Lin Shiyi smiled and said nothing.

Heartedly, it is! This cultivation is just like that, I really don't know what is so arrogant?

"Kind of interesting."

Lang Yun sensed the latter's strength, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked calm.

"It's a good repair, but it's still not enough for me!"

Saying that, a force almost as strong as Lin Yan erupted from Lang Yun's body, and the sword in his hand directly broke away and appeared above the void.

"Sword falls!"

"Good to go!"

Lin Yan's aura turned into a powerful shield and resisted this blow.

"It's worthy that Senior Brother Lin blocked it!

"See what else he can do when he comes down. Senior Brother Lin taught him a hard lesson!'"

The disciples of the Shenyun Sect kept shouting.

Lang Yun looked at the blocked attack, and there was no surprise in his heart, after all, this was not his strongest blow.

With another wave of his hand, an even more terrifying sword intent advanced out.

BuzzAbove the void, hundreds of lightsabers instantly appeared, and each lightsaber contained powerful power.

Bang bang bang ...

Thousands of Excaliburs fell instantly.

Lin Yan's face was instantly ugly, and he felt a huge pressure.

Lin Yan shouted at the falling swords, "Heaven-shattering palm!!"

Lin Yan's huge palm fought towards the falling giant sword.

Lang Yun controlled the fall of the swords, and suddenly at this time, the little golden man in his dantian became dim, the aura in Lang Yun's body suddenly subsided, and the momentum of the falling swords was directly halved.

And Lin Yan also noticed this change, and directly attacked towards the waves and clouds.


An explosion sounded, and the wave clouds were directly shaken out, and Lin Yan was no better, his spiritual power was exhausted, and he was also vibrated by the qi wave for several meters, and Elder Wang caught Lin Yan who was retreating.

Lin Shiyi also caught Lang Yun, who flew out upside down, and then quickly fed Lang Yun a pill.

At this time, everyone was very confused, just now it was obviously Langyun suppressing the upper hand, but suddenly the momentum of Langyun suddenly weakened, otherwise the evil mouth that flew out now was Lin Yan.

"This.... What's going on here?

"Why did you lose both?"

Lin Shiyi looked at everyone and hurriedly said: "Elder Wang's engagement, let's talk about it another day, the Holy Son's Wuji sword intent was also just comprehended today, originally he was not familiar with it, and just now he broke through the four-layer Demon Sealing Tower, he was already very tired, and now such a battle may have some impact on him."

"You can stay in the Biyun Sect for a few days first, and then we will discuss these matters when the Holy Son recovers a little."

Elder Wang listened to Lin Shiyi's words, and his heart was shocked, it was actually the Wuji sword intent that he had only comprehended today, and he had also broken through the four-layer Demon Sealing Tower, which was the level of the Yuan Infancy Stage.

It seems that this is really a bit immoral.

"Well, this time it was our Shenyun Sect's mistake, then I'll stay in your sect for a few days."

Elder He, take Elder Wang and them to the residence.

After everyone left, Lang Yun also woke up at this time.

Lin Shiyi looked at the awakened Langyun and said excitedly: "Lang'er, what happened to you just now?" Why did your breath suddenly change?

"Master, I don't know, I just felt that the dantian aura was empty, and my aura disappeared, just like the last time I realized in front of the stone tablet, I also suddenly dissipated, but that time my consciousness couldn't control my body."

"This time it was just the aura that dissipated, but it recovered quickly."

Lin Shiyi listened to Lang Yun's words and fell into deep thought for a while.

And this is Leng Ruobing on the side said: "Could it be because of the special aura in your dantian, coupled with your excessive use today, you see that you have been killing those demon beasts in the demon sealing tower just now, and now there is such a strong use."

"But although Li Yu helped you clean up, he didn't know if he could help you clean up."

Lang Yun recalled everything that happened just now, and he clearly remembered that this time it was not that special aura that was acting strangely.

"It wasn't that Reiki just now, I feel that it should be caused by overuse."

In fact, Lang Yun has thought very clearly at this time, this may be the sequelae of the system and himself before, after all, the symptoms this time are completely different from the last time, and he did not feel other aura fluctuations, and now the only one that can explain easily is such an answer.

"No, let me see."

Saying that, Lin Shiyi began to release her aura and began to wrap the clouds, and then the aura slid through every place in her body, and finally felt this dantian, but she didn't feel anything strange.

Seeing this, Lang Yun hurriedly said: "Master, I don't have anything, I will practice more later, and it should be good to polish the Wuji Sword Intent."

"I'll go to Jianfeng to practice tomorrow."

When Master Fu Aura felt it just now, he was really a little afraid that the other party would detect his dantian's little golden man, and then it would be really troublesome, so he would be so panicked to push it off.

Lin Shiyi didn't say anything more when she saw this.

"You rest well, tell us if there is anything unusual."

Master, how did you think about that matter just now? I think it's really appropriate. Seeing this, Lang Yunduo said with a smile.

"Things are not like this, I can tell you, there is no room for negotiation in this matter, you must know that you are the Holy Son, and you are the future of our sect."

Lin Shiyi looked at Lang Yun and said with a serious face.

"But Master, I think.....;

"Don't say it, this matter is decided like this, don't mention it in front of others."

Several other people on the side looked at the confused conversation between the two, very confused.

"Big sister, what are you talking about? What is inappropriate? Lin Xi looked at Lin Shiyi and asked curiously.

"There is nothing wrong, it's all random talk by Lang'er."

"Third Master, let me tell you, it's that I don't want to be with that holy girl of the Shenyun Sect, I feel that it is all marriage anyway, as long as it is from our sect, I want Li Yu and Elder Li to be with their holy girl."

"You see that Elder Li is older than me, and he is also so good, I think their Divine Cloud Sect will definitely agree."

As soon as Li Yu's words came out, Hua Linglong on the side instantly became angry and angry.

And Lin Shiyi, who had been paying attention to her, quickly took her hand and signaled her not to be impulsive.

At this time, Leng Ruobing looked at Lang Yun and said: "Lang'er, this is not the time to look at skills, Li Yu is indeed very powerful, but can he have a sect that is powerful?"

"He is an elder, but he is a saint, do you think the other party can be willing?"

Hua Linglong also said at this time: "Li Yu, he is a wandering cultivator, when I invited him to our sect before, I promised him that I couldn't force him to do something he didn't want to.

"In general, he is only half a person from the Biyun Sect, you still don't think about those things."

Listening to the words of several masters, Lang Yun clearly understood that his plan seemed to be ruined.

In the end, I could only helplessly agree not to mention it at this time.


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