At this time, Langyun faced the praise of many disciples, and just now in the third master, he was disappointed and snubbed, and he also dissipated, and he wanted to look up at everyone, and then said lightly: "It's not impossible to guide you, but before I guide you, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Do you understand what it really means to

be strong?" "Or why do you want to be strong?"


It's a bit off, not accurate.

"Win glory for the sect!"


Protect the people you want to protect."

"Not right"



Many opinions were voiced by the crowd, and one by one was denied.

At this time, Lang Yun looked at everyone, raised his head to look at the sky, revealed a serious look, and then looked at everyone with a serious face and said: "The ultimate meaning of becoming a strong person is to..."

"The Holy Son won't be pretending to be b!" At

this time, a voice suddenly came from the side, interrupting what Lang Yun was about to say.

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples were stunned, and then they looked curiously in the direction of the voice.

They were curious about what this pretend B meant, and looked at the appearance of the Son, as if it meant the same thing.

They wanted to see who could guess why the Son became strong.

I saw a man with a strong figure and a demon appearance standing on the edge of the square, and this scene directly made everyone's junior sister commit idiocy.

Lang Yun looked at Li Yu not far away, and was shocked in his heart.

He was surprised because Li Yu actually knew what it meant to pretend to be B, which also showed that this Li Yu was also a traverser like himself.

At this time, the sense of crisis in Langyun's heart suddenly hit his whole body, and he was full of fear for Li Yu.

After easing up a bit, Lang Yun still pretended to be calm, and tentatively asked: "The real meaning of Elder Li becoming a strong man is also to pretend to be b?" Li

Yu looked at Lang Yun and said with a smile: "Me? Hearing

Li Yu's words, Lang Yun was more certain in his heart that Li Yu was a traverser.

Words like "wool" can only be used by people of their world.

The world doesn't know what pretending to be B means, how can it know what Xue Mao means

, and the surrounding junior sisters, looking at Li Yu with a face, curiously asked this Lang Yun: "Holy Son, who is he?


Lang Yun's words, everyone hurriedly said, "Elder Li is good!" Lang Yun

wanted to talk with Li Yu at this time, wanting to know everything Li Yu knew and knowing Li Yu's intentions.

And Li Yu seemed to understand, looked at Langyun and said: "If you have something, just continue, I'll come and find the peak lord." With

that, he walked towards the main hall.

Lang Yun looked at the departing Li Yu and wanted to follow, but these junior sisters of his would not give him a chance.

These junior sisters looked at the departing Li Yu, and quickly surrounded Lang Yun and said: "Holy Son, we have just recently learned a thunder sword technique, we have never reached the level of the thunder sword attaching sword, I don't know if you can show us it to us Holy Son." Saying

that, all the junior sisters stared at Lang Yun longingly.

Langyun looked at the departing Li Yu, thought for a moment and said: "Yes!" Just

now, Li Yu's appearance obviously didn't want to tell himself, and he still had his own affairs, and it was easy to cause Li Yu's disgust if he went rashly.

It's better to have a good relationship with these junior sisters now.

It just so happens that I can also try my own system skills.

"You have to show me your sword technique. "

Holy Son, haven't you learned this technique?"

Fei Fei took out the sword technique and handed it to Li Yu, and when Lang Yunduo finished the sword technique, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Sword technique detected, lightning sword technique, does the host start to deduce for learning?"

"How long does it take for the system to fully learn

?" "Ding, it will take two hours!" "

Can you hurry?"

"Ding, easy version, ten minutes, but there will be some imperfections when casting."

"Can it be higher than these people?"

"Of course

!" "Okay, turn on the easy version!"

Ten minutes later!

"Data began to be transferred....

Lang Yun originally thought that this transmission would be as comfortable as the last time, but this time it was extremely painful.

"Ah!! Yes... It hurts....

Lang Yun let out a painful wail, and the surrounding junior sisters were very worried when they heard Lang Yun's words, but they didn't know what to do?

"Non-Senior Sister, why is the Holy Son so painful, should we call the peak lord.

"Yes, the appearance of the Holy Son can't be crazy, right?" Fei

looked at Lang Yun like this, and was about to order someone to call the peak lord, when Lang Yun woke up.

"I have nothing to do, now I'm going to teach you how to use the Thunder Sword Technique. Lang

Yun said and took out his sword, and a cold light flashed out of the sword, and the sky quickly changed, and there was a thunderous sound.

A thunderbolt fell directly on Langyun's sword, wrapping this Langyun's sword.

Lang Yun rose into the air, and then slashed towards the small mountain in front of him with a sword.

"Boom!!" After

a loud bang, the small mountain collapsed directly.

Everyone around them took a breath of cold air when they saw this scene.

When the smoke cleared, the top of that small mountain was gone, it seemed that this was the power of the lightning sword technique, it was really terrifying.

At this time, everyone looked at Lang Yun and thought in their hearts: "It is worthy of being a holy son, just a simple glance, immersion for ten minutes and learned, this proficiency is more powerful than their practice for two and a half months."

And Langyun faced this junior sister's eyes, and his heart was also very crooked, but his face did not show it, after all, he still had to pretend.

Then Lang Yun looked at everyone and said: "Although everyone has not yet achieved the effect I just did, don't be discouraged, I believe that with everyone's efforts, it will definitely be possible."

"Even when the time comes, it is not impossible to cut through this heaven and earth with a sword. When

everyone heard Lang Yun's words, they all began to fantasize in their minds that they would cut through this heaven and earth at will, that kind of domineering, that kind of expert demeanor, who would not aspire to?

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