"I promised you at that time because you are not like those gentlemen, you only know how to play with women and cars, you may not have the ability and achievements at that time, but I feel that it is only a temporary you."

"That's why you used me as a spare tire? But what does it have to do with me? Li Yu looked at Zhang Yaoxi in front of him and said with a sneer.

"You're you, I'm me, why should I know how you feel?"

Then Li Yu leaned into Zhang Yaoxi's ear and said softly: "Now that I am not the mediocre me, what else do you have to hesitate?"

Zhang Yaoxi replied, "I know that you are indeed not the mediocre Li Yu you used to be, but even so, I think we have to come step by step." "

You have to get along for at least a while before you can decide if you can give yourself to him.

"Step by step? I don't want to waste time, I want you right now. "

Get everything you have....

Li Yu spoke his thoughts firmly and bluntly.

How can I waste so much time in my current identity, and I must have the style of a villain if I am now a villain.

Everything is for profit, family, oneself.

Only by constantly being strong can he not be destroyed by those protagonists.

Li Yu looked at Zhang Yaoxi, who did not answer in front of him, and directly pulled it over, and began to start on it.

Zhang Yaoxi was shocked by Li Yu's sudden action, and hurriedly wanted to break away from Li Yu's embrace and stop Li Yu's movement.

But there was nothing she could do, and with Li Yu's movements, her struggle became smaller and smaller.

"You... No.. Don't be in this..... Someone

Zhang Yaoxi blushed and whispered.

"I don't want you to be seen either."

Li Yu picked up Zhang Yaoxi, whose clothes were torn, and walked towards the car.

When they got to the car, the two met frankly, and things began naturally.

The only fly in the ointment is that the space of the sports car is somewhat small, and many movements cannot be carried out.

Half an hour later, Li Yu looked at Zhang Yaoxi lying on his body and suddenly stopped moving.

Zhang Yaoxi, who had already gone up, raised her head and glanced at Li Yu, full of doubts.

Li Yu touched her head and said, "I'm a little tired, now I'm here for you." Zhang

Yaoxi heard Li Yu's words and knew what Li Yu was planning.

Isn't it just to see if you listen to him?

"Since you're tired, then I'll come next." Zhang Yaoxi said with a flushed face.

I have already given him my innocence, and I am embarrassed.

Looking at Zhang Yaoxi's actions, Li Yu held her waist and said with a smile: "It's hidden deeply, you know a lot." Hearing

Li Yu's joke, Zhang Yaoxi explained shyly: "This... It's all to see.... Movies to watch.... It's not that I want to see it, it's my good sister who took me to see it.

"I... I just took a look, really.

Li Yu didn't say much, just cooperated with her.


"Ding" "

The host gets the female advocate Yaoxi, rewarding 60,000 points, and the host gets the protagonist's 4,500 luck."

More than twenty minutes later, Zhang Yaoxi gasped and lay on Li Yu's body with a collapse.

Li Yu was also very satisfied, and his heart and body were both satisfied.

"Is there a female white-collar suit in the system? Here's a set. Li Yu asked in his heart.

"200 points, successfully purchased a set of female white-collar suits."

"It's pretty cheap, I thought you would take the opportunity to blackmail me?" Li Yu said jokingly.

"Host, don't slander this system so much, as the host gains points, more and more luck, the price in the store will be reduced accordingly."

The system explains.

"I rely on, this is good, so that I don't have to worry about points, luck is enough." Li Yu is satisfied with this rule.

After all, I am too dependent on the store.

After sighing for a while, Li Yu took the clothes he bought in the system to Zhang Yaoxi, who had eased up.

"Which of these clothes is here?"

Zhang Yaoxi looked at the clothes handed over by Li Yu and asked in surprise.

"Don't want to wear it? Then naked. Li Yu did not answer her, but teased.

"You want me to show others naked?" Zhang Yaoxi took the clothes and said toughly.

"You want to be cleaned up by me, so you can give it a try?"


Zhang Yaoxi, who took the clothes, put them on, and after putting on the clothes, she was even more surprised, this dress fits very well, it is tailored to herself.

Look at his super short hip skirt and a pair of long legs covered with stockings.

Zhang Yaoxi looked at Li Yu on the side again, and thought to herself, does he like my legs?


Ten minutes later.

At the door of the Magic Capital Hotel, Ye Fan looked at Li Yu with anger on his face and asked, "Why did you come so late?" And didn't you say that when you get to the hotel, you can enter by just reporting your name? He

arrived at the door of the hotel half an hour ago, and he reported his name according to what Li Yu said, but he didn't expect that the doorman didn't believe his words, and drove him away as a beggar.

At this time, it was the peak period of the hotel, and he was very uncomfortable being looked at by people coming and going with strange eyes, which also caused him to be unable to do anything to those doormen.

He didn't want to be wanted again.

He also did not have Li Yu's phone, and in the end, he could only walk around the hotel door alone.

When Li Yu heard Ye Fan's words, he quickly said with an apologetic look of self-blame: "Senior brother, I'm sorry, you suddenly have something to deal with over there, I forgot to contact the hotel in a hurry."

"But it's about the same time, let's go in now."

Li Yu also noticed that Ye Fan's face was blue at this time, and asked with false concern: "Senior brother, why is your face blue?" Hearing

Li Yu say his face, Ye Fan said perfunctorily: "Nothing happened accidentally just now." Of

course, Ye Fan would not tell the truth, telling them that his face was driven by the doorman just now, and he accidentally fell when he went down the stone stairs without standing firmly.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly at that time, otherwise I would have rolled a Hot Wheel.

Ye Fan felt very strange, he used to walk on the mountain with his eyes closed and could not fall, and now he would actually fall on the next stone ladder.

"That's because I think too much, how can I be bullied by the skills of senior brother."

Li Yu did not delve into it.

What Ye Fan didn't know was that it was because his luck was absorbed by Li Yu, which would cause him to suddenly be unlucky.

All this is Li Yu's own speculation, what is really the situation, he does not know.

"Senior brother, let's not stand here and say, let's go first."

Li Yu waved his hand to let Ye Fan go first.

When Ye Fan saw Li Yu's actions, he was originally dissatisfied, and his anger disappeared by half.

This shows that Li Yu still respects his senior brother very much.

It's also very helpful for myself to knock him later.

And remind him not to always tear down his own platform, especially in front of beautiful women.

Well? How did Zhang Yaoxi become a hip skirt? And this long black silk leg!

Ye Fan, who was thinking, was suddenly attracted by Zhang Yaoxi's outfit on the side.

"Junior Brother just said that there are things to deal with, what kind of things can be handled to allow Zhang Yaoxi to change her clothes?"

"And with such an hour delay, are they ...

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