And Li Yu

did not use it directly, he didn't want outsiders to know his hole cards, and then Li Yu summoned the system.

"How can the system make it invisible to people on the outside of us inside?"

"Ding, 100,000 qi luck cut off projection."


"Deduction successful."

Lin Shiyi looked at the third layer of Lang Yun and said: "This Jindan late stage is already the limit of Lang'er, I don't know if he can break through his limit and pass this layer." At

this time, Langyun Xiuwei had already come to the late stage of Jindan, and looking at these demon beasts whose cultivation was similar to his own, Langyun was still a little panicked in his heart.

But thinking of the predatory killing of the first two layers before, his heart became confident again.

And it won't take long for my current experience to break through to the Yuan Baby.

Just when everyone thought that these two layers were the limit of the two of them.

Suddenly, the picture in front of them disappeared, which made everyone very puzzled, and the many dissatisfied disciples in the square were full of dissatisfaction.

Lin Shiyi was also puzzled when she looked at the disappearing picture, and hurriedly cast a spell to re-make the picture, but to no avail.

Although you can't see the picture now, the lights of the tower can still clearly distinguish which floor the two are on.

More than ten minutes later!

The lights on the third floor went out, and the lights on the fourth floor came on.

The lights on the fifth floor go off and the lights on the sixth floor.

Hua Linglong looked at it and said, "It's here!"

Her steps unconsciously moved forward two steps, just to treat Li Yu at the first time.

But they waited for a moment and still did not see Li Yu and Langyun, and at this moment, the lights on the tower changed again.

The sixth layer is out, and the seventh layer is lit.

But the lights on the fourth floor have not changed.

Hua Linglong looked at this scene and was very anxious.

You must know that the sixth layer is a demon beast cultivated in the late Yuan Infant period, and how to fight Li Yucai's cultivation in the middle Yuan Infant period?

At this time, the lights on the fourth layer went out, but the lights on the fifth floor did not turn on, and everyone knew that Langyun's challenge today was over.

A strong light flashed, and Lang Yun stood weakly in front of the tower.

Lin Shiyi and everyone hurriedly ran over, and Lin Xi took out a pill and fed it to Langyun.

Lang Yun's face recovered a little.

"Master, I'm okay!"

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to actually pass the fourth level, this time it really exceeded the expectations of the teachers."

"You should take a good rest during this time."

Then everyone helped Lang Yun to sit aside to rest.

At this time, Lang Yun also noticed that the light of the tower was on.

Lang Yun looked at the tower and said, "Master, Elder Li Yu hasn't come out yet?

"No, he is still challenging the sixth layer, he may not be able to pass this layer, he should take the opportunity to break through himself first."

Lang Yun looked at the sixth layer and felt very sad, it seemed that he and Li Yu still had this huge gap in the end.

Although he was also very rewarded this time, only in the middle of the original Jindan, to the current half-step Yuan infancy stage, so he should be very satisfied, but now seeing the sixth-layer Li Yu, he still feels very uncomfortable.

His own cultivation can't compare with him, his talent can't compare to him, his alchemy can't compare to him, he can't compare to him in anything, what did he let himself cross? Is it just a stepping stone for him?

On the side, Du Lin Shiyi also noticed Lang Yun's mood change, and she was happy in her heart, she only hoped that Lang Yun could be a little more sensible this time and not be idle.


The lights on the sixth floor went out, and the lights on the seventh floor came on.

"What's going on?"

"How is this possible? How could Li Yu rush through the sixth layer?

Lin Shiyi and the others were shocked.

You must know that the cultivation of the sixth layer demon beast is higher than Li Yu! And it's not a case of going it alone, how can this break through the past?

It's not normal at all!

You must know that the demon beasts under the same cultivation are stronger than their immortal cultivators, and now this Li Yu can fight more, and after that, can this be a normal person?

The surrounding elders looked at the tower and discussed.

"This layer should be his limit, this layer he should not be able to pass."

"I think this layer is out of the blue."


The lights on the seventh floor went out, and the lights on the eighth floor came on!!

But the next moment the lights on the eighth floor also went out, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Li Yu appeared in front of the Demon Sealing Tower.

Hua Linglong was the first to greet him.

She handed the pill that had been prepared for a long time to Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at the pill and shook his head and said: "I'm not injured, I won't do anything beyond my ability, even if I want to do it, I will protect myself."

Everyone cheered when Li Yu appeared.

"Elder Li is really powerful, the first time I saw the challenge of the middle stage of the Yuan Infant to the stage of coming out, this is the first time in the history of the sect!"

"Now Elder Li's strength is about the same as that of those cabinet elders."

"This is so strong, it's just a pity that the picture can't be seen with your own eyes, it's a big pity!"

The disciples looked at Li Yu's eyes full of adoration.

And Lang Yun on the side looked at Li Yu with adoring eyes of these junior sisters, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

Are you bad? He is also a cultivator in the middle of Jindan, and he has challenged two levels.

Why doesn't anyone see themselves working hard?

Li Yu looked at these worshiping himself to Junior Sister and said: "This is nothing, you have to believe that you can too, as long as you work hard, this day will come soon."

"I am your elder, you can come to me if you don't understand anything in the future, and I will do my best to help you."

Then Li Yu looked at Lin Shiyi and said, "Lord Lin Feng, can I leave?" I have also completed the task you gave me.

"No hurry!"

Seeing this, Hua Linglong hurriedly said first: "Li Yu, I will discuss something with you, you will give me a trip now." Saying

that, he pulled this Li Yu and walked out.

At this time, Lin Xi and Leng Ruobing on the side looked at Li Yu, who was leaving, and quickly stopped him: "Fourth sister, you are going to hide treasure!"

"How can Li Yu's such a good talent for alchemy be buried by you? He must come to my Dan Peak to learn alchemy with me.

Lin Xi pulled Li Yu's wrist and said.

"Why, Li Yu is a person from my peak, why should I give it to you, you first find someone with extraordinary talent, go down the mountain to find it yourself, don't come to hit his attention." Hua Linglong said angrily.

"Fourth sister, this is what is wrong with you, we are good sisters, can't you share? You will only harm Li Yu like this, do you want Li Yu to be mediocre for a lifetime?

"You should let Li Yu come to my Sword Peak, follow me to learn swordsmanship, and polish sword intent."

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