirty days, which means that the completion of this system upgrade will usher in a huge breakthrough.

I don't know if the rewards inside will change dramatically.

If according to the rigid system, this woman should be the female protagonist, it also means that the male protagonist may be in this world, or in other words, it should be on the planet behind him.

As for the mysterious power, it should be the shuttle system on her body.

I didn't expect that such a popular system actually had such a strong anti-detection device.

Li Yu pondered inwardly.

The next thing is to find the protagonist, the male protagonist who shuttles through the ten thousand worlds must have a very strong luck, I don't know if his good brother Ye Chen has a lot of luck.

When the time comes, you must return a wave of blood fiercely.

When Li Yu was still thinking seriously, suddenly the strength of his body ushered in a surge of power.

Li Yu knew that he was going to awaken.

Li Yu still thought that he wanted to be like the void just now, but he didn't.

Instead, the surging power began to flow in his body.

Li Yu only felt that every cell in his body had ushered in a metamorphosis.

The appearance does not change or fluctuate without any changes.

This comfortable feeling made Li Yu close his eyes and start to enjoy it.

The void on the side looked at Li Yu and wondered, "This is beginning to awaken?" "

But why did his awakening not fight at all, so calm.

Is it because of the gap in strength? Those who are strong and awakened can enjoy it so much.

At this time, the zerg in the black hole began to attack, looked at Li Yu faintly, and finally took his short knife and began to slaughter.

Because of the strengthening of his strength and the awakening of space power, his current strength is very light against these enemies.

Just as she was able to kill, an angry voice came from the black hole.

"Who are you?"

"You dare to stand in front of our army?"

"Don't you know that you have broken the rules?"

A half-human, half-monster in black and red armor emerges from the black hole.

Looking at this scene, Void was surprised: "Didn't you say that there are only Zergs?" How come there are still monsters of the Demon Clan? Void

began to evaluate the strength of this thing with the help of his shuttle system.

"A-Class" muttered faintly looking at the monster in front of him.

She carefully observed the strength of the other monsters and determined that there were only two A-class monsters, so it didn't matter.

Although the sudden appearance of the A class surprised her, now she has the strength to match the S-class.

Now that he is so angry, he must be in a hurry by himself and Li Yu blocking the door.

She looked at the aura at the mouth of the black hole and was surprised, she and Li Yu had stopped absorbing, how could the aura still not enter the black hole?

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