Lin Shiyi looked at the many disciples below and said, "I summoned you here today to select some of you to go out for training, and in this experience, this Elder Li will consider your safety and be your protector, responsible for protecting your safety." Lin

Shiyi's voice was not very loud, but the people in the entire venue could clearly hear it.

As soon as this matter came out, these disciples of the Biyun Sect became excited, although they were outer disciples, but Li Yu's incident was still clear and true

, at this time, they all looked at Li Yu's eyes full of excitement and worship.

"This experience was actually led by Elder Li, which is also great!"

"I thought it was the elder of the Sword Pavilion who led the team, it was actually Elder Li, and I hope to be able to contact Elder Li this time."

"Hehe, you want to fart and eat, as long as you still want to contact Elder Li, just don't scare Elder Li."

Lin Shiyi on the side looked at the disciples, looking excited and excited, very satisfied, at least this shows that Li Yu is still very convinced.

And Li Yu is not as idle as Langyun, and there should be no big problem in handing over this experience to Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at the enthusiasm of these disciples towards themselves, and his heart was also very happy, now they are developing according to their own plans, they are the people, and the influence of Lang Yun on them dissipated.

Then Li Yu said to the disciples: "Don't be excited, I can't bring all the people with me this time, I can only select some people to go, as for not being selected this time, the Holy Son will take everyone to experience later." "

Hearing Li Yu, everyone showed their best side, that is, they wanted to be successfully chosen by Li Yu.

Li Yu quickly completed the selection, ninety percent of the male disciples selected by Li Yu this time were female disciples, and the remaining ten percent of male disciples, and these male disciples were selected just in case.

And these female disciples are all existences with outstanding appearance and figure.

Although it is experience, Li Yu does not want to face a group of ugly women all day! If you face a group of ugly women every day, you don't have the desire to protect them!

And those disciples who were selected by Li Yu were very excited, and now Li Yu is a god-like existence in the hearts of all disciples, and at this time, they want to experience with Li Yu more than with Langyun.

Lin Shiyi looked at everyone and said: "Everyone go back and make good preparations, the place to experience this time is the ancient mountains and forests!"

"Leave early tomorrow morning!"

Afterwards, Li Yu also returned to his residence.

Li Yu had nothing to prepare for this operation, after all, for him this time, getting closer to Leng Ruobing was the most important goal.

At this time, Li Yu opened the system's prompt!

"Ding! The host affects the protagonist Lang Yun's crossing robbery, rewarding 500,000 qi luck and 666666 points

." "Ding! The host asked the protagonist Lang Yun to automatically refuse this experience, and the reward was 300,000 luck and 450,000 points."

"Ding! The host successfully allowed Leng Ruobing to comprehend the Wuji sword intent, and has increased his good impression of the host, rewarding 250,000 qi luck and 300,000 points."

"Ding! Host........

Li Yu has been turning off the system's prompts today, after all, he has to calculate the waves later, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by the sudden prompt.

Li Yu listened to a long list of prompts and felt that this time was not bad, especially for Leng Ruobinghua's 100,000 qi luck doubled back, not bad!

Day 2!

Everyone gathered in the outer gate square early, and then Li Yu led everyone to the Ancient Mountain Forest, they were not very far from the Ancient Mountain Forest, according to the walking speed of these disciples, they arrived in about a day.

Although there are many demon beasts in the ancient mountains and forests, Li Yu and their experience will not go too inside, but they only experience in the periphery, and the strength of the peripheral demon beasts is not very strong, so it is enough for these disciples to practice.

Then, after more than a day of hurrying, everyone finally came to the edge of the ancient mountains and forests.

"Roar, roar, roar..." When

Li Yu and the others had just arrived in the ancient mountain forest, the surrounding monster beasts cheered them!

Li Yu listened to the roar of these monster beasts, and could feel that these were several very garbage monster beasts.

Then there was a movement in the jungle, and several leopard-shaped demon beasts jumped out from the surroundings, staring at everyone fiercely.

Li Yu did not intervene at the first time, he just wanted to see

how these disciples would react, and the reaction of these disciples did not disappoint Li Yu, these disciples had been staying in the sect, where had they seen this, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Li Yu was speechless when he looked at this scene, obviously the cultivation of these disciples was higher than the few demon beasts in front of him, and they were so afraid, it was really useless.

But Li Yu did not force them to face it, such things should be done slowly, and then Li Yu said to everyone: "Don't be afraid, your cultivation is higher than these monster beasts, if you are even afraid of these monster beasts whose cultivation is lower than you, then after you face those monster beasts and enemies whose cultivation is higher than yourself, then you must not be directly scared to death?"

"I'll solve it first this time!"

After speaking, Li Yu directly slapped a palm at the several demon beasts in front of him.

The next moment, these demon beasts directly dissipated in this heaven and earth.



All the disciples looked at Li Yu with adoring expressions in their eyes.

Li Yu didn't feel anything about it.

Then Li Yu looked at everyone and said: "This is the first lesson I gave you today, I can't always be by your side, you have to work hard to make yourself strong, there is still a long way to go!" When

the disciples of the Biyun Sect heard Li Yu's, they hurriedly said, "What Elder Li said is that we must keep it in mind.

And Leng Ruobing, who had been following him in secret, listened to Li Yu's words, and was also very satisfied, such an experience was right, and he would not blindly protect them and tell them the truth.

After all, the essence of their training is to teach their disciples and hone their will, so that they can better walk on the road of cultivation.

Another is to let them know how to control their own power and learn to use it in the face of danger.

Otherwise, even if their cultivation is high, they are at a loss when facing danger, and they cannot exert their strength, which is for nothing.

Just like just now, those few garbage demon beasts, cultivation is obviously lower than them, but they scared their pale faces.

If it weren't for Li Yu's move, I'm afraid there would be damage!

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