Li Yu on the side did not touch it with his hand, but closed his eyes and summoned the system.

He could have used his powers to learn, but he was afraid that his powers would directly devour all the Infinity Sword Intent of this stone tablet, and it would not be good for them to trouble themselves at that time.

"System, is there any way for me to obtain Wuji Sword


"Ding" "

It takes 250,000 qi luck to directly obtain Wuji Sword Intent."

"Is it so cheap, this Wuji Sword Intent can't do it!" "

Ding, 250,000 Qi Luck is the lowest level, the same as the comprehension in this stone tablet."

"That's not okay, my sword intent is for B, how can I use low-level, how much qi luck does intermediate and advanced need?"

"The intermediate level is fine, and the advanced level is still counted. "

The deduction was successful.

At this time, Li Yu's body had a strong sword intent.

This surprised Leng Ruobing, who had been paying attention to the two, and she could clearly feel that the sword intent exuding from Li Yu's body was very powerful and fierce, and this sword intent was stronger than what she comprehended.

The next moment, I saw that the stone tablet in front of Li Yu actually began to shake, and the killing intent on Li Yu's body also began to scatter, forming a killing intent enchantment.

But soon the killing intent was suppressed, and the scattered killing intent also began to contract, and finally dissipated directly, and everything around it returned to calm.

Li Yu also slowly opened his eyes at this time.

The moment they opened their eyes, the two looked at each other.

Leng Ruobing's heart trembled directly, his brain was blank, and his body was as if he had been struck by lightning.

At this time, she remembered a sentence left by her ancestors before.

Those who can comprehend the Wuji sword intent in ten years can be called geniuses, those who can comprehend it in five years are called the proud son of heaven, and those who can comprehend it in three years are called the people of the great emperor.

And the one who comprehends in one year is the son of destiny, and he will be the next human emperor.

Li Yu in front of him actually managed to comprehend it in just three minutes, could it be that Li Yu in front of him was the new emperor?

Li Yu's eyes looked at the sky sharply, and then roared: "Sword come!" The

sound of swords and swords sounded in the air !! buzzing, and the swords in the hands of many disciples in the

square also trembled and shook unconsciously.

The next moment, all the disciples' swords directly broke free from their hands and began to fly in one direction,

directly coming to Li Yu's body.

Ten thousand swords were in the air, and the sharp sword qi cut through the flowers and leaves around the mountain peak, scattering all over the place.

Each sword stood in front of Li Yu, as if Li Yu was king, and he bowed down to this!

With a swipe of Li Yu's finger, an infinite colored sword formed, and then he stretched out a finger, and ten thousand swords struck in unison, towards a mountain peak!


The deafening explosion sounded endlessly, the peaks collapsed, stones splashed everywhere, and the dust flew in the sky.

The disciples of Jianfeng were directly fooled when they saw this scene, and these disciples looked at Venus, and at this moment they were stunned by this scene.

Many disciples couldn't speak for a long time!

"Whose means is this, it won't be the Sword Immortal descending

!" "Yes, it won't be the Leng

Feng Lord!" "

I feel that it should be, as long as the Leng Feng Lord has this ability!"

"I feel that it may also be the Holy Son, you see just now the Holy Son only took ten minutes to learn the thunder sword technique, which is stronger than Elder He spent several years.

"So it is really possible that it is the Son!"

At this time, Leng Ruobing on the side was already speechless in surprise, to be precise, he no longer knew what words to use.

At this time, Li Yu opened his mouth and said: "Lord Leng Feng, do you think my talent is okay!" Leng

Ruobing also reacted from this sentence, staring at Li Yu with dead eyes and said: "No... Yes, your talent is good!"

Then Leng Ruobingyou continued: "Li... Li Yu, are you really the main cultivation body?"

"Yes!" "

Didn't I tell you just now, I have all gone to cultivate, I don't have any masters, these are all groped out by myself, I am looking for you this time to let you help me see if there is anything wrong with my cultivation path, let you guide me."

"You're all like this now, how can I guide you, I really didn't expect your talent to be so strong, it's really blind."

"Lord Leng Feng, you said this, I am a junior, you have been practicing for so long, you must have more experience than me, I have to seek more humble advice from you."

Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing and said modestly.

Li Yu also noticed Lang Yun who was meditating at this time, he opened the Void Breaking Eye and saw the little golden man in Lang Yun's body, he knew that the little golden man was part of the Lang Yun external hanging, and Li Yu decided to get it well.

Li Yu took advantage of Leng Ruobing's lack of attention, and a piece of spiritual energy slipped into Lang Yun's body.

That aura slid into Lang Yun's body, and then began to spread, slowly wrapping the little golden man who invaded his body.

Just when all the aura invaded that little golden man, Lang Yun's face showed a painful expression.

A minute later

, the little golden man in his body became a little darker,

and Lang Yun's own face turned black.

"Ahhh Ahhhh

Lang Yun let out a painful wail, this sound attracted Leng Ruobing's attention, Leng Ruobing hurriedly walked over, looking at the black Lang Yun, she quickly began to inject her own spiritual energy to help Lang Yun stabilize.

But her aura into the body was useless, and Lang Yun's face was as ugly as ever.

Then she began to wrap Lang Yun with her aura, wanting to feel the reason for Lang Yun, but just when her aura groped the position of Lang Yun's knot, a special aura directly followed her aura and struck her body.

She wanted to leave and get out, but that aura was very special and constantly infected her aura, which made her unable to get out for a while, and she could not forcibly cut it off, which would hurt Langyun.

At this moment, Li Yu on the side cut off their aura with a hot aura, and that special aura was able to stop, and then left and retracted.

Leng Ruobing looked at Li Yu on the side with gratitude on her face.

Fortunately, Li Yu was on the side this time, if it weren't for Li Yu's sudden move, he really didn't know what to do.

Li Yu looked at Leng Ruobing at this time and said, "What is the matter with the Holy Son, is it being eaten

back?" "

But I haven't heard that the perception can still be eaten back?"

"I don't know, the aura in his body is very special, like something like a monster."

"Li Yu, I think the only one who can help Lang'er this time is you, you see just now, when you helped me get out of trouble, your hot aura made that special aura very scared, I think you can use your aura to dispel it."

"I don't dare to guarantee it, so I'll give it a try."

"Okay, I'll help you protect the formation.

Then Li Yu began to use his aura to probe into Langyun's body.

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