Listening to Li Yu's mysterious words, he couldn't help but become curious.

It works a lot for yourself, so what's the use?

He is just a C-grade rookie, what value can he have to himself?

Li Yu looked at the curious void and said: "Come with me, I have a way to take you inside to have a look."

"But there is nothing good in this secret realm, and it is of no use to you."

Then Li Yu put his arm around Void and walked in with the talent of a wandering mage.

Vain looked at Li Yu who was holding his waist, and moved a few times uncomfortably.

But there was not much resistance either.

Just a little shy.

At this time, this secret realm is not big, after all, this is only a rudimentary secret realm.

As soon as you enter, you can see a treasure chest in the distance.

And this road is also full of monsters, but these are dispensable for Li Yu.

It can be solved with a gentle wave of the hand.

At this time, the protagonist is still struggling to deal with those monsters.

Fortunately, he knows the weaknesses of these monsters, as well as some tips.

Otherwise, he would have returned to the West by virtue of his means.

Observing the protagonist's faintness, he said: "How do I feel that he seems to have a way of predicting the future."

"How can he easily dodge these attacks every time?"

At this time, Li Yu on the side looked at the waist and touched the void and said: "It's not the ability to predict the future, but he knew it a long time ago."

"No hurry, in another half a month, I'll let him spit everything out."

"It's all yours then, how do you feel?"

Li Yu then took him out of the secret realm.

Now he has determined that this protagonist is a protagonist who does not have much potential and develops slowly.

Li Yu felt that there was no need to stop it, and he would kill it after a while.

Vain looked at Li Yu and said vigilantly: "Why do you want to give me everything about him?" "

He and Li Yu are not a special relationship, how can Li Yu be so kind to himself?

Does he want something from me? Or what do you want me to pay for?

He looked at Li Yu faintly.

And Li Yu's body is in the mysterious world, he also said that he needs strength, but now he wants to give the power of his hand to himself, which is certainly not simple.

Li Yu stroked his thin waist and said, "I like you, so can't I be nice to you?" Hearing

Li Yu's words, the void that was still guessing indiscriminately directly blushed.

Vain looked at Li Yu and said: "Don't joke with me, I can tell you, I'm not one of those little girls, not so easy to deceive."

"And you still think...

The faintness behind can't go on.

Li Yu looked at her and said, "Oh, don't worry, I won't dislike your mediocre figure, after all, you have something else." Void

gave Li Yu a moment, and said breathlessly: "Fuck off... I still hate you.

The next moment he looked at Li Yu seriously and said, "Are you sure what you just said is serious and not a joke?"

Li Yu said seriously: "It's true, otherwise I would be so good to you?"

"And what's the good of me lying to you? Is it just for your mediocrity? "

Fuck off, you're mediocre, you little toothpick." Void looked at Li Yu angrily and said angrily.

"If you're serious, then I'll ...

The more you go to the back, the faint voice gets quieter.

In fact, Void has long had some good feelings for Li Yu, after all, Li Yu's strength is so strong, and it is also good for herself, and she is so good, and she has not traveled with a few boys, this time Li Yu is the first one.

Otherwise, she would not have refused Li Yu to stand on her own.

But now that Li Yu suddenly said this to herself, she still didn't believe it a little.

What she originally thought was to get along with Li Yu for a while first, observe some of Li Yu's, and if all aspects are in line with herself, it will be no problem to be together again at that time.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu actually had a direct showdown with himself today.

Li Yu looked at the void and said seriously: "I like to cheat everything, but I don't cheat feelings."

"I take feelings seriously."

It's just that this relationship is not very specific.

But seriously, too!

At this time, Void took the initiative to lean into Li Yu's arms and said: "Then tell me, where else did you lie to me?"

Li Yu hugged the void and said, "Then it's up to you to guess."

"Like my power, and my identity....

Void shook his head.

Li Yu said that he guessed it so much, and the range was too large.

Li Yu hugged a princess and said faintly: "It's very simple for you to know, we can go and discuss in depth."

"At that time, you will know everything about me."

Then Li Yu came directly to a big island in one step.

Li Yu looked at the vagueness in his arms and said: "The scenery here is good, I don't know how to discuss it here?" Void

did not speak, blushing and nodding in agreement.


Then his eyes began to look away, but his eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

Li Yu naturally did not hesitate, and straightened her face and let her look at herself.

To do this, there are protagonists who are not yet engaged.

A week or so.

Li Yu woke up with a burst of electricity.



"The system upgrade has been completed, the system has been strengthened this time, and the ability has far surpassed many systems in Wanjie."

"Now the host can be used with peace of mind, not as it was before."

Li Yu, who was still sleepy, was directly sleepy when he heard this prompt.

At this time, Li Yu reacted that he had been in this world for more than a month.

System upgrade: This is a good thing.

Li Yu quickly opened the entry system and began to check, he saw if there was any record of conquering Lin Jiaxin and them before.

But flipped around, there was not a single record.

It seems that he will be tired again.

Then Li Yu woke up Lin Jiaxin and Qiao Li, who were still sleeping, and there was still Void.

Li Yu said to the two: "Hurry up, come with me once." The

two were still in a state of deception, and Li Yu saw this and directly took matters into his own hands.


" "Congratulations to the host for conquering the protagonist Lin Jiaxin, reward points 500000, luck 88888."


" "Congratulations to the host for conquering the heroine Joli, reward points 150,000, luck 10,000."

"Congratulations to the host for conquering the heroine Void, reward points 120,000, luck 20,000."

Four hours later, Li Yu left the battlefield satisfied.

Only three people who were killed by Li Yu remained.

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