"4000 points, does the host need to shield modification?"


At this time, Zhang Yaoxi, who had not reacted to Li Yu, asked suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just suddenly interested."

Li Yu lowered his head and kissed Zhang Yaoxi's neck.

Smelling the body fragrance of her body, feeling her ultimate rationality, like a robot but with the spirituality of a real person.

Li Yu felt that he was becoming more and more interested in Zhang Yaoxi.


"Uncle, I have something I want to discuss with you in detail."

"What's going on? Is there your broken company? I didn't tell you everything, your company has no potential to grow, you still don't waste energy and money.

"This time it's not a matter of the company, it's about the old man."

"Let's meet at the Sky Tower!"


Soon the two met.

Wu Mengxin's uncle He Tianyi sat down and said directly: "Old man Guan said something."

Wu Mengxin first took the waiters around and said: "It's not a big deal, I just want to tell your uncle that the poison you gave to the old man will be discovered soon." When

He Tianyi on the side heard Wu Mengxin's words, his originally proud face directly changed, and he looked around in a panic.

Then pretended to be calm and said: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I poison the old man?"

"Uncle, you haven't been poisoned, you know it yourself."

"But I want to remind you that Ye Fan's deducing and medical skills are very strong."

"Now Ye Fan is under the weight of the old man, if Ye Fan goes to the house one day and sees that the old man is poisoned, I am afraid that you will not be able to escape at that time."

"Don't worry, I won't expose you, after all, I don't want to marry Ye Fan, only if the old man dies, I can break this marriage contract."

Wu Mengxin said things clearly.

When He Tianyi heard what Wu Mengxin said later, he did not panic at first, but turned into fear.

He has been in the Wu family for thirty years.

Some things about the Wu family are also very clear, such as the Wu family was helped by a mysterious person in the past, and with the help of that mysterious person, the current Wu family is there.

Now that the apprentice of that mysterious man is here, then his apprentice will definitely not be an ordinary person.

Now that his own poisoning methods can be detected by Wu Mengxin, then when Ye Fan comes to the house, he will definitely be 100% discovered!

And he will also deduce, and when the time comes, as long as he deduces casually, he will know that he did it.

Wu Mengxin looked at He Tianyi, who was still hesitating, and directly took out the poison given by Li Yu and said, "I have a bottle of poison here!" "

This poison is special, it is colorless and odorless, it can be taken orally and inhaled, and the traces disappear after use."

"The drugged person will only need to shine into the sun, and the opportunity will be poisoned and spontaneously combusted."

"At that time, you have an absolute alibi, you gave this poison to the old man, he spontaneously combusted under the sun, directly burned to ashes, that is, guessed that it was you, and there was no way to take you without evidence."

"Uncle, how do you feel about such poison?"

"We are each taking what we need, you want the control of the family, I want freedom and funds, uncle it's up to you."

"Remind you, do this thing in a hurry, Ye Fan was wanted by the police just now, maybe he may go to the old man's place tomorrow."

"When the time comes....

When He Tianyi heard Wu Mengxin's words, he directly reached out to take the poison in front of him.

Her secrets have been discovered by her, and she now has no other way than to cooperate with her.

And his niece also provided himself with such a powerful poison, and he had no reason not to cooperate.

This cooperation himself is not a loss, the old man does not die early, in case Wu Mengxin and Ye Fan get married by then, the old man values Ye Fan so much, and Ye Fan's skills are also great, he will definitely not be able to compare, when the time comes, the old man will have a heart, and directly give the family property to Ye Fan, he will not have nothing.

And to cooperate with Wu Mengxin, he only needs to give her a little money at that time, and the rest is his own.

This transaction made a lot of money on its own!

This disagreement is a pen.

Looking at He Tianyi, who picked up the poison, the only trace of family affection left in Wu Mengxin's heart was also shattered.

The murderer of his own parents is really very likely.

The cause of her parents' death was too strange, both of her parents devoted all their energy to business, and her parents did a very prosperous business because of their kindness and kindness, and did not have a vendetta with others.

This also excludes commercial killings, and now it seems that it can only be murder over family property.

Wu Mengxin looked at He Tianyi, who took the poison over, and knew in her heart what to do next.

"Then I'll go first..." He

Tianyi took the poison, said a word, turned around and left.

Looking at the back of He Tianyi's departure, Wu Mengxin's eyes were full of hatred.

Taking out her mobile phone, Wu Mengxin dialed a number.

"It's time to act."

Hang up the phone, get up and go to the window, look at the magic capital at night, and say to yourself.

"You go first, the old man still let me finish it with my own hands!"

Then turn and leave.

Ten minutes later, a large runaway truck crashed into a Maybach, and five minutes later, Maybach directly flattened it.

He Tianyi in Maybachi died on the spot.

Wu Mengxin drove past the scene of the accident, with a hint of joy on her face, enjoyment.


Wu Family Compound.

"Grandpa Wu, this matter is really going to trouble you, I am now wanted by the police." Ye Fan said hurriedly.

Ye Fan ran out of the hotel and came directly to Old Master Wu.

When Old Master Wu heard Ye Fan's words, he was not very anxious, but said unhurriedly: "Ye Gongzi, don't be in a hurry, say slowly." "

For this kind of thing that is wanted by the police, Old Master Wu really didn't pay attention to it.

Even if Ye Fan killed someone, as long as there was no complete evidence, he would have a way to let Ye Fan escape the punishment of the law.

Money talks.

"It was just now that I was with Li at the Magic Capital Hotel..."

Ye Fan simply explained what happened.

Of course, there was no telling Mr. Wu here that he really did it himself, but only that it was slandered.

The main thing is that the thing is too shameful.

Old man Wu laughed directly when he heard Ye Fan's words.

Then said confidently: "Ye Gongzi, just such a small matter? You relax, I'll say hello to the police station later, and the matter will be settled.

"And the policewoman who wants you, I also helped you teach a lesson, let her have a snack."

"Ye Gongzi, is that the one I Mengxin went to find you just now?" Old man Wu asked.

"Mengxin, she has found me, but she seems to be very dissatisfied with my marriage to her."

"I originally wanted to show it in front of her, but unfortunately, the policewoman suddenly came, and I felt that Mengxin's impression of me was even worse now."

"I don't even know how to use to redeem my impression in Mengxin's heart now."

Ye Fan said with a helpless face.

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