Li Yu looked at everything in the Martial Dao Immortal Book and knew that this was not the enhanced version of the refining body in the Immortal Realm.

This is not a simple martial arts person, this is much stronger than martial arts, when the time comes, he can rely only on the strength of his own flesh to be invincible to the world, and he will also have many means and spells that he can use, his own alternative double cultivation.

This simply seemed to change his cultivation, but in fact it was only a slight turn, but the only thing that was certain was that his cultivation was really powerful.

Huajindan, which means that you can have a way to directly and quickly reach the Jindan period.

Li Yu pondered deeply in his heart.

However, although knowing this realm, including some other information, as well as the techniques for cultivating into immortals, including the subsequent method of refining golden pills.

But if you want to be promoted, you still can't do it in a short time.

To put it bluntly, it still depends on the accumulation of experience, which is exactly the same as the game.

Unless you use the upgrade of the system yourself, you can only practice slowly, and don't think about it in a short time.

He is not a person who cultivates slowly like that, and he has a plug-in, how can he not use it.

Now that I haven't looked for Ye Chen for so many days, it's time to go and find Ye Chen for a good fortune.

After all, the source of all Li Yu's current situation came from Ye Chen.

Li Yu thought about what Ye Chen would be doing there during this time?


In the World Tree!


" "Are you not bound by power now, are you temporarily out of the props and disengaged?"

At this time, Shiyun's face was full of resentment.

Although this body is not her own body, she can clearly feel everything Li Yu did to this body just now, which is extremely humiliating for herself, and this revenge must be repaid.

Of course, you can't keep it on your own, and you have to ask for someone now.

"Break away temporarily!"

Seeing the system prompt, Shiyun nodded and replied.

Then a small flash of light flashed.

Shiyun, who originally occupied Wang Luoyi's body, returned to his own world.

As soon as she got off the line, Shiyun hurriedly contacted her good sister, "Sister, are you not there?"

Shiyun's sister looked at her sister's resentment and hatred, and she frowned and replied, "Is there something wrong with you being so anxious?" When

Shiyun heard her sister's words, she cried directly the next moment, and then began to tell Li Yu's crime against herself.

"Sister, I was bullied in the latest world just now....

"Why is someone bullying you? Don't worry, sister, I'll avenge you. Shiyun's sister said viciously.

There are still people who dare to bully their sister? And in the case of knowing the identity, this is completely hitting yourself in the face, and then you will still be so mixed in this circle.

"My cute rabbit is not really cute."

"Li Yu, right! According to Shiyun, his strength should not be much stronger, he can't just have any special way to deal with the curse, and his body has the ability to recover quickly.

"If it weren't for the fact that my sister went not to the body this time, but to the soul, if the body would have killed him a long time ago."

The cute rabbit snorted coldly.

Now Li Yu's strength she already knows an approximate, the strength should be at the A level, have self-healing ability, have a way to break the curse, and can also teleport.

It may be a shuttler who obtains a change in the formation of a certain genetic drug.

Such a person is quite okay in the A level, but it is more than enough to deal with him on his own.

He is now a strong S-class strength.

Deal with that Li Yu who is not afraid at all, even if he is also possessed, he can clean up that Li Yu.

Although this S-class is not really invincible in the world, it still treats this person with a handle.

Shiyun then cried: "Sister, I am now using temporary offline props to continue to you, and now the temporary props are also going to fail, I also have to go back, you must find me quickly, hurry up and help me free." "

Then there was forced back into the system.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, so be patient first."

Then she felt fortunate for that Li Yu, glad that he was bullying only his sister's possessed body this time, if it was the body, she would make the whole world unhappy.

Then she opened the Ten Thousand Realms Shuttle System, and then used props to force her entry into that world.

In the World Tree!

Because of Shiyun's separation, this also made the real Wang Luoyi wake up.

She looked at everything around her very blinded, she felt as if she had a strange dream, a lot of things happened in the dream, those things she remembered very vaguely, but they made her feel very comfortable.

Then he woke up, and then Fa Xiang himself is now in such an environment.

Wang Luoyi looked at his body at this time and found that his body was also perfect from the so-called.

She was surprised: "What's wrong with my body, how did it become so delicate?"

Not only that, but other parts are not like ordinary people, very much like a work of art.

How did your own clothes also break up like this?

Looking closely around, Wang Luoyi found something strange.

These fragments seem to be their own clothes!

But I didn't feel the cold of meaning.

Obviously, the air is not warm!

"What's wrong with me?"

Wang Luoyi muttered suspiciously.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of that strange dream.

"Could it be that those are not dreams, but things that I experienced?"

"But what it was, I can't remember it at all,"

Wang Luoyi rubbed his head and recalled carefully. I found myself unable to remember anything.

It's like dreaming.

When you first wake up, you may remember the content of the dream.

But when consciousness is fully awakened.

The content of the dream disappeared completely, and I couldn't remember it at all.

"Although I don't know the situation, at least I have to find clothes to wear. .....

Wang Luoyi, who carried this idea, began to move around.

But after exploring her surroundings, she began to despair.

There seems to be nothing but meadow or meadow.

It was as if I was trapped in a small world.

Just when she felt a little desperate.

For a moment, a burst of chaos suddenly began.

Then he fainted on the ground.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer the dazed Wang Luoyi.

It is a rain of humiliation, grievances, hatred.

At the same time.

Somewhere on Earth.

Falling Rain's sister Pear Pear Cat also descended into this world!

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