What Li Yu wants to say is that you guessed a little right.

Li Yu looked at the restored body, grabbed a demon on the side and said, "The next step is to use your strength." The

next moment, Li Yu grabbed that demon clan's hand, protruded countless filaments from his body, and quickly wrapped the other party.

Li Yu also disappeared, turning into a stream of light and merging into the other party's body.

The body of the wrapped demon began to surge continuously.

This scene startled the other monsters around them, and they quickly took a few steps back.

And the surging demon race returned to silence for a moment, and then directly turned into Li Yu's appearance, Li Yu muttered at this time: "Is this the ability of the demon race?"

"That's all!"

This is the true power of Li Yu's awakening, and the power of Li Yu's awakening is very powerful and has no upper limit.

Because Li Yu's ability is to constantly invade and reproduce.

Invasion is the ability to invade other people's flesh, gain other people's abilities, and other people's bodies.

Reproduction is the continuous reproduction of cells, and now his flesh is immortal.

Li Yu looked at the monsters around him who were still in a state of confusion, and Li Yu did not hesitate to directly attack again.

After several days of fighting, plus several days of invasion, Li Yu at this time had already invaded all the races that came over several times.

At this time, the black hole has become a little stable because of the inhalation of spiritual power.

And the monster Li Yu sent over this time has also solved more than half.

At this time, Li Yu had also reached a very terrifying point.

Those races, no matter what characteristics, no matter what special abilities.

All of them were all figured out by Li Yu. At the same time, a corresponding method was found.

So these monsters have nothing to do with Li Yu.

Now if you want to defeat Li Yu, you can only rely on absolutely powerful forces.

But because of the black hole, those monsters that are stronger than Li Yu can't come over at all, and if they want to force over, it may make the black hole collapse and fall into the endless darkness at that time.

Once there, there is only endless darkness, and the point is that there is no way out yet.

So now Li Yu is the absolute master.

At this time, some monsters began to notice it, and quickly roared loudly: "Retreat!"

"All retreat!"

"The goal this time is no longer something we can deal with, and if we continue to fight, we will send us to death."

"On the contrary, it will strengthen the power of this human being, and retreat quickly."

"No, he's not an ordinary human, he's a monster!"

"Don't care what he is, hurry up and retreat."

Li Yu looked at the monster who wanted to retreat, and said unpleasantly: "Did I tell you to retreat?"

"Since I can't get it, then I'll destroy you all!"

Li Yu directly used the spiritual power of his whole body and began to release Dacheng's Golden Crow Divine Method.

The next moment, ten huge golden crows on Li Yu's head, flaring wings stood above Li Yu's head.

This powerful golden light made this dim void directly transparent and bright.

And those monsters who had not yet had time to escape into the black hole were instantly evaporated and disappeared into the void.

And the meteorites floating in the void also disappeared.

And these monsters are also more comfortable, that is, they disappear directly without feeling even a trace of pain and fear, which is much better than being killed by Li Yu.

And the void reaction was also very fast, and directly used the space power to start dodging.

In a moment, Li Yu put away the Golden Crow Divine Method.

And the void also returned from the depths of space.

She looked at the powerful Li Yu and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unexpectedly, I still think of all this too simply."

She began to think that Li Yu was going to use the power of ominous qi, but she didn't expect Li Yu to directly rely on the strength of his body to fight hard.

After fighting, he also uses his divine ability to invade others and gain his power.

At this time, Li Yu was ten thousand times more terrifying than those monsters in her heart.

I also thought in my heart that such a person can only make good and not evil.

And he doesn't seem to have any ill will towards me.

I don't say that I will follow him in the future, but it's still okay to make friends with him.

After all, with such a powerful friend, it is also a very faceted thing.

Vain thought to himself.

At this time, Li Yu exited the black hole, looked at the closed black hole, and guessed in his heart that this black hole must not be a natural product of this world, but a later product.

Someone should have done it on purpose.

This black hole closure means that these monsters will not invade again during this time.

However, what made Li Yu feel curious was that he disrupted this invasion this time, and the person behind all this did not show up to organize me?

It's really impressive!

Li Yu guessed in his heart.

But it doesn't matter to Li Yu, anyway, as long as it doesn't affect him.

If you influence yourself, how easy it is to find him out and beat him to death yourself.

And I have other things to deal with now, and I have to find a new protagonist!

Li Yu came to the side of Void and looked at her with strange eyes and said, "After all this is handled, then I will return to Earth first."

"If you have something else, you can do it first."

"Nothing.... Nothing else.

"I'll go back to Earth with you, I can't do my business yet."

Void looked at Li Yu and said.

Now that these ethnic invasions have stopped, her mission can only be done later.

Li Yu said faintly: "Then you follow me." Then

she stepped directly into the void tunnel, which was not the same as her space.

Void was surprised to see himself in the Void Tunnel.

Surprised: "Is this the Void Tunnel?" "

Although chaotic inside the void, there is a unique beauty.

Think about your own space power, although it is not bad, but there is still a big difference with this comparison with others.

They are all a little disgusted, why don't they have the ability to awaken this directly?

No, this ability is not awakened by Li Yu, but he will do it himself.

Just when the void closed his eyes and felt the beauty of the void, the two had already come to Earth.

Li Yu said to the void on the side: "We have arrived on Earth.

Vain opened his eyes and looked at the earth, the mountains, and made sure that he had reached the earth.

Li Yu let go of his hidden hand and said with a smile: "It's still very safe here, this piece is also my friend's territory, you first find a place to rest for a while."

"I'll go talk to my friends first."

"Also, I know that I helped you a lot this time, but you don't need to show me twice in a row."

Hearing Li Yu's words, he noticed that he was not wearing clothes, and he was still hugged by Li Yu just now.

When Li Yu released the Golden Crow Divine Method just now, although he dodged it in time, his clothes were still evaporated in an instant.

Void quickly flashed and disappeared.

By this time she was already shy to get home.

Li Yu looked at the disappearing void and sighed: "Although the figure is very mediocre, the feel is still good." "

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