Although he now has a system that allows him to upgrade, it is still impossible to catch up with his sister.

But some ordinary S-class themselves can still be surpassed.

And as long as you give yourself time, you can continue to become stronger later, and when the time comes, you can reach the SS level, and even SSS can be.

You can even create a realm of beauty.

It's only a matter of time.

But now a choice was laid in front of her.

Now she is developing steadily, maintaining the status quo, and then working hard enough, she can also improve quickly.

She also roughly estimated that if she wanted to completely defeat Li Yu, she would need to at least upgrade to SS level.

It's still possible, but it takes too much time.

Now there is a second road, but that one is dangerous.

That road is basically putting one's life and death on the line.

She had just learned that this system could send her to a very advanced world.

In that world, there will be many monsters that will continue to attack her, and there will be many opportunities in that world.

The most important thing is that you can quickly improve your strength in such a high-intensity environment.

Now his sister is still in Li Yu's hands, and he has no extra time to choose for himself.

This time, even if he dies nine times, he will fight hard.

Anyway, his sister also ran to that place for her own and was caught by Li Yu.

And during this time with Li Yu, she clearly knew that Li Yu was dangerous, and he grew up very fast, and she couldn't give him too much time.

Otherwise, how could she risk choosing the second method?

Choose the first one, can't you develop slowly and steadily?

"System, I choose the second method."

But before you go, you still have something to deal with.

She used all her and her sister's savings to reward Li Yu, and the lowest people this time were all S-class people.

Seeing the successful release, Shiyun said to herself: "Although this is useless, it can at least disgust Li Yu and make Li Yu unable to attack his sister." At

this moment, Shiyun and their shuttler's forum directly exploded.

"Who is this Li Yu! It's actually worth so much!!

"Such a low-level world can actually earn a billion shuttle coins. It's really a lot of money. "

The keyboard man is still on the Internet, and the real big guy has set off."

Seeing that everyone's feedback is very strong, Shiyun is very satisfied, this is the effect he needs.

Shiyun saw that the effect he wanted had been achieved, and also decided to go to his destination.


"The shuttle route is planned."

"Shuttling through the target world begins to select....

"Target world selection complete!"

"Start continuing to cross!"

The next moment, a white light flashed on her.

When Shiyun opened her eyes again, she had already arrived in a new world.

Shi Yun looked at the surrounding environment and wondered in her heart: "This world doesn't look bad!"

"Isn't this just a small square?"

"Is this being tricked by the system?"

Then she asked suspiciously: "Are you sure the system is not mistaken?" Is this world a destination?

"Ding, this system is indeed the destination, please be careful with the host."

"The next crossing passage has also been closed."

What's going on, it won't be a bug the first time you cross the system.

How else did it become like this?

The main thing is that there are still many people walking and playing in the square at this time, and there is no dangerous atmosphere at all.

If it weren't for the system saying that it was dangerous here, I thought I was letting myself play.

Shiyun looked at all this and finally cursed: "Will you cross the SB system, how can I improve my strength like this, and how can I save my sister?"

"You still have a system, why are you still playing people?"

I knew that I should have the first option now.

Stay in the original world and continue to cultivate, so that you can improve faster than here.

But now that it's all like this, and the passage through the crossing has been closed, that's all it can be for myself.

Then she began to patrol the surroundings, but there was no problem at all.

It seems that he can only be coordinated.

Then she started looking for a place to increase her ability value.

System prompts are quite important.

The calmer you are now, the more dangerous it tends to become.

If she really didn't have danger here, then it would be too late for her to regret it.


Li Yu wanted to look at the cute rabbit with satisfaction, and said: "Let's do this this time, if I still need it, I will come to you."

"Do you have to be on call?"

It's really comfortable to grasp her like this.

It's really refreshing.

At this time, the cute rabbit, the previous resolute attitude has disappeared, and the attitude towards Li Yu is no longer the same as before.

"I'm already so obedient, can you let me go?"

She was already very afraid of Li Yu at this time, and she was even more afraid that Li Yu would do something to herself again.

Today these things can only be blamed on the sisters themselves.

As for today's events, I still forgot.

If he can escape this time and return to his own world, he will never have any intersection with Li Yu in the future, and he will never come to this world again.

The world is also too dangerous.

Even if his sister is unwilling, he has to stop her, Li Yu is not something the two of them can deal with.

In this way, they really can't escape Li Yu's palm.

Li Yu looked at her and said with a smile: "Release you? Didn't I say that when I need you, I will come to you and let you go, what should I do?

The cute rabbit looked at Li Yu and said angrily: "You..... How can you do this, didn't you say it all earlier?

"You're right, we did say that what I needed to do could have been done."

After speaking, Li Yu pointed to the timid Wang Luoyi on the side, and Wang Luoyi looked at Li Yu timidly.

At this time, because of the memory in her mind, but because of Li Wenqiu's transformation, now Li Yu said that she could not refute anything.

She will not hesitate and satisfy her master, Li Yu, without reservation.

When the cute rabbit on the side looked at her, Wang Luoyi also looked at her deeply.

I thought to myself, "Who is this person?" How could she be by her master's side?

"Your sister Shiyun has gone back, I will do what I say, but you have to make other demands now, you are too greedy."

"You..... How do you....

"Call me what?!!?"

"Lord... Master!

"Good, let's get here today."

Then Li Yu disappeared directly in front of this cute rabbit.

Now the cute rabbit has no power, and she is incapacitated, and now she can be said to have no power to leave this world at all.

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