"Holy Son, what are you doing here?"

Just as Lang Yun was immersed in non-softness, Elder He's voice came from behind.

Lang Yun quickly and slowly let go of Fei Fei's hand, and said with a smile: "I'm teaching Fei Fei Junior Sister Sword Technique. Elder

He looked at Lang Yun's actions with great disdain, he felt good about Lang Yun before, but now Li Yu felt very unreliable and a little annoying.

"I wonder what happened to Elder He looking for me?"

"Lord Lin Feng asked you to go over, she has something to explain to you."

"Can I choose not to go?" Lang Yun looked at Elder He and said.

"Can you give it a try?"

Hearing Elder He's words, Lang Yun knew that it was impossible.

Lang Yun left here as soon as he slipped through the smoke.

He doesn't really want to go now.

"The master doesn't know what happened to summoning the disciples here?"

Lang Yun said and walked into the council hall.

Finding Elder Wang and the others, they showed a suspicious look.

In his memory, it seemed that there was no impression of these people, which showed that these people were most likely not people from the Biyun Sect.

"This is Elder Wang of the Divine Cloud Sect."

"This one is our Biyun Sect's Holy Son Langyun!"

Lin Shiyi introduced each other.

"Lang Yun called you here because you are also of marriage age, and the Holy Daughter of the Shenyun Sect has made a doll kiss with you since she was a child, and she came to meet you.

"What? Doll pro? I don't want it, I don't want it. Lang

Yun quickly shook his head and refused to kill him.

His current target is his seven masters, plus there is still a tiger-eyed Li Yu, it is even more unlikely that he will agree to be with this holy girl.

Then Lang Yun looked at his master and said extremely seriously: "Master, you also know that I am so old, but I have been practicing retreat all these years, but I have not personally experienced the sweetness of love, you want me to marry someone else now, I think it's better to forget it." In

fact, Langyun also had another consideration, that is, he was afraid that the holy girl of the sect was an ugly woman.

He was a person who valued his appearance extremely before he crossed over, which also led to him never being in love.

Or death conditions, people he can look at, can't look at him.

If one of the masters married him this time, he would not hesitate.

"This is what we set for you, and it is useless for you to refuse."

"I don't, I said no is no, I will agree to it when I die."

Now at this time, how to get married, isn't getting married to give Li Yu a chance.

Even if the other party is a beautiful girl, he can't agree.

As long as it is other things, Langyun may compromise, but such a thing, no matter what, he can't compromise.

Elder Wang of the Divine Cloud Sect said displeased, "Why can't my family's holy daughter enter your eyes like this, so that you can push back so much?"

And those disciples behind Elder Wang were also full of unkindness in their eyes when they looked at Lang Yun.

Seeing this, Lin Shiyi hurriedly said: "Elder Wang, what are your words, the holy daughter of your sect is the proud son of heaven, who enters does not know who enters and who does not know, how much of a man's blessing it is to be able to marry her." "

Langyun's attitude remains unchanged.

He wants to say, he just can't look at your holy daughter, how to drop!

Although he has not seen what the other party looks like, if you are not good-looking, you will lose money.

Now for other reasons, he doesn't want to gamble.

After all, his target is seven masters!

Immediately, he looked at Elder Wang in front of him, as if thinking of something

, and quickly walked to Lin Shiyi's side and whispered: "Master, I really don't like their holy girl, or else, you can introduce Elder Li Yu Li to them."

"Elder Li is about the same age as me, and he doesn't have a Daoist friend yet, it's really appropriate for you to recommend him."

Lin Shiyi heard Langyun's words and felt that Langyun was right.

But she looked at Hua Linglong on the side and was a little hesitant.

At this time, Elder Wang on the side looked at their master and apprentice and snorted coldly: "Hmph!

Then a man behind Elder Wang walked out, looked at Lang Yun and Lin Shiyi, and said, "Wang Xu, a disciple of the inner sect of the Lower Shenyun Sect, has long heard that the Holy Son of the Biyun Sect is talented, and today I would like to come and receive it.

Langyun looked at Wang Xu without a trace of hesitation and directly refused.

"I don't want to compete with you."

He didn't want to compete with anyone, and although he was confident in his memory, he didn't want to compete either.

What if they win?

Seeing this, Lin Shiyi also said: "I don't see that need to compare with me, how can the strength of my family Langyun be compared with the masters of your Shenyun Sect?" "

Lin Shiyi doesn't really dare to let Langyun fight, but she has to be modest, otherwise Langyun doesn't control it, and accidentally seriously injured the other side, that's not good."

At that time, there will be a feud.

At this time, that Wang Xu looked at Langyun and mocked with disdain: "Is this the Holy Son of the Biyun Sect?" I didn't expect that it would be an instigator, such a person is not qualified to marry the holy daughter of our Shenyun Sect. "

They see that they can't take the normal route, so they can only provoke Langyun to let him compete with themselves."

Lang Yun looked at Wang Xu's proud expression, and said very unpleasantly in his heart: "What do you mean by this?" You figure things out when you speak.

"Now you are begging me to marry your holy daughter, not me begging you to marry her to me, understand?"

"But since you've all said that, if I don't accept your fight, I'm really a little too much."

"However, let me say first, I don't have a serious start, don't rely on me if you get hurt at that time."

Lin Shiyi glanced at Langyun, since the latter agreed, she was not good to say anything.

As long as Li Yu agrees, then there is no problem!

And those disciples of the Shenyun Sect were also very happy when they looked at Lang Yun who agreed, and a smug smile appeared on their faces.

At this time, those people seemed to have seen the appearance of Lang Yun being ravaged by them.

Lang Yun looked at several people and was also very happy in his heart, just took you out of where I was angry with Li Yu.

Wang Xu looked at Langyun, and then put on a defiant expression and said: "Seeing that you have such courage, I don't bully you, I let you make three moves, after three moves, I'm making a move, otherwise I bully you." Lang

Yun listened to Wang Xu's words, and regretted it, regretting how he could slow him down one step.

This sample B's words were not said by themselves, which is really a big failure.

At this time, Lang Yun looked back at Lin Shiyi and said: "Master just said what I said, you think about it, I think I really don't fit." "

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