Then Li Yu led everyone back to his magic capital.

The next thing Li Yu has to deal with is Shiyun and the manager of their world.

Li Yu would not wait for them to come and find him, Li Yu decided to go directly to them.

But when Li Yu came to this world, he found that this world was not what he imagined.

The world they travel through is not very strong, and the world they go to is only some cities, doomsday and other worlds, and the level has not reached the level of immortal cultivation.

At this time, Li Yu suddenly remembered the mysterious place they were talking about.

The ability of that world should be very strong, after all, the people in that place in their mouths are characters beyond the SSS level.

And Li Yu is now in the golden period, as long as he wants to, he can break through again, but Li Yu is not in a hurry now, after all, his current strength is enough to face these difficulties in front of him.

Li Yu also decided to wait for himself to deal with the affairs here, and then go to that mysterious place.

In that place, the world that can be gone to should be very different, and it should have reached the level of immortal cultivation.

At this time, Li Yu was suspended in the air.

At this time, a loud roar suddenly came.

"People from another world, give up resistance!" "People from another world, give up resistance!" "People from another world, give up resistance!" A

large group of people appeared in front of Li Yu, looking at Li Yu and yelling.

Li Yu was interrupted by this sudden voice.

Very dissatisfied, casually waved, the group of people in front of him directly exploded.

And the only remaining people were also injured differently, and their eyes were full of despair when they looked at Li Yu.

Li Yu did not spare his hand on this, directly launched Wujin, the surrounding people, as well as the underground buildings, also began to spontaneously combust, Li Yu was like a walking sun at the moment.

With endless danger.

A moment later, the enemy was almost destroyed, and Li Yu came to the universe in one step.

Li Yu decided that this world's punishment would end here.

Then return to the World Tree.

Li Yu looked at Shiyun and the cute rabbit and said, "What do you two think now?" The two

of them looked at Li Yu and did not answer, they also saw Li Yu's actions just now, and Li Yu specially let them see it.

And seeing Li Yu's strength, their resistance was completely destroyed.

I didn't dare to think anything else.

Li Yu looked at the two who did not speak, and knew that they were shocked by themselves.

So he decided to take the two of them and start his own adventure.

Li Yu still had some understanding of the rules of the world at this time.

He clearly knew that the power of each world was different, but the stages of power were almost the same.

Next, if you go to the Immortal Cultivation World, maybe your current strength is still not enough to read.

But you can keep a low profile first.

The most important thing is that Li Yu found an unexpected surprise, his strength in the original world will be improved to varying degrees in the new world.

And because his foundation is very strong, even if he is as strong as he is in the face of the same strength.

The protagonists of those worlds must have just begun to develop, or have just developed, and they will use them to develop at that time.

Now I only need to look for the protagonist in a low-key manner as before, with a strong foundation and a long and stable development, and I may slowly develop.

And he went to the mysterious place later, where there are many worlds connected, and there are naturally many protagonists.

They naturally have more opportunities, and they can get more treasures from them.

Then Li Yu went to the mysterious place.

Li Yu followed the guidance of the system and came to a dark, mysterious space.

At this time, his eyes were like an eye, staring at Li Yu deadly, and he also exuded this chilling aura.

But this did not have the slightest effect on Li Yu.

Li Yu broke directly into it.

Through a dark area, a bright light struck, and what entered Li Yu's eyes was a city.

But the city is full of high technology.

Li Yu looked at all this and sighed and said: "Is this the mysterious place? "

These are not the point, the point is that you will go directly to other worlds next, and you will take the initiative to be a villain and plunder those protagonists."

After all,

bullying the protagonist and robbing the heroine is really cool!

Li Yu's face showed an excited smile.

Then Li Yu began to explore how to travel to other worlds.

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