Huang Qin on the side heard Ye Chen's words, felt the breath on his body, and subconsciously felt that Ye Chen in front of him was a master, but seeing Li Yu's age, he only felt that Ye Chen was very arrogant.

Huang Qin looked at Ye Chen and persuaded: "You still don't want to mess with him, with his personality, it is really possible to kill you, and I heard that he still has human lives on his hands."

"I hope you don't let yourself mess with people you can't mess with by sheltering me."

"I didn't expect that he would dare to threaten people so much in broad daylight!"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "It's okay."

Then he turned to Li Yu on the side and said, "Brother Li, let's go."

Li Yu just nodded lightly and didn't say much.

At this time, Huang Li noticed that there was another person next to Ye Chen, and when she saw Li Yu's face, she was shocked, this person was really too handsome.

And she looked at Li's clothes, and it was obvious that this person was not an ordinary person, and this set of clothes cost millions.

I didn't expect that Ye Chen would actually know such a person, and the two were still called brothers and brothers, could this be the reason why he had confidence?

Huang Qin looked at Li Yu and Ye Chen and guessed in his heart.

But aside from other things, this Li Yu's brother is really handsome, the point is that this handsome also has a noble breath, which is really fascinating.

This is simply the Prince Charming in the girl's heart.

Huang Qin took a deep look at Li Yu, she remembered Li Yu's appearance clearly, and thought in her heart: "Maybe I can let such a man help me completely solve that yellow hair later."

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen on the side at this time and said, "I thought you were going to do it directly!"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "There are too many such punks, I can't kill one when I see one."

"And such a punk, I don't disdain to contradict him at all, and fighting with them will only lower my own grade."

"But if he dares to mess with me again later, I will definitely not keep my hand, and then I can only blame himself."

Li Yu listened to Ye Chen's words, and a smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

It's not that Li Yu doesn't approve of his thoughts, but what Ye Chen said just now is almost the same as what he guessed.

This kid just wants to wait a while to install a super big B, so what's the disdain, but can he let him pretend to be B? Apparently impossible.

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile: "If it were me just now, I would have started directly, how could I give him time to continue to shout."

"Let him know who is the king of this venue, those people are itchy skin, and your concession will only make him feel that you are a bully."

"You did that just now, now in his heart you are a big fool who can only talk big, and he will promise to come to you for trouble later."

"How about we settle him first now?"

Listening to Li Yu's words, Ye Chen felt that it still made sense.

But this is different from his idea, his idea is to play slowly, and playing directly to death has no entertainment effect at all.

Li Yu looked at Ye Chen, who hesitated, and did not continue to persuade, and then changed the topic: "Brother Ye, let's not talk about that little gangster, so let's take a look at this Taoist meeting first."

"I wonder who can win the first place in the competition this time?"

Li Yu began to observe the breath of the people around him, and he could clearly feel that there was no aura around him that was aimed at them.

But there were many Earth Soul Realm martial artists in the venue this time, as well as several Heavenly Soul Realm masters, these were still people who automatically released their breath, and some of them were hidden.

But when there were so many strong people in his own world, he used to count them on one pair of hands, but now he can't count them on both hands.

That's a bit too big a change.

This was when a strange aura suddenly came towards Li Yu, which made Li Yu feel a trace of danger.

Li Yu was sure that the owner of this breath must not be an aborigine, but definitely a Ten Thousand Realms Shuttler.

But Li Yu recalled the script, how did he not know that this script would have such a shuttle?

And such a person, even if he comes, will not have anything good for himself to receive.

But this breath can also be regarded as the ceiling of the world's combat power.

It is impossible to come here to break through, after all, their world is not a powerful world.

Normally, such a shuttler cannot come here.

So now as long as one promises, then the owner of this breath is rushing to himself.

Or the helper called by that Shiyun in the world tree.

Just now, Shiyun's movements in the World Tree were all monitored by Li Yu.

The forced offline Li Yu before also clearly felt it.

Moreover, Li Yu already knew her identity, and as for the helper she called this time, it was naturally very clear.

According to the basics, this time she called a woman with S-class combat power, and this woman is also her sister, called Meng Meng Rabbit.

Li Yu thought to himself: "This cute rabbit is not much difficult to conquer, after all, his strength is absolutely overwhelming.

"I only need to respond to her positively at that time, defeat her at that time, and make her dead set on herself from her heart."

And these two sisters have other uses for Li Yu, after all, the strength of the two sisters is not bad.

Conquering them by yourself will also help you go to another world later.

Li Yu looked at the direction of that breath and sighed in his heart: "I hope it's really you this time, don't live up to my expectations of you." "

That Shiyun who possessed Wang Luoyi can easily seal herself, and there is even a way to disable all her means, including the forced disconnection given by their system.

But Li Yu did not do this, because Li Yu wanted to borrow their hands.

On the high platform at the martial arts conference!

Several old men sat around and discussed.

"I used to think that this world was already at its peak, but I didn't expect that it was really poor compared to before."

"Now gather the Qi Realm, and the Extraordinary Realm is as many as cattle and sheep, grab a handful."

"But fortunately, the earth soul and the heavenly soul have not become numerous, otherwise this world will be really chaotic."

"Now at least we can manage and suppress it."

This remark caused the old people around to echo, how chaotic your low rank is, as long as the high rank is not chaotic, these people still have to follow the rules.

All this is true, after all, today's young people are very arrogant, with a little strength, they feel that they are invincible in the world, and they feel that this world is their own.

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