But then the third place is not so easy.

A large number of vines began to sweep towards her.

And their growth rate is also very fast, so it completely becomes a war of attrition, and if it goes on like this, they will be consumed to death.

The point is that the other party has been biting himself tightly, and if it goes on like this, he will be completely bitten to death.

And he can't run away now, it seems that he can only give it a go next.

Then Shiyun gathered all his strength together and then hit the front with all his strength.

Sensing danger, these plants also contract quickly and then defend with all their strength.

Then quickly headed forward, but just as she approached the end, the plants began to block, but at this moment her strength had been basically exhausted.

At this time, there is no strength to fight back.

At this time, she called her system and said, "System! System! Is there anything you can do to help me now?

"I'm sorry! This system is an auxiliary system and has no combat capability. Hearing

the system's answer, Shiyun felt that he was finished, he was really too reckless, and he shouldn't be like this.

Now this situation is really going to be cold, he has not gone to save his sister, he will finish first.

And these plants in front of me don't know what they are, it's really a dead grievance!

At this moment, the plants suddenly burst into flames.

Shiyun was very surprised to see all this, what is going on?

How did these plants spontaneously combust?

And the vines that wrapped her loosened.

She looked around, she wanted to see who was helping her.

At this time, a young girl looked at her and said, "You... You have nothing to do with it! Let's go, or the flame of Ai Xi will burn us in a while.

Shiyun looked at the strange girl in front of her and said, "You: Who are you?

At this time, her system may not be able to stand it, prompting: "The host, my side suggests that you run quickly, escape here first and then think about farewell."

Shiyun was quickly reacted by the system's prompt, and then quickly grabbed the other party's hand.

At this time, she saw that there was another girl not far away who was burning these unknown plants with all her strength.

When the girl saw the two who had fled away, she directly opened fire and quickly burned the plant.

The girl holding Shiyun's hand looked at her and said, "Hello, my name is Qiao Li." At

the same time, he also introduced Lin Jiaxin, who had just arrived to Shiyun.


That's right, the water here is very deep, so deep that Li Yu can go and penetrate.

This also made Shiyun unable to grasp it.

Because of the cute rabbit, Li Yu is very interested in this pair of sister flowers.

Coupled with the fact that Shiyun has now become the protagonist, this makes Li Yu have to be more interested in them.

So Li Yu now decided to play with her well.

Li Yu's arrangements are all for better monitoring of Shiyun, after all, trust between people is established between extreme dangers.

And this trust is not doubted.


Lin Jiaxin looked at Li Yu in front of him and said, "I don't know what happened to the master?"

Although she still has some resistance to Li Yu now, she is still trying to accept all this because of Li Yu's mediation.

Li Yu looked at her and said, "Your current power is about to reach the SS level?

"Yes, I was only one chance away from successfully breaking through."

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