Although a lot of thoughts flashed through the mind. But Ye Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The person behind him was Li Yu, not anyone else.

Otherwise, you are really dangerous.

"Is there something wrong this time?"

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and asked with a smile. "This heaven and earth aura. Ye

Chen asked.

"I'm wondering how the earth could have been revived so suddenly

"And where did all this aura come from?"

"I don't feel like the earth's aura...,"

Ye Chen asked in a series of questions. So that's it!"

"It's very troublesome to explain, it's better for me to take Senior Brother Ye outside to find a place to sit."

"Let's talk about it."

Li Yu said with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and put his hand on Ye Chen's shoulder.

The next moment, they appeared on a cliff.

"It's still very good to make tea here."

Li Yu put the tea table on the tea table and said with a smile.

Ye Chen looked confused.

In a flash?

And just now that seems to be a space tunnel?

This Jindan ancestor can't do it!

Brother Li's ability, awesome!

. After some exchanges.

Ye Chen admired Li Yu even more. "Originally, I thought that my name was Brother Li Yu.

"Unexpectedly, his Dao practice is higher than mine."

"If it weren't for my experience in my previous life, I'm afraid I would have been dumped by Brother Li long ago and wouldn't be worthy of looking up!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh.

If you think about it, it's true.

The aura of heaven and earth suddenly increased, and Brother Li was definitely the one who benefited the most.

In particular, the cause of that heaven and earth aura.

After Li Yu's "explanation", Ye Chen finally understood.

These auras permeated from the Void Tunnel.

Li Yu as the earth. The only one who knows is definitely the one who benefits the most.

Even if Ye Chen knew, he couldn't expand his income.

Because he who can enter the void.

The entire earth, it is estimated that Li Yu is alone.

As for letting Li Yu take him to the Void to cultivate?

Sorry, he is also a generation of immortals.

Not to do such a faceless thing.

He confessed a lot, and he couldn't trouble Li Yu so much.

And now the earth's aura is not bad, it is completely enough for him to cultivate.

"But looking at this situation, it's definitely not just me and Brother Li who can break through."

"Everyone else has definitely reaped the rewards too.

"For the safety of my family, I'd better practice hard!"

"At the same time, do a good job of safety precautions for the family, and some villains in the province will start to do something wrong after getting the strength!"

Ye Chen thought seriously.

Bid farewell to Li Yu.

He began to buy materials and make protective jade talismans.

Then it's time to hand it over to the family.

"Master Ye, I have something I want to ask Master Ye."

"I wonder if Master Ye can agree?

Wei family.

After handing Ye Chen a cup of tea for the old man, he said.

"Oh? What else is going on?"

"Last time I helped you participate in the tournament, didn't you get enough money?"

Li Yu glanced at Old Master Wei lightly and said.

"No, no...

"It's the military, I want to find a master to cooperate with you!"

"I don't know what's going on recently, everyone has broken through one after another, and the military's recruit training has gone awry.

"Because there is no orthodox martial arts guidance, after their successive breakthroughs, the power is not controlled....

Wei Laozi explained.

"You mean, let me teach my cultivation method?"

Ye Chen took a sip of tea and said with a lofty demeanor.

"No, it's not!"

"I just want to ask Master Ye to point your finger."

"At the very least, let them learn to use their own powers."

Elder Wei hurriedly waved his hand and said.

"So that's the case, so what about the benefits?"

"It's not impossible to let me shoot, but the price is not small."

"Don't talk to me about human favors, you also understand that human favors do not have the content of silk."

Ye Chen said with a proud attitude.


Wei Ziqing looked at Ye Chen, who had always had a high attitude, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She knew that Ye Chen was very powerful, but she had always pretended to be so high.

It's just that some bully,

and it's just asking him to be an instructor and guide newcomers.

I want this favor a lot.

That is, because he is familiar with Ye Chen, he will ask him.

"Ziqing must not be unreasonable!

"Master Ye, after this matter is completed, I am willing to give 20 million in reward!"

"At the same time... .

. " Old man Wei said his conditions.

After hearing this.

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, he couldn't even look at those things. But there was one point, he cared a lot.

That is the safety of the family.

The military people would promise to protect his family, which also made Ye Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, if he wanted to cultivate, he had to wander around looking for opportunities.

You can't always be in front of your family.

"Elder Wei, this is what you said about Master Ye?"

"Is it really okay to be so young?"

Just entered the barracks.

Ye Chen began to be questioned.

Faced with these questions, Ye Chen just smiled.

"Shoot me!

Ye Chen looked at the officer in front of him and said. The other party was immediately stunned.

Where did this little furry boy come from. Just want to find death?

"I said, shoot me!"

Suddenly, Ye Chen's tone intensified.

An invisible deterrent emanated.

The officer's body suddenly trembled with fear.

Subconsciously, he pulled out his gun and shot.

The moment after the shot, he regretted it.

Could it be that he is going to kill someone?

Just as he thought so.

Ye Chen stretched out his finger and clamped the bullet.

And easily, pinching the bullet flat with your fingers.

"This !!"

When everyone present saw this scene, they were all stunned.

In the past two days, the world has changed, and everyone's physique has rapidly increased, and they all know it.

Even some people can dodge bullets.

But like Ye Chen, lazily stretching out his hands to squash the bullet, they really haven't seen it!

At the same time, this also shows how powerful Ye Chen really is.

Mentor students who are fully qualified to do so.

In other words, it is an honor for the trainees to be guided by him.

"Master Ye, please over here.

"We have prepared information about the trainees, as well as other information....

The other party's attitude immediately became respectful. He looked at Ye Chen cautiously and said.

"I'm not interested in information or anything."

"Training those trainees is just a casual thing.

Ye Chen said dismissively.

It's nothing more than a group of ordinary people who have gained power and can't use it.

Just take out a set of exercises and let them practice.

Of course, you can't be so irresponsible.

After all, not everyone has a smooth cultivation, and if his cultivation is crooked, he is also responsible for correcting.

Therefore, in the next time, he had to supervise the trainees' smooth cultivation.

He waited until everyone was on track before he could leave with peace of mind.

"If you have money, it may take half a month."

"Now, about three days or so is enough!"

Ye Chen muttered.

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